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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. Quite possibly the most justified F-Bomb this year
  2. Death from above! The grim visage of future world wars. . .
  3. Who effin' does this? You don't have like his movies--you don't have to like him. But bomb threats?
  4. How did Artifex's player react? Was it his idea to become a pawn of Barbie?
  5. Slept in my Star Wars T-Shirt and woke up in a galaxy far, far away. . .
  6. And here I thought Fox News was dialing back the insanity.
  7. Erm--I don't think governors have the power to declare war like that, ma'am. (And once again--if you voted for Trump, this is what you voted for.)
  8. A documentary about a LARP camp for kids. Worthy of support, I think.
  9. I think Cheney is just jealous because he didn't think of it himself.
  10. For Point A--if Lady Blue or someone like her exists in your campaign, Shadow Queen could contact her to find out if she knows of any "underground railroad" networks that could help get the children to decent, loving homes. For Point B--Shadow Queen could just as easily found her own sanctuary. Yes, it would take millions, but that's why supervillains rob banks and diamond exchanges. That's all I got, I'm afraid. Hope that helps.
  11. https://www.boredcomics.com/3-long-creepy-adam-ellis-comics-with-twist-endings/
  12. Perhaps the best thing about 2150 were the black vinyl suits worn by the Robomen. I like to think they partially inspired Star Wars' Stormtroopers.
  13. You can always use this rebuttal if someone uses real profanity to insult you-- "Profanity. Like violence, the last refuge of the incompetent.*" *Credit to Issac Asimov for the original saying.
  14. Another idea I had was for a character called Invictor--no relation to Doctor Invictus. Invictor has the FISS powerset (emphasis on the Strength) and truly believes he, above all others, is best suited to rule the world. Unlike all the other would-be world dominators, he seeks the mutual approval and acclaim of the people, rather than imposing his will by brute force. So he goes around doing your basic superhero deeds--rescuing people from disasters, fighting crime and supervillains, preventing disasters from occurring--everything PC heroes do. He may even offer to help the PC heroes on occasion. And when the press asks him for a statement after his latest super-deed, he will tell them that his wisdom and willingness to use his powers to help people and protect them from harm makes him the ideal person to rule the world. His website lists his agenda for his rulership, and a petition page that visitors can sign if want Invictor to be ruler of the world. So far he has received over seven million signatures from all over the world--which has also attracted the attention of every hero team on the planet, not to mention every law enforcement and spy agency with skin in the game.
  15. The robber likely figures he can use them at some other club.
  16. "Maaannn--I am soooo wasted. Can you give me a ride?"
  17. "But I am different. I want it more than any of them."
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