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Everything posted by Egyptoid

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares the Grifters Family Robinson
  2. Re: Alien Flagship Falling From Orbit No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved! You know, for a little bit? I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for... for ten minutes!
  3. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares ===== [ATTACH=CONFIG]44659[/ATTACH]
  4. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Version 1: Chuck handles all of America's air defense with a bandolier of throwing knives. Version 2: Chuck surfs in space.
  5. Re: Are Thanos and Darkseid the Same Person? wow. just wow.
  6. Re: Are Thanos and Darkseid the Same Person? Are Defender and Iron Man the same person ?
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Chuck Norrad
  8. Re: Why Don't The Villains Kill? they do when I GM.
  9. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares http://cheezburger.com/5625376512
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Game of Drones
  11. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance Seems simple, either you are playing 6th, or are playing 5th. this is 5th edition: Denise Richards has a 32 COM ================= ====================== This is 6th Edition: Sofia Vergara has the Talent: Striking Appearance - 32FF What is the question?
  12. 40K -crossover nightmares More Movies found on the data-slates of Imperial Guardsman (40K humor) Heresy-Raiser A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Drop-Zone The Phantom Heretic A.I. (Adeptus Imperialis) On the Road to Black Reach Cadia-Blanca The Good, The Bad, and The Heretic you are mental.
  13. Re: Rogue Syndrome The Scarlett build had some custom complications on it, if you read that far. Basically she had "psych disad with variable SFX" meaning that if she touched a greedy person, she got greedy, touched a fearful person, she ws easily scared, etc. In addition to soaking up powers. Also, a later version could soak up skills. She had 2 skill slots with variable sfx; basically a Super-Cramming, so that if she touched an electrician, she could do the wiring, that is until she touched someone different. Also her "bad dreams" complication meant there were plenty of misplaced, bad, or useless memories floating around in her head. Also does the loneliness bother her. your list doesnt mention "cannot do normal human activities such as hold hands, kiss, etc." Also can absorbed memories assert themselves, does she have Ego problems? have you seen this?
  14. Re: Rogue Syndrome here's a 4th ed. version: http://www.sysabend.org/champions/elliott/Scarlett.html
  15. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance hey that's uncalled for. yes my Comeliness has diminished with age, but not that low.
  16. Re: What would you do if you were a mutant? If I had Wolverine's powers, I would join the Rangers and go kill radical towel-heads. If I had Dazzler's powers I would raise money for the USO.
  17. Re: Alien Flagship Falling From Orbit We rolled a 4. Sandor the Mystic may be able to soft-land this thing by pushing his extensive Metal Transform (glider) and softening the landing spot (Earth Transform) White Knite will hunt down the soldiers that bailed out.
  18. Re: Doomsday! Sandor the Mystic could defend Neptune City, and probably heal the people and repair buildings afterwards. White Knite is space based, so he would probably zap a few ICBMs here and there, and shut down any bad guy's satellite warfare.
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Warhammer 40K Novellas, found on the e-readers of Imperial Guardsmen waiting to deploy: A Clear and Present Heresy Before the Inquisition Knows You're Dead The Boondock Heretics Heretical in 60 Seconds
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Rogue Trader, House Windsor: the PCs are looting a derelict starship, that is haunted by lots of little warpish poltergeists. They split up, and the Navigator (whose eye power is the perfect thing for killing swarms) heads back to the PC's shuttle, docked on the side. As a GM, I'm emphasizing the haunted house aspect of this, its dark, shadowy, everyone is using mag-lites, etc. Finally it dawns on the Tech-priest to make some real light, and he macgyvers up some 80 million candle-power light poles finally. Simultaneously, the poltergeists figure they can haunt the shuttle as well, so: 1. they flee the group now well lit. 2. they stalk the navigator to sneak onto the shuttle. This means hordes of them swamped the Navigator and his guards. After a while,the rest of the PCs turned off their comm-links so they wouldnt have to listen to all that screaming and begging.
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares http://www.buzzfeed.com/catesish/pokemon-if-they-were-created-by-tim-burton
  22. Re: Super Transportation Cadillac stroller ? I'm calling BS, as there's not enough cup-holders.
  23. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares sequel: What Lies Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens btw: yes I do the the photoshop module covers myself. I think its good to throw some non-movie things in here once in a while.
  24. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Boogie Nights of the Invincible Happening [ATTACH=CONFIG]44385[/ATTACH] A Mark Wahlberg Adventure Trilogy.
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