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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. For Point A--if Lady Blue or someone like her exists in your campaign, Shadow Queen could contact her to find out if she knows of any "underground railroad" networks that could help get the children to decent, loving homes. For Point B--Shadow Queen could just as easily found her own sanctuary. Yes, it would take millions, but that's why supervillains rob banks and diamond exchanges. That's all I got, I'm afraid. Hope that helps.
  2. https://www.boredcomics.com/3-long-creepy-adam-ellis-comics-with-twist-endings/
  3. Perhaps the best thing about 2150 were the black vinyl suits worn by the Robomen. I like to think they partially inspired Star Wars' Stormtroopers.
  4. You can always use this rebuttal if someone uses real profanity to insult you-- "Profanity. Like violence, the last refuge of the incompetent.*" *Credit to Issac Asimov for the original saying.
  5. Another idea I had was for a character called Invictor--no relation to Doctor Invictus. Invictor has the FISS powerset (emphasis on the Strength) and truly believes he, above all others, is best suited to rule the world. Unlike all the other would-be world dominators, he seeks the mutual approval and acclaim of the people, rather than imposing his will by brute force. So he goes around doing your basic superhero deeds--rescuing people from disasters, fighting crime and supervillains, preventing disasters from occurring--everything PC heroes do. He may even offer to help the PC heroes on occasion. And when the press asks him for a statement after his latest super-deed, he will tell them that his wisdom and willingness to use his powers to help people and protect them from harm makes him the ideal person to rule the world. His website lists his agenda for his rulership, and a petition page that visitors can sign if want Invictor to be ruler of the world. So far he has received over seven million signatures from all over the world--which has also attracted the attention of every hero team on the planet, not to mention every law enforcement and spy agency with skin in the game.
  6. The robber likely figures he can use them at some other club.
  7. "Maaannn--I am soooo wasted. Can you give me a ride?"
  8. "But I am different. I want it more than any of them."
  9. I was thinking an active volcano, myself--but the sun works too. I remember an early issue of Avengers where it was mentioned that they had a "disintegrator disposal unit," so there's a possibility. Not unlike the joke among the cast of the original Star Trek, where they said that while they didn't have bathrooms, they did have phasers--so they just picked a corner, did their business, set their phasers to disintegrate and took very careful aim. Of course, everything that can be recycled, should be. And I don't know as your responsible hero team would just put their trash out in the street for anyone to just dig through. Waste management would most likely be done on site--that way if the super-incinerator somehow causes the micro-organism that hitched a ride on a meteor to grow into a giant multi-tentacled ball of protoplasm with monumental rage issues, the heroes will be on scene to handle the matter. Hope that helps.
  10. That was the plot of GoldenEye, Pierce Brosnan's first outing as James Bond. No demonstration, though--an electronic break-in at the Bank Of England, electronically transfer billions to Janus' accounts, then obliterate the evidence with the GoldenEye EMP weapon. London is rendered catastrophically immobile, and he becomes obscenely rich. Any power-crazed supervillain would salivate at the thought. JANUS: "The government is about to learn the cost of betrayal--inflation adjusted for 1945."
  11. I thought Australia declared war against rabbits.
  12. I have a character--one Doctor Invictus by name--who believes he was born to accomplish "great things." To that end he has created what he considers "the ultimate instrument of peacekeeping"--the Mindshock Bomb, a device capable of generating a specific electromagnetic effect that renders people and mammals unconscious for hours at a time, with no effect on inanimate objects or other electronics. He is almost ready to detonate a city-yield Mindshock weapon in the heart of Los Angeles, demonstrating for all the world that he has the power to stop invading armies dead in their tracks, and give whichever nation possesses the Mindshock the power to inflict absolute chaos upon their enemies. What Invictus fails to mention is that the Mindshock is not entirely without lethal effect. In previous tests the Mindshock was found to have killed, on average, nearly ten percent of the targets in its area of effect. In Los Angeles, with a population of nearly four million, the lethal potential of the weapon is nearly four hundred thousand people--and that doesn't include the collateral damage of cars, planes and other vehicles suddenly going out of control, surgeons losing consciousness mid-operation, and other such calamities. Invictus considers these "acceptable losses." Others--including, hopefully, the heroes--may wish to differ.
  13. The top pic I'm pretty certain is a greedy land developer in disguise to scare away a bunch of teenagers. The bottom one is the Japanese version of a penagglan(sp?) and that would give anyone cause for concern.
  14. Does it include secret compartment for the bootleg liquor?
  15. Somehow it seems to me that "comedian" and "far-right activist" are a contradiction in terms.
  16. "I was continuing to shrink, to become... what? The infinitesimal? What was I? Still a human being? Or was I the man of the future? If there were other bursts of radiation, other clouds drifting across seas and continents, would other beings follow me into this vast new world? So close - the infinitesimal and the infinite. But suddenly, I knew they were really the two ends of the same concept. The unbelievably small and the unbelievably vast eventually meet - like the closing of a gigantic circle. I looked up, as if somehow I would grasp the heavens. The universe, worlds beyond number, God's silver tapestry spread across the night. And in that moment, I knew the answer to the riddle of the infinite. I had thought in terms of man's own limited dimension. I had presumed upon nature. That existence begins and ends is man's conception, not nature's. And I felt my body dwindling, melting, becoming nothing. My fears melted away. And in their place came acceptance. All this vast majesty of creation, it had to mean something. And then I meant something, too. Yes, smaller than the smallest, I meant something, too. To God, there is no zero. I still exist!"--Scott Carey, The Incredible Shrinking Man
  17. I’m officially reclaiming the U.S. flag from the fascists
  18. One wonders if anyplace along the way one can rent a handbasket.
  19. None of these judges have heard of the Ninth Amendment?
  20. I wasn't that fond of the movie myself--but consider this.
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