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Ben Seeman

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Everything posted by Ben Seeman

  1. *kick I knew you were due for another one Blue...
  2. *kick... Dude, this is your second *kick in this thread! Good jayerb!
  3. Clash He had a floursecent costume. It was yellow, pink and blue. He could do a flash attack. That's it. Later he learned to focus the light from his flash attack into a force beam to actually damage people. And later thanthat he learned to focus the beam from his feet so he could fly. And he had a LaForge visor... cuz he was cool like dat.
  4. Again, why do people insist on calliing it a duckbill when it looks NOTHING like a duck bill... other than the fact that it's the bill of a bird???
  5. LOL! That's my favorite picture of Nighthawk!
  6. No... if he did they'd call him Butt Man.
  7. Duck bills are far more rounded and flat than Nighthawks... His is sharp and pointy... like a hawk...
  8. What kind of male genitalia have you been looking at Mono? Do you have a specfic picture in mind when you make that statement?
  9. See, I just don't get that. I think that's the best part of his costume. Why does no one find anything wrong with Batman's big ass ears sticking up?
  10. If you were to design a new costume for Nighthawk, what would it look like. Visual aid is a plus.
  11. This now posted here: http://www.herogames.com/FreeStuff/csheets.htm
  12. POWER PACK!!! POWER PACK!!! C'mon, y'all know you want to see it, too!
  13. Make sure Mario has a good hip and that the Pens actually have fans come to their games. Have a battle destroy Mellon Arena so they HAVE to get a new place to play.
  14. Of course you don't... not since you went to go work for some OTHER company.
  15. Steve... why are you even paying attention to anything I say? No else ever does.
  16. I was just trying to make Darren feel better because he's not feeling any love right now.
  17. Specifically, the stuff about UN Law as it relates to superheroes was indeed Darren's writing. So w00t to Darren!
  18. I really have no comment on the subject. I just wanted to say that I find your use of my initials rather offensive.
  19. Why do injuries always take longer to heal than you expect?
  20. Vicodin is your friend... well, at least my friend. w00t!
  21. I have one of those... at least in my head.
  22. You want it... you know you do! Our second Star Hero campaign book is now for sale in the Online Store. How cool is that?
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