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Everything posted by CBikle

  1. Re: Champions Board Character Creation Tough: +20 STR +5 Con 30 pts.
  2. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to? I may submit this for next month's Digital Hero. Anyone have Dave Mattingly's home number ?
  3. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to?The Invincible Hammer-WheelPlayer: Val** Char*** Cost 45** STR 35 26** DEX 48 33** CON 46 15** BODY 10 8** INT -2 11** EGO 2 20** PRE 10 6** COM -2 * 9/19** PD 0 9/19** ED 2 5** SPD 14 16** REC 0 60** END -3 55** STUN 0 *20"**RUN02"**SWIM09"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 160Cost** Power END 20** Hammers for hands (feet ?) and wheels for feet (hands ?) that provides protection: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); Activation Roll 14- (-1/2)* 25** Hammers for hands (or maybe feet; player hasn't worked that out yet).: HA +5d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (37 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)* 8** He was raised by farm-implements: Mental Defense (10 points total)* 38** He has wheels for feet (hands ?): Running +14" (20" total), x8 Noncombat* 4 41** Hammers for h...you get the idea by now: Tunneling 4" through 11 DEF material* 4 2** He lives in the woods : Animal Handler (Other: woodland creatures) 13-* 4** Language: English (native language is "the tongue of the farm-implements") (completely fluent; literate)* 7** Hammers for yada yada yada: Mechanics 13-* 14** He lives in the woods: Survival (Temperate/Subtropical Forests, Tropical Forests) 17-* 5** Rapid Attack (HTH) * 3** Tracking 11-* 3** Trading 13-* 10** Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH) * 1** WF: Hammers* 6** Weaponsmith: hammers 14-* 1** TF: Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles* Powers Cost: 188Cost** Perk 1** Contact: Forest Ranger Watson(Contact has been blackmailed by the character) 12-* Perks Cost: 1Val** Disadvantages 15** Psychological Limitation: He was raised by farm-implements (Common, Strong)* 25** Unluck: 5d6* 15** Distinctive Features: Well, y'see...here's the thing...he's got hammers for hands (or feet) and wheels for feet (perhaps hands) (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In The Village Of The Farm-Implement People)* 20** DNPC: Farm-Implement Foster Parents 8-, Incompetent- they're only farm-implements, Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID* 20** Physical Limitation: Hammers For Hands (or feet) And Wheels For Feet (or hands) (All the Time, Greatly Impairing)* 30** Hunted: 4th edition Eurostar 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)* 15** Rivalry: Professional and Romantic, with all other characters whose limbs end in tools or axis-based forms of mobility, Rival is As Powerful, Rival is a Player Character, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry* 10** Money: Destitute (he lives in the woods)* Disadvantage Points: 150Base Points: 200Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 349"The Invincible Hammer-Wheel. He has hammers for hands and wheels for feet. He was born that way. He was raised by farm implements. He lives in the woods."
  4. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to? Yeah, that's pretty horrible, yet still more acceptable than C.L.O.W.N.
  5. Re: Character For Review: The Beast (not the Marvel one) Pretty good character. Some suggestions: -You might want to increase your Int to 13 (maybe higher because you have a lot of Int-based skills and Enhanced Senses which are based on int; depends whether you think it'd fit the character). - I noticed you bought the Inherent advantage on your armor and extra-limb. Check with your GM and see if you really need(want) this for the character. If you don't, it'll free up some points.
  6. CBikle

    Sin City

    Re: Sin City I liked it, but you realize how similar the stories are when they're run back-to-back. Also, not sure if the book's dialogue works as well when read aloud.
  7. Re: IST San Angelo version 2.0 Great white gloves pic JamesG !!! Rep coming your way as soon as I clean my monitor.
  8. Re: IST San Angelo version 2.0 I'm saddened by this thread's complete absence of white gloves pics.
  9. Re: I want to run a Bad Comics game Thanks, glad you liked it. Some errata for the character: The "Built-In Electrified Samurai Sword" should be " Ancestral Built-in Electrified Samurai Sword".
  10. Re: IST San Angelo version 2.0 What the hell's wrong with you ? I'm only interested in pics of WOMEN wearing white gloves. The pic you posted was almost a guy.
  11. Re: No more "Abort to Dodge?" I think you'll see a lot more metagaming involved with held phases and it'll make combat seem even more predictable. You'll need to rethink how you do maneuvers like Dive For Cover ,Blocks and Missile Deflection. It will make the Haymaker maneuver very popular again though.
  12. Re: Can't decide what to get next Both Viper books were/are excellent. The new 5th ed. one has a good number of villains and agents.
  13. Re: Top Ten: Some Comments on Multi-Woman hmm. Sounds like the main character would be the REALLY expensive one. All of the main-form's power-sets should have a -1/2 limit: "can't use this power when respective duplicate [that has same power-set] is active" Each duplicate wouldn't have this limit on its power-set. Normally if the duplicate has an altered build, it'll have to buy the Altered Duplicate advantage (on page 102 of 5E), but since it sounds like each one will be pretty close to the main form (exept for being less powerful) I'd waive imposing that advantage. Is this kind of what you were looking for ?
  14. Re: Viperia: Less Pow Than Champions?? I feel the same way. I allow it because it's legal, but an annoyed part of me wants to say that the attack automatically hits just for metagaming.
  15. Re: I want to run a Bad Comics game Thanks. Initially, the character was supposed to incorporate all the elements of bad 90's characters. In rewriting him, I added the "Hiding A Horrible Secret" element (ID Crisis and Avengers Disassembled) and the "Integral Member of Various Hero Teams Even Though He's A Psychotic and Troubled Loner" element (Batman and, very oddly, Wolverine) The one I forgot to add is "Now Accepted As A Good Guy In Spite Of Past Actions As A Sadistic Super Villain And This Will Be Embarassing For The Team Later On When He/She Switches To Being A Bad Guy Again" element (Deathstroke the Terminator, Juggernaut, Emma Frost, Mystique, Magneto and Sabre Tooth).
  16. Re: Dark Champions Campaigns Never done a straight DC campaign; I've always pulled elements fromn it into my regular Champs game. Details are vague, but I remember running a scenario with the Card Sharks working with Green Dragon and Shamrock (I think the gist of the scenario was that, to pay off a gambling debt, an R&D scientist was going to sell off top secret high-tech plans to Card Shark)- Don't remember much except a running fight in Harpscor Tower that led to a rooftop battle( I think I had Triggerhappy and his copter waiting up there to act as a getaway driver). Another scenario involved the PCs assisting a police-orchestrated gang summit (using gangs from DC and that Champs adventure "Demons Rule")to end a bloody gang war. The Harbinger of Justice shows up with smoke/tear-gas grenades and starts picking off the gang-leaders. This starts a confused battle with some PCs knocking out gang-members while others try to grab the Harbinger.
  17. Re: I turn your power back onto yourself! I think Damage Shield and Missile Reflection are the way to go. I'd give the Damage Shield the +1/4 Variable SFX advantage:"Damage Shield's SFX is same as attacker's".
  18. Re: I want to run a Bad Comics gameHere's "BloodDeath The Assassin". A troubled hero who's greatest enemy is campaign-balance.BloodDeath the AssassinPlayer: Val** Char*** Cost 35** STR 25 29** DEX 57 23** CON 26 10** BODY 0 18** INT 8 14** EGO 8 25** PRE 15 10** COM 0 * 7/23** PD 0 7/23** ED 2 7** SPD 31 12** REC 0 46** END 0 40** STUN 0 *6"**RUN02"**SWIM07"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 172Cost** Power END 48** Cyber-Ninja abilities: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Detachable cybernetic parts; -1/4)* 3u** 1) Built-in .47 Caliber Teflon-Flechette Special: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, 4 Clips of 8 Charges (+0), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), +1 STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Limited Power: not underwater Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Detachable cybernetic parts; -1/4)* 2u** 2) Basic Commando-Ninja-Training: Hand-To-Hand Attack +5d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (37 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Detachable cybernetic parts; -1/4)* 4u** 3) Built-in Electified Samurai Sword: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (4d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Detachable cybernetic parts; -1/4)* 2u** 4) cyber-swingline: Swinging 25" (25 Active Points); Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Detachable cybernetic parts; -1/4)* 2 1u** 5) Cyber-Eye Halogen-Beam: Change Environment 16" radius (32" Cone; +0) (25 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Detachable cybernetic parts; -1/4)* 2 5u** 6) cyber-eye radiation-blast: Energy Blast 12d6 (60 Active Points); Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Detachable cybernetic parts; -1/4)* 6 3u** 7) Computer-Guided Ninja Nerve Strike: Energy Blast 6d6, No Normal Defense: Not vs. robotic , undead or inorganic bodies (+1) (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Detachable cybernetic parts; -1/4)* 6 ** * 10** Internal Radio: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Detachable cybernetic parts; -1/4)* 4** CyberEye: Infrared Perception (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Detachable cybernetic parts; -1/4)* 17** Cyborg-Plating: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Detachable cybernetic parts; -1/4)* 11** Teleportation: Elemental Control, 22-point powers* 11** 1) Out Of Phased molecules: Force Field (6 PD/6 ED/5 Mental Defense/5 Power Defense) (22 Active Points)* 2 11** 2) Teleportation 11" (22 Active Points)* 2 Powers Cost: 132Cost** Skill 3** Acrobatics 15-* 3** Breakfall 15-* 3** Interrogation 14-* 3** Lockpicking 15-* 3** Security Systems 13-* 3** Stealth 15-* 3** Streetwise 14-* 3** Tactics 13-* 3** Electronics 13-* 3** Mechanics 13-* Skills Cost: 30Cost** Perk 3** Well-Connected* 13** 1) Contact: Jedediah Remus, underground surgeon and cyberneticist, and by a cruel and ironic twist of fate, the man who will eventually invent the very cyberware that BloodDeath was fitted with in his dark future timeline !(Contact has: extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact is slavishly loyal to character) (14 Active Points) 17-* Perks Cost: 16Val** Disadvantages 15** Distinctive Features: See description under appearance. (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)* 15** Enraged: When in combat (Very Common), go 8-, recover 14-* 25** Hunted: Corrupt top secret government program related to his origin 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)* 10** Rivalry: Professional and Romantic, all other violent techno-mutant ninja types, Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry* 20** Unluck: 4d6* 10** Reputation: Killing machine, 8- (Extreme)* 15** Psychological Limitation: angst/guilt/anger over mysterious past that he can't really remember, but feels he should feel angst/guilt/anger over it. (Common, Strong)* 5** Psychological Limitation: Troubled loner even though he'll eventually be a member of about a dozen mutant hero teams. (Uncommon, Moderate)* 10** Psychological Limitation: Paranoid (although there are a lot of people after him) (Common, Moderate)* 10** Psychological Limitation: Follows the code of the angst-ridden, violent mysterious cyber-mutant with a mysterious past (Common, Moderate)* 15** Social Limitation: Mysterious secret that will be revealed through a major X-over. NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME !!! (Occasionally, Severe)* Disadvantage Points: 150Base Points: 200Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 350 Height: 1.90 m Hair: brown and has a dated 80's feathered-look Weight: 99.00 kg Eyes: Classified, but one is cybernetic Appearance: BloodDeath's costume is as convoluted as his origin. It is made of a shiny leather-spandex blend that is commonly used by paranormals from his future. Overall it is a dark-blue in color with reddish-orange trim and highlights including his right glove, buccaneer-style boots, a complex utility-belt/bandolier arrangement filled with weapons and equipment, various knife-sheaths and a half-face mask that reveals his red glowing cybernetic eye and long, brown feathered hair. His left hand is silver and cybernetic. BloodDeath also suffers from a form of gigantism that makes his muscles flex involuntarily (making it look like he's "posing")and the swelling can often make his limbs seem exaggerated and disproportionate to his physique. This condition is common to cyber-mutants of his timeline and is known as "Leifeld Syndrome". Personality: Angry, guilt-ridden and generally unpleasant, but loyal to his close circle of about a thousand super-heroes. Has revealed very little of his past and it's unclear to those that are "close" to him how much he remembers and how much he chooses to keep secret. BloodDeath speaks with a slight French/Cajun/Quebec accent that is somewhat hard to place. It seems to come and go. Quote:"Mon Ami, you cannot comprehend the plight of oppressed cyber-mutants."Background: Only a few details related to the man classified as BloodDeath the Assassin are known. In a dystopic alternate future, he was the leader of a corrupt secret government project who enforced their operations through a highly-trained team of cybernetic, ninja-trained mutants known as the X StormCats. At some point, BloodDeath was pushed over the edge and somehow escaped his dark future by travelling to our past. Once here, he came to the attention of the mutant/outsider hero community and begrudgingly joined about a dozen hero teams. All members of the X-S.T.O.R.M.Cats have a futuristic sidearm with targeting scope; lightweight body-armor and at least some basic martial-arts training. Other members include: "DeadStryke" "Alexandra Cross" "WildeBane" "ShadowRogue" "Bishop 13" "Coda X" "Sensei Supreme" "Hologram" and "Die-Cut" "Gen-Spawn" Powers/Tactics: Leap into the fray, snarling, slashing and shooting. Will do as many attacks in a phase as are permissable to the campaign.Campaign Use: Angry Cajun cyber-mutant amnesiac ninja with a mysterious past and agenda and lots of cyber-mutant angst.
  19. Re: I want to run a Bad Comics game I actually built an Image-esque character awhile back for a high-powered 4th ed. Champs game. BloodDeath the Assassin, a violent big gun-toting cyber-mutant ninja filled with angst over his mysterious past that he may or may not remember.
  20. Re: Mini Compatibility: Star Wars and HeroClix I think the Star Wars figures are slightly smaller. Your local comics/games shop may have single figures for sale. You might want to check that out for compatability and buy the ones you want.
  21. Re: IST San Angelo version 2.0 Hubba ! Hubba ! Check out those gloves !!!
  22. CBikle


    Re: DinoMite 1 Maybe the super-dinosaurs are being created to use as soldiers to overrun and conquer another country and then act as "sheep dogs"(this instinct having been bred into them by Teleios) to herd the humans and to fight off intruders. Maybe the dinosaurs can do more depending on how smart you want them to be (maybe they carry ranged weapons and they instinctively knowhow to use 'em) Another possibility could be that the whole "tiny arm" thing has been fixed and there arm-muscles are proportionally strong and they can now use them for lifting (maybe the dinosaurs are just intended to be a cheap construction crew or lab assistants ?). 2 Maybe the dinosaurs share the reptilian sensitivity to cold. They're not as useful if they hybernate/die in cold climates, limiting their use seasonally and geographically. 3 Because they're both creations of Teleios, perhaps DinoMite somehow senses the "demons" linked parentage and has been tracking it (perhaps believing itself to be part of the same "pack" as the demon or a rival pack/tribe.).
  23. Re: Odd 2x Stun rule Don't like it. The PCs will like it, except when it applies to them.
  24. Re: Help me with my Champions plot Maybe Viper is sending in an assault team because they're expecting opposition. Perhaps the seal provides its own guardian to protect it and Viper is just taking that into consideration (maybe the guardian is an avatar of Gilgamesh who battles anyone trying to possess the seal to determine their worthiness.). If you go this route, it could lead to a situation where the PCs battle Viper, them wind up fighting the guardian. Or you could just have the guardian assess them as the greater challenge and attack the PCs , while Viper takes pot shots at both.
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