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Dr. Anomaly

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Everything posted by Dr. Anomaly

  1. Re: The Last Word And thus does the lexicon of gaming, gamers, and the geek-net grow and expand...
  2. Re: What might a Gliesian be like? Actually, being BobGreenwade, you hang upside down corrected... but I suppose that's beside the point...
  3. Re: The Last Word You say that now, and you haven't even seen what my Second Life avatar looks like...
  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Thanks, RPMiller; though in truth it wasn't just, or even mostly, the NGD that was contributing to my negative feelings. I'd rather just leave it at that... anyone who feels the urge for more details can contact me via email or whatever. So.. not sure how much I'll be around, but I'll try to make it semi-regular at least.
  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Hey, SK... good to see you, too. Yes, there are some people that make real-life livings out of stuff they do in Second Life, and there is in fact ONE real-world millionaire who built that money via doing real estate in Second Life. But the people actually able to make a real-world living from what they do in Second Life are definitely in the tiny minority. As for a "job" in Second Life... you don't have to have one. So people have one (or start a business) because they want to. Others do it for a bit of spending cash to use in the world to buy the stuff they want. Or whatever. As for what I do... mostly, special-purpose scripting (programming) of devices and mechanisms of various sorts. I do have a small shop, but it sells geek-appeal t-shirts and eyes that I make to give myself a break from the the scripting projects. It's not exactly a major source of income for me, to put it mildly. I am getting ready to turn a castle I put up into a goth-themed shop (mainly some hopefully goth-appeal jewelery and such I've been working on) in an attempt to actually GET some cash flow coming IN instead of just going out... but we'll see.
  6. Re: New Avengers are very Dark Champions That grinding sound you hear is a paradigm shifting without a clutch.
  7. Re: Astounding Arrival! Sure... after he whips out his calculator to determine how much BODY damage the water will do to the paper of the books, whether or not that should actually be considered a Transform attack by the water or a Susceptibility on the part of the paper... how much time he has (in Phases, at his Speed) to save the truck before the books are damanged beyond repair...
  8. Re: Venture Brothers Hero? As any fan of any BBC sf production of ages gone by will tell you, while fancy special effects and such are nice, they aren't what makes a show great...
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Thanks, guys; warms the cockles of my heart, it does. ...or is that the flaming pitch that someone just poured over me?
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER You know Tim, that's a very good point... just stand still for a second, will ya? [begins reloading]
  11. Re: Venture Brothers Hero? MY answer to that is "Yes!" They are rather dated in a lot of ways (the computer that can handle voice input but only has about a 10-character LED display for output, for example) but still a lot of fun...
  12. Re: Mech-Play links desired Well, if you want Battletech conversions and such, most of those have been in the Star Hero forum. So search that forum for "mech" and "battletech"...
  13. Re: What might a Gliesian be like? Peak at 667g, I believe... though he later said that may have been too high by a factor of 2.
  14. Re: Measurement in HERO It's part of what gives us our unique "charm"...
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Not quite, Baz. It's just that things here (HERO forum in general, not just the NGD) had gotten to the point where they were causing me more stress than the stress relief they were giving me. And when the "ability to deal with life" balance was as precarious as it was (and is) for me, having something that netted on the negative side of that wasn't exactly what you'd call "productive." I've been told by a few people who've kept in contact that some of the things that were contributing to my having an overall negative side of the equation experience with the forums have evened out... so I decided to poke my head in again. ... That, and I missed the heck out of a bunch of y'all...
  16. Re: The Last Word [grabs Log and lays a proper lip-lock on him and goes tonsil-diving] I have soooooo missed you, Big Boy!!!
  17. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Well, Mantis... if you mean "for fun / distraction" -- mostly Second Life. In there, I'm Solomon Devoix. Look me up...
  18. Re: WWYCD: Ultimate Villian: Planet Earth! Or spend a few points with a lot of area multipliers and buy the whole planet as a BASE... and then MAKE it behave... Or buy it as a FOLLOWER... Sheesh, it's 1 a.m. and I'm getting punch-drunk...
  19. Re: Who plays: Jack of all trades, master of none Well... a gadgetter or other VPP user can be... but I assume you mean someone without using mechanisms such as those...?
  20. Re: Venture Brothers Hero? And yes, in this case I was referring to Rusty's chemical tolerance...
  21. Re: Venture Brothers Hero? And don't forget his resistance to / tolerance for drugs...
  22. Re: Venture Brothers Hero? They looked like it to me. Goodness knows there were enough nods, send-ups, and so on Venture Bros.
  23. Re: Venture Brothers Hero? I have a love/hate relationship with this show. On the one hand... it is a blasphemy that does horrible things to one of my favorite childhood memories, Jonny Quest... On the other... it's one of the most pointed and best-done satirical parodies I've ever SEEN...!!!
  24. Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun. That would be a tough one as far as Dr. Anomaly is concerned. At one point, he would have surrendered to the authorities, and counted on his team-mates to solve the mystery... and perhaps persuade the authorities to allow him to help, as well. But now... There are things that have happened, glimpses of what-might-be, and what-might-have-been, that have shaken his worldview a bit, and he and his team are on the verge of moving to a more global operations method, and one this is MUCH more out of the public eye... including secluded fallback bases in the event of the worst coming to pass. Given what is troubling him (and his team-mates) about the possible future... this might be seen as the first move in a wider gambit designed to take out the team before they can become an "issue" for a certain someone. After all... though Dr. Anomaly is a gadgeteer (and thus many of the things he's done could, with some effort and the correct resources, be duplicated) there aren't that many beings out there who synergistically combine science and sorcery. If the evidence pointed to a techno-magical method of demise... or involved one of the "signature" devices that Dr. Anomaly commonly uses... He'd talk it over with the team, but no matter what was decided, it's unlikely it would be a simple surrender to the authorities. The team might decide to play along... in which case the "person" that surrendered would be a homonculus while the real Dr. Anomaly (keeping a low profile) worked with his team to find out the truth. Or the team may decide that this is the opening gambit of something, and decide to use it as the watershed event and disappear off the face of the Earth, going "underground". That would almost certainly cause Dr. Anomaly to be listed by the authorities as a fugitive, and the rest of the team possibly as accomplices... but... And regardless of what was decided, there would (until the truth were discovered) be lurking in the back of Dr. Anomaly's mind the question about whether he DID kill the person or not. He doesn't sleep much, is not one for partying and drinking to excess -- when you're a mage it doesn't pay to lose control of your impulses -- and has an eidetic memory. So he'd be pretty sure he hadn't done it. But still... there was an incident where, pushed past his limits, physically and magically exhausted, all pre-built equipment and ammunition expended... he'd restorted to using a... THING... a talisman... that had been in his keeping. A thing of evil, tainted magic... he still has nightmares about the consequences of using the Soul Rend Talisman. And though his opponent -- no, in his mind, his VICTIM -- didn't die... quite... That little incident did get him hauled in by the Society for a "soul audit" to make sure that he hadn't been too badly or permanently tainted by using that talisman. He passed the tests, but he has wondered since then... what if? What if I were tainted in a way they missed...?
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