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Ben Seeman

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Ben Seeman

  1. That's right! Another Hero Designer Character Pack! All of the templates, racial packages, magic items, spells and characters from Fantasy Hero are now available in Hero Designer format! GO GET IT!
  2. Re: What's the best method of introducing HERO System to newbies Well, I figured that went without saying. Any decent GM would already have purchased copies of Sidekick for each of his players.
  3. Re: What's the best method of introducing HERO System to newbies I would recommend starting with pregen characters/mechs and teaching them combat. From the concepts of combat you can delve into almost any other part of the Hero System rules.
  4. Oh yeah! Can you believe it?! Already?! No way, you say! But I say it's true! IT'S TRUE! All of the cool weapons and armor and gadgets and gizmoes and doo0hickey's found in Gadgets And Gear are now in a Hero Designer Character Pack that you can purchase from the Online Store. How cool is that? You tell me man, I only work here!
  5. You heard me! All the characters, equipment and package deals from UNTIL in Hero Designer format for $6.99! You can't beat that with a stick, and even if you could, why would you?!
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Quotes from last night's bizarre Silver Age Champions adventure where the Legion Mystery went up against Trophy Hunter and a group of hunting goons known as the Caliber Society... Secret Master ran it and it was nothing but hilarity... "I've blown and been blown by sailors..." - Secret Master (don't ask) "I'm a man of nothing but opinions, each on more ignorant than the last." - Secret Master "I just pulled it out of Gadgets And Gear... blame Steve Long." - Secret Master "But it's RIPPED drool." - Ben "Two are from England and one is from Argentina." - Secret Master "Which are both in Asia..." - Ben Thanks for a great game Secret Master!
  7. Re: DCV from a character's size Is this in FREd or is this a house rule?
  8. If it had just been JmOz's post then I woulda deleted it. But not now... there are too many post counts at stake.
  9. Come and get it! All the baddies and beasties from Monsters Minions And Marauders in Hero Designer format. Like the USPD pack, MMM is priced at $30 since it basically gives you all of the content from the book. So enjoy!
  10. Why not just buy it as Desolidification, affected by "non-conventional weapons"? The player and GM can decide in-game whether a specfic weapon falls into that category. If I was GM I'd even allow a -1/2 Limited Power Limitation to be applied since the power is definitely more limited in what it works against than a standard form of Desolid. Desolidification (affected by non-conventional weapons), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2); Always On (-1/2), Only vs. conventional weapon damage (-1/2). 40 points.
  11. If you're building the ship as a character, don't forget to add KB Resistance and DCV penalties for its large size. Don't just buy it as Growth as that can be affected by Adjustment Powers. Just pick the size you would select if you were building it as a a vehicle and then buy those effects seperately.
  12. If I'm not mistaken, he's also one of Steve's PCs...
  13. Just buy it as DEF with an Only Within Affected Area Limitation. The Star Hero books use this Limitation for life support chambers and at 2.5"x1.25" it is worth -2.
  14. If we use the mean diameter of the earth in making our calculation, the total volume of the earth is 259,923,241,563 cubic miles. I'll leave you all to do the conversion to hexes.
  15. This is a tres cool beastie.
  16. If your can of nacho cheese dip has fuzzies on its peppers, don't eat it... especially just before bed.
  17. I was reminded that I still had some stuff waiting to be added to the Online Spacer's Toolkit. (thanks Bob) So today I added a new ship... enjoy!!! More to come soon... this week even! http://www.herogames.com/StarHero/SpacersToolkit/terranstarships.htm
  18. Ben Seeman


    *snaps fingers... So much for your little dimension... HAHAHAHAHAHA
  19. It's actually for sale in our Online Store! https://secure.compnetco.com/herogames/browse.jsp?categoryID=3
  20. I know I would enjoy it. I'm currently working (very very beginning stages) on a Star Hero adventure that is nothing but Combat Time action from beginning to end... a blood bath, shoot-em-up, "Aliens" type of thing. So seeing what you come up with would be interesting since 40k is moslty all combat oriented.
  21. For anyone who posted a site here that isn't listed on this site, or knows someone who owns a site that is not listed and think it sohuld be one this site, please haev that information forwarded to me. There's some good stuff there and I want to have it listed... but only if the owners want it listed.
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