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Cold Steel

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Everything posted by Cold Steel

  1. Re: Yet another, help me name my team(s) thread: South America Borracha in spanish means a female drunk. It would be funny for a Male Brazilian superhero to travel to Mexico and gets acossted by several drunk Mexicans with the wrong idea.
  2. Re: What's your team missing? You guys are lucky. My team (i am not the leader) lacks money. Its hard to fight crime on low funding. We need one of those power armored hero/millionaires to finance E-Force.
  3. Re: Tales Of The Gold Monkey They were pretty clueless for not knowing that the priest with the german accent was a Nazi spy.
  4. Re: Yet another, help me name my team(s) thread: South America I can't really answer for Brazil, but i'll give Argentina a shot: Team: Los Azores de Plata ( "The Silver Hawks") 1. Avatare (Avatar) 2. El Morsiegalo Negro ("The Black Bat") 3. El Vendugo ("The Avenger") 4. Velocidad ("Velocity") 5. El Hombre Atomika ("The Atomic Man")
  5. Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers Don't we all?
  6. Re: The things I've learned playing a HERO Tell that to Syndrome from the Incredibles.
  7. Re: "He just DISAPPEARED!... I SWEAR!" Clones.
  8. Re: The Trail of the Gold Spike COOL!!!!!
  9. Re: Iron-Man Movie! 32.The Titanium Man (Boris Bullski, go figure.) 34.Titanium Man (the Gremlin)
  10. Re: The Trail of the Gold Spike Thanks all of you for the input! I don't know if i have enough info for creating my own version but i might have the Condor a rebellious former lackey of The Skymaster from Masterminds and Madmen. A "lesser of two evils" sort of thing. Was the Condor a former Army Air Force pilot?
  11. Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers Shadowhawk would keep the professor, the mime and the hippy. He'll take Engrish Man to a public speaking class and have him run for mayor. Lady Foulmouth, he'll take her into the tallest building and throw her off. He gets that kind of verbal abuse at home from Rahne (Wolfsbane) when she is in one of her "werewolf stages". No reason he will put up with it at work.
  12. Anyone can tell me about this module? My friend claims he'd played it for a Justice Inc. campaign over ten years ago. It involved a gold mine and some villain called the Condor. That's all i know about it i'm afraid. My friend had moved to Ohio so until i can get in touch with him, you guys are my only hope. What can anybody tell me about the adventure and where i can find a copy?
  13. Re: Have You Used Characters from Masterminds And Madmen? I've only used the Crimson Wraithe,Geistkaptain and the Frankenstein Mob so far. The others were too one dimensional even for the pulps.
  14. Re: Single Green Superhero seeks.... (personels for your characters) " Shy Super Guy with a great sense of humor looking for a soulmate who doesn't have one."
  15. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain... Avoid fighting any team with Mentalists. Kill them off secretly before making your first dramatic appearence. Or get a good lawyer.
  16. Re: Iron-Man Movie! How about this: Stark builds the War Machine armor first for homeland security but then it gets stolen by the guy field-testing the suit:his best now ex friend, Rhodes, who plans to sell the suit to Stark's business rival, Justin Hammer. But a flaw develops and Rhodes goes crazy. Guilt ridden because his invention was reponsible, Stark builds the Iron Man armor designed to counteract War Machine. I know its lame, but you know Hollywood.
  17. Re: (Plot Seeds) Bride of Title Tag "Bad Moon Rising": A geneticist manages to find the cure for Lycanthropy and is involved in a power struggle between two werewolf clans. One clan wants to use the cure for themselves while the other plans to develop a viral weapon based on the cure that will reverse its effects and cause a plague of werecreatures rampaging through the campaign city. The heroes are caught in the middle. Next Choices: Pilgrim Hymnal "Beware: The Crazy8" "In Memory I Will Awake"
  18. Re: Iron-Man Movie! Donald Trump as Tony Stark/Iron Man. Stark to Captain America:"Steve, You're Fired. Turn over your shield."
  19. Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex. Shadowhawk will scream like a girl for five minutes, then goes to therapy. He's the ultimate straight man(or woman).
  20. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist Good Advice.
  21. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist That explains why i never heard of him.
  22. Re: WWYCD - a deal with an extradimensional sadistic entity Shadowhawk groans as he once again he deals with yet another extradimensional force by T-porting it into the Darkforce Dimension along with the other invaders he's put there over the years.
  23. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist Ralph Macchio?
  24. Re: The Things I've Learned Playing A Mentalist Now you tell me.
  25. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist No matter how good you are, You can't Karate chop through Adamantium.
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