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Cold Steel

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Everything posted by Cold Steel

  1. Re: WWYCD if their reflection suddenly winked at them? Shadowhawk wouldn't care unless the reflection does something more dangerous or his girlfriend Rahne gets flattered by the winking image and he(the real deal) gets some quiet time watching the T.V. for once. Slightly less powerful DNPC's are really a royal pain sometimes.
  2. Re: Is it just me? (Or does this mini look like Ripper?) Either that or Halfjack. It looks cool.
  3. Cold Steel


    Re: x3 I'm seeing it tomorrow night. I hope.
  4. Re: GM Question: Social Equity There will always be social unrest regardless if some superhuman becomes as popular as Captain America or Superman. Aliens, gods, mutants; no matter what their appeal is there is always someone who feels differently. Ask any celebrity. As an example, a friend of mine played Lucas Bishop(from X-Men) who gets dumped on by the african-american humans because they believe he thinks he's better than they are. Yes it is petty and ugly but it exists. Prof. Xavier may have the right idea of taking one step at a time for his dream of equality for all. Will he live long enough to see that day? I doubt it.
  5. Re: Name the... well, kinda nameless right now, obviously
  6. Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie Avoid Bob Villa at all cost.
  7. Re: Most horrifying cross-genre picture ever? You gotta admit when The Great Old Ones can do the Ultimate Evils to Mankind like this, it is no wonder Lovecraft wrote repeatedly that there are things man was not meant to know. Still i like to see Superman take on Cthulhu the Superhero any day.
  8. Re: How a team fits in its world (team types) A follow-up to the Legacy Team or any other team type is The Last Team: They are the only super powered survivors of a catalysmic event that involved almost every hero (and Villian) on the planet. Think about Marvel Zombies as a example. (Not the zombies, the surviving (still human) heroes/villians)
  9. Re: Mutant Campaign Idea Keep up the good work MfH. repped.
  10. Re: The Golden Age of Epic City :hail: Must Have More!!!
  11. Re: The Trail of the Gold Spike THIS IS SO WICKED COOL, LONG TOM!!! I have everything i needed to run this right now. I rep you if i could.
  12. Re: [Campaign] Milwaukee Masks Are the "Masks" a new team or have been around a while in the campaign world?
  13. Re: NBC's "Heroes" I am so sorry i didn't type the link correctly before. When i first saw this i was thinking it would be made along the lines of The Rising Stars comic from Top Cow or Wild Cards. But then it could be a flop. I guess i'll wait until the pilot episode.
  14. Re: An Avengers Campaign My head hurts.
  15. Re: (Plot Seeds) Title Tag--Fantasy Edition The Turn of a Coin: One of the Adventuers find a sentient gold coin with two faces and two personalites: one of a smiling maiden on one side of the coin, the other side has the scowling face of an old crone. When the side of the young lady shows up, good forturne follows. When the old woman's face is revealed, bad luck occurs. The catch? The "good luck" side happens at the tragic expense of anyone near the coinholder, while the "bad side" aids everyone except the coinholder. Both personalities hate each ohter and bicker constantly even unto the dead of night. Worse no matter what the hero can do, he/she can't lose the coin which manages to teleport back to the coinholder's possesion. The only way to get rid of the troublesome coin is to find the luckiest liar in the area and convince him/her to shed a few drops of blood on the coin, nullifieing the coin's curse and rendering it inert. (Why don't you guys do this like the other "tag" threads? It will make it easier to understand.) : "Would you buy a used warhorse from this man?" "Never is too soon" "Pale Knight"
  16. I just saw this on Superhype: http://www.superhype.com/news.php?id=4242. Do you guys think it can work or will it be a flop?
  17. Re: If You Had To Play a DC Character… I am not fond of DC that much. But from what little i've read, I'll take Green Lantern (the Guy Gardner version).
  18. Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character… Bishop. He's a energy projector with a twist and smarter than another timelost warrior, Cable. Beyond that i'll take Galactus.
  19. Re: Free online Champs adventures
  20. Re: Yet another, help me name my team(s) thread: South America That is so cool! Consider your ideas swiped.
  21. Re: Free online Champs adventures
  22. Re: Things I Have Learned Playing a Hard Boiled Detective "Bullets in your body hurts like hell."
  23. Re: Things I have learned playing a pulp hero ... There comes at one point in a Pulp Hero's life when he asks these two questions: "WHY ME?!!!" and "WHY DOESN'T ANYBODY ELSE DO THIS FOR A CHANGE?"
  24. Re: Final Fantasy potions and items and Monsters I'll stick with Materia. Portable VPP's. See Final Fantasy 7:Advent Children to learn more.
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