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Ben Seeman

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Everything posted by Ben Seeman

  1. Re: Arena Challenge Um, his character that he's pitting against the Champions.
  2. Re: Sonic Boom: Speedster SFX But lightning makes a boom when the air around it is heated from the bolts energy causing explosive expansion. So a speedster could make a boom if he created enough friction with the air (or just SFX energy) to cause the air around him to expand and contract.
  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER What?! No pictures from the climax of Requiem for a Dream?
  4. Re: Ncm:15 And this is a GOOD thing? LOL
  5. Re: Megaman's Mega Buster Well yeah, that's true... but if *I* were given a MegaMan Hero license, I would first publish each game as a module: Your character is a pre-gen basic MegaMan, and as you beat the different scenarios (levels), you'd get the specific weapon from the specific boss (basically, you'd earn enough experience points to add a new slot to your Multipower). Once you defeated Wily at the end of the module then you could either continue to play that MegaMan in the MegaMan Universe (another supplement) or you could remove all of your new weapons and move on to the next adventure (ie, MegaMan 2, etc...) and run through that. If done properly, the character that you end up with at the end of each adventure will be roughly the same number of points so that any character entering the MegaMan universe from any module would be at the same point level. And this isn't even dealing with the MegaMan X series, which has some pretty cool plots of its own that would be cool-ass for a roleplaying game. I mean, battles against the Mavericks would just be way too much fun.
  6. Re: Spacer's Toolkit Online updated 06/11/04
  7. Re: Haiku Hero The weekend is here Multiple plans before me Sleep the days away
  8. Re: 5E & Online store 5th Edition is the most recent version of the HERO System rules... It is NOT New Millennium which is now a dead product line. The CD you saw was for Hero Designer, the character/vehicle/base/etc creation software for HERO System 5th Edition. They are NOT the same item and neither comes with the other. Shipping is done via UPS Ground (US) or USPS Mail (International). Rates are displayed at the time of purchase. I am not familiar with that policy as it is not something that we actually do.
  9. Believe it or don't, the Online Toolkit has been updated again! http://www.herogames.com/StarHero/SpacersToolkit/thetoolkit.htm 1 TERRAN STARSHIP - OLS McCULLOUGH ORBITAL SHUTTLE 1 MON'DABI STARSHIP - TEL’ZHURA BATTLE CUTTER 1 STARBASE - PSS STAR PORTAL WAY STATION Thanks to Bob Greenwade for these cool writeups. I've finally completed the backlog of entries, so if you have more, pelase send them in!
  10. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... 2001: A Space Odyssey I would rate it an 8 out of 10. If you're looking for long, drawn out yet highly detailed descriptions of mundane and fantastic events, then this book is for you. Clarke is infamous for his ability to imagine something visually complex and describe it such depth that you see EXACTLY what he wants you to see. Likewise, he'll describe a rover driving over the lunar landscape in as much detail, so much to the point you're asking him "Are we there yet?". The novel is a perfect companion for the movie because it not only explains in more detail exactly WTF is going on at the end, but the endings are different from each other. IMO, the ending of the book is so much better simply becasue Clarke can implant images into your mind that Kubrick could not generate on the screen. Good stuff. Even though the book looks short, it's a long read because of Clarke's lengty prose.
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I got yer awful incessance right here bucko!
  12. Re: Powered Armor: OIF versus OIHID X, thats' the perfect example. I agree that OIF is more appropriate than OIHID for PA charactersm especially since the armor can be taken away. OIHID doesn't allow for armor to be removed/taken mostly because it's the Hero ID that is providing the power, not the suit (Focus) itself. Unless some rules are tweaked, opponents generally can't take away a character's Hero ID in order to steal the suit.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER So would I... and so would my wife.
  14. Re: Alien Wars? Yes, and buy some for your friends, too.
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I saw a realyl cool board game at KublaCon this weekend. Smugglers of the Galaxy. Check it out at http://www.playusmaximus.com.
  16. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Alas, no. The pictures that I had have been used to the point where the images are damaged beyond the point of recognition. I should have lamenated them. I mean, with a machine.
  17. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Dude, where do you get your liquid acid?
  18. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I know that my uncle does.
  19. Our first Fantasy Hero setting, THE TURAKIAN AGE, is now available inthe Online Store. As usual, damaged copies are available for a five ducket discount.
  20. Re: Terran Empire--is it a finished ruleset/ready to go setting? There is only one ruleset in the Hero System, and that is in Hero System 5th edition. The other supplements do not contain more rules, simply varying applications of the rules found in 5th Ed. Star Hero, as a genre book, broadly discusses how to use the Hero System to create spaceships, weapons and the like as you would expect to find in any scifi game. Terran Empire is a specific setting for Star Hero. It describes in great detail the reign of the Terran Empire and it has writeups for spaceships, weapopns and the like that you would find in the set using, using the guidelines discussed in Star Hero as a basis for using the Hero System rules. So, yes, you are correct in your thinking. You can do everything found in Star Hero and Terran Empire yourself if you already know how. The supplements are not only valuable for their premade write-ups, but they give you examples of ways to write-up all of those things.
  21. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Mightybec stood me up... even after postponing our first meeting... There I was all dolled up in my flight attendants garb, slathered in peanut butter... But he stood me up. Never again, fiend!!!
  22. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Saving from going to page 2...
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