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Cold Steel

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Everything posted by Cold Steel

  1. Re: Running a X-men type game.... I can't imagine Wolverine as a computer hacker.
  2. Re: The Champions Universe and the mutant cure In Villainy Amok, there is chapter on a "super power drug". It can be revised into a cure. Imagine a black market that sells knock-offs of the so-called cure.
  3. Re: Wow....that is a useless power for sure.... The most useless set of powers that i know of were from the heroes in the movie Mystery Men.
  4. Re: Fictional Cities I see no problem in using real life cities. The ones in the Champions Universe(Vibora Bay, Hudson City) and the one from the other company(Freedom City) seems too confining to me.
  5. Re: WWYYCD: The Rally Shadowhawk will be torn but unless they do something, he backs off.
  6. Re: Serial Villany Kharis, you used to be TimeShare? Back on topic. So far in my pulp i only use one: The Scorpion. I modfiy him to make a society of killers.
  7. Re: Pulp Horror Adventure Idea wikipedia is one good teaching tool.
  8. Re: Hero Talk Magazine Repped!
  9. Re: Ben 10 (again!) What about Kevin 11?
  10. Re: Running a X-men type game.... Mutant Underground by Pallaidium is a good resource to help run a mutant campaign
  11. Re: Pulp Horror Adventure Idea What's a Mary Sue fan fic writer?
  12. Re: Mob Boss in Champions The Crime boss we used in our campaigns was Doctor Synthos, a mutant with two unrelated but still efficient powers. One was the ability to create chemicals (drugs) from his body, making him his own crackhouse. The other was to see ten minutes into the future. Don't ask. The Gm was in a sugar rush at the time.
  13. Re: Lovecraft Stuff Arkham House Publishing is still around.
  14. Re: WWYCD: Registration SHADOWHAWK has only two words to say about registration: "BITE ME!!!!"
  15. Re: Lovecraft Stuff What i know is that Lovecraft wasn't the only one to use his "C" mythos. Several other pulp writers used them in their own works with his permission.
  16. Re: Lovecraft Stuff Ithuaqua was Lovecraft's version of a wendigo was it not?
  17. Re: Sentinel Robots The minuteman robot hunts all superbeings not just mutants.
  18. Re: Borrowing your brains: Greek Gods in New Con Maybe he moonlights as a Chippendale dancer.
  19. Re: How would you use Takofanes? I seem to recall somewhere (i don't remember) Krim had a son/daughter? named Krin?
  20. Re: Evil Unleashed? No Credit or Debit card.
  21. Re: How would you use Takofanes? Maybe all seven crowns would merge into one Cosmic Crown. It would be as ugly as hell though.
  22. Re: Evil Unleashed? For someone who still can't get The Ultimate Martial Artist, if they reprint it i for one don't consider this an abuse at all.
  23. Re: WWYCD: Mirror Universe Shadowhawk would hide in the darkforce dimension (don't worry, he can't travel to other worlds, dimensions or alternate universes and only to cross short distances on the world he's in.) for a time learning what he can about his counterpart. Until he completes the portal, he'll try to atone for the things his evil twin has done.
  24. Re: How would you use Takofanes? i was wondering about the connection with Krim. Why doesn't Takofones summon him/her for advice or to aid the Archlich?
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