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Everything posted by Egyptoid

  1. Re: What Makes An Iconic Superhero Costume? It's like art, obscenity and hate speech. Hard to describe, but you know it when you see it. Old Zatanna the other stuff is garbage.
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... 40k Game, this is drawn out so bear with me: Space Marines are highly regarded in the Imperium. The Space Wolf attached to the Rogue Trader has a drinking problem, spending a lot of free time in the various ship's lounges. The player of the Space Wolf brings his laptop to the game and is constantly looking at stuff, some for the game, most times not. Another Player OOC: I just always assume that when the player is looking at his laptop his character is drinking. Other Player, IC: That's why shipboard morale stays so high! There's always a stein hoisted somewhere!
  3. Re: Transformers: Prime characters for Hero 4th edition I ran a Transformers campaign once many moons ago. http://gameroid.blogspot.com/search/label/Transformers https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O_eL4ThAwGtPDwmYmhvWg6dE4yT36gxUljQRjzQewEc/edit They were the Bench Transformers. Cause all the strong or cool ones were out doing stuff. All the PCs were tri-formers, having a robot, vehicle, and object form. The PCs started off alone but eventually ran into BROADSIDE who was a supposedly dead Autobot who had three forms (robot, carrier, jet)
  4. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Which movie is this photo from: Con-Labyrinth ? Boggled in 60 Seconds? Goblin Arizona ? Bad Faerie Port of Call New Ogryn Stonetalkers? Fast Times at Mazemont High?
  5. Egyptoid


    Re: Dnpc >>> Normal: Alfred YMMV wildly. Skills cost a lot in Hero, and Alfred has a lot of them. But that's a great break down, Sketchpad.
  6. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Inspired by Prometheus: What to Expectorate When You're Expecting
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares "You must spread some reputation around before giving it to DmJalund again."
  8. Re: Why Don't The Villains Kill? Don't you have to look at a villains Psych Complications? IMHO, unless he's got the full 25 point "Murderous", then he would only kill if and when opponents (not necessarily heroes) got too close to his pet peeves or ulterior goals. like if he was "Crazy about Fine Art and Sculpture", then he might lash out and kill some oaf that shattered the Michelangelo he was planning on stealing.
  9. Re: Attractiveness - Comeliness Vs. Striking Appearance ! Warning ! Thread Drift has caused Starboard Nacelle to Impact Docking Bay
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares League of Extraordinary Tyranids [ATTACH=CONFIG]44864[/ATTACH] The Brood of Seven Becomes a League of One Left to Right Lictor Nemo (commander, martial artist) Zoanna Harker (female bloodsucker) Carnifex Jekyll (battle beast) Alien Quartermane (the legend) Biovore Sawyer (the shooter) (not pictured: Ravener Skinner & Vorian Grey) There's no Imperial Station they can't infiltrate! No mission they can't solve (except the ones where Jekyll eats the objective)
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The names of the 4 Eldar that greeted the players on the webway: Alan S. Moriset; Julian Roberts; Christopher Agulera; Darryl Streep
  12. Re: Uresia Hero I thought I replied to this thread before. I love Uresia. I still have my D20 copy, long after I've tossed most other fantasy stuff.
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Warhammer 40K: The PCs are under attack from overwhelming odds, and some Eldar arrive; beckoning them to safety. Eldar Leader: Come on you Mon Keigh, do you want to live forever !?! explanation
  14. Egyptoid


    Re: Evil Betrayal of Trust, Family, or Nation. Theft of Life, Limb, or Property. ie Cutting Babies out of Wombs. Corruption of Youth.
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares [ATTACH=CONFIG]44792[/ATTACH] Watership Drop Zone
  16. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Phantom of the Zathura
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... They say the exact same thing about the Space Wolf in my group, the guy who spends all non-duty hours in the Twelve-Forward Lounge, testing the limits of his preomnor gland.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A wargame: The Imperials have bolters, heavy bolters, and rockets. Their enemy the Eldar have lasers, scatter lasers, force fields, bright lances, d-cannons, star cannons, psy-lances, prism cannons, etc. etc. Imperial Player: Man the Eldar sure have a lot of toys! Moderator: Yes in the 40K galaxy they certainly have cornered the dildo market.
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Real Housewives of Jumanji
  20. Re: Things That Exist in a Superhero Universe question for OP Cassandra: your thread title is terse. does it mean more of "the way stuff happens in supers comics" (superhero tropes) or is it more like "items and buildings and people I would put on the gazetteer of my supers city"
  21. Re: Things That Exist in a Superhero Universe
  22. Re: Things That Exist in a Superhero Universe Gadget Stores that sell devices for Mundanes to help them detect, defend, or cope with Supers. Fortune Tellers that can actually see possible futures. Expensive private schools for super-kids. Expensive private schools that protect and isolate mundane kids from supers (kids or otherwise) Neutral Ground (an isolated island or country club where supers of all stripes can rub shoulders) Doctors (quack or otherwise) that will either remove superpowers from your kids or prevent them arising. Extremely serious Merc or Security outfits that will protect the wealthy from super threats.
  23. Re: Do you consider Batman to be a Gadgetee or something else? You only need to label Batman with an archetype if he must be constrained to a character sheet.
  24. Re: Are Thanos and Darkseid the Same Person? Infinity Codpiece
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