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Everything posted by Egyptoid

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Regrettably nothing from Rogue-Trader-40K this week. I had some good banter with the ship's (illegal) A.I., but it would be boring here. it seems all the other players were there to just rules-lawyer. GM vividly describes a huge space battle, with an echelon of ships assaulting us. Player: You moved the shuttles at the wrong time. Initiative doesn't work like that. sigh. plus this other player got a "dice-rolling-app" for his I-Pod, and strangely enough, did not fail a single skill check all night. Hmm... very bad week.
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine hey arc: what's the story here? is he up on the web somewhere? pic is too cool to just leave it hanging there.
  3. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Catholic Space Nazis Must Die!!! oh wait, that's the 40K RPG already
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... DEATH WATCH 4OK SPACE MARINES adventures of Squad Ventura this week, a Rescue Mission: find a Tech-Magos from Downed Shuttle, Deep in Tyranid Country. Pre-mission briefing: Marine: sir, we're fighting Nids this mission, what are we forgetting? Captain: FIRE, dumb*ss!! where's your Flamethrower?! squad got bum-rushed by Nids, while the devastator had "metal storm" loaded in the bolter : new rule: don't use AoE ammo in H-t-H. Techmarine picks up an alien with his heavy claw... Psyker: Did you spay or neuter that Tyranid? new addition to the Marine survival handbook: if you are currently on fire, grab a tyranid that is not. one way to garner glory for the unit is to take trophies: we cut off the Tyranid Lictor's nuts, bronzed them, and hung them on the back of the Land Raider (yes, like those silly Nascar novelties)
  5. Re: Quotes from Owlcon - part 3 >> other knaves can't deny. I think if you got some more good shakespearian lyrics and choreography, and got your local SCA barony to cooperate, you could make a great you-tube video.
  6. Re: USA 5O for Sixth Edition any luck yet pariah ?
  7. Re: Brittlizing an Engine what rules exist for say, a fuel leak on said car to asplode, and the fire hurt people? if there are hazards that can cause damage, for which no points were paid, then . . .
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... what I can't believe is all the truth-to-power in my post and only one person repped me. and I know darn good and well so many of the posters here are intimately familiar with the SCA.
  9. Re: Self Resurrection okay, lets try a different tack: I am a player in your game. My PC will be a robotic , an artifical life-form who has a backup body, and with triggered activation upon verification of the main form's demise. Limitation: if enemies infiltrate my base, disperse the equipment, or other circumstances can fail and he doesn't return to life.Plus it takes a week or so to get going again. how would you as GM guide me to write up this power ? (6E wording, please) Thanks.
  10. Re: Self Resurrection well in the book, Mechanon has Duplication ; Original Character Is Incapacitated And Helpless While Duplicate Exists (-1) which is in no way what I expected.
  11. Re: USA 5O for Sixth Edition I'm looking at this. what error message did you get, or how far along were you ?
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... overheard this exchange at a restaurant: Q: "SCA? what's that?" A: "the SCA is a costume society where the men dress up as knights and the women dress up as chunky princesses"
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... on the topic of Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, and Death-Watch : The only game system byzantine enough to accurately reflect the universe in which they take place.
  14. Re: Self Resurrection yeah, but the ability needs to be pretty much guaranteed to work. doesnt Regen as written require conscious thought from the user ?
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine >> Karkas. Ah yes, the genius what looked like a troll. and thanks for putting that picture of me with him for scale.
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine What would be amusing is if with that huge head he was developmentally challenged and bestial.
  17. Re: Hey There Cthulhu Bee Pee Station
  18. Re: Self Resurrection what are the pros and cons between using Regen:Resurec. or using Summon:Self ?
  19. what's a decent build for 6E to come back to life? I'm thinking the old summon self version, but whats a 6E way to do it? here's the SFX in mind Version A: newly released spirit of a dead person reforms a body to take care of unfinished business. only works once per life. Limit: if you die at peace, with no loose strings, you go on to heaven or wherever and actually pass on. ======== Version B: the classic Ultron, Terminator, or Mechanon: an artifical life-form has a backup body, with triggered activation upon verification of the main form's demise. Limitation: if enemies infiltrate your base or disperse your flunkies, your equipment can fail and you don't return to life. oh, and it takes a week or so to get going again.
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... In our Rogue Trader 4OK game, we almost always wear armor or space suits, and we have the tech for helmet cameras, so we can review footage, or show superiors what we found out in the field, etc. Also we have an extensive inter-network for our crew, and full modern communication for the whole starship, with "blackberries", tablets, etc. So, we are showing a visiting tech-priest the video from when a Necron Monolith hacked (via radio) into my tech-marine's servo-arm and made it attack me: Tech-Marine: see here how my arm's operating lights turn noxious green, same as their gun color. Tech-Priest: they turned your own tools against you! Guardsman: yeah, the clip where it drills into his head got over 9000 hits on CrewTube
  21. Re: Hey There Cthulhu petty Cthulhu trembles before the might of SHUMA-GORATH
  22. Re: Hero Goes to the Movies (or TV Shows)! Elvis
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