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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Sounds like what VIPER would try to do to PRIMUS, if PRIMUS existed.
  2. Well, yes they cooperate well. They are in Japan after all. They all live in the ring of fire, a disaster zone prone to Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Volcanic Eruptions. The entire island nation is stressed to work together in times of emergency to the point of conforming under pressure. Even more so in the Champions Universe.
  3. It wasn't my idea. It was my other gaming friend's idea. I simply liked and remembered it. Anyways, I'm sorry for the confusion. The idea about SLED was that it was a police procedure thing inside a superhero universe. Except that the cops in that branch have super powers. Kinda like POWERS (the comic book), if the cops shoot energy blasts and lift busses.
  4. SLED is slightly different idea than MARS. MARS is a human level anti-super SWAT team. SLED would be basically superbeing as part of the police. Supers with enhanced and/or special senses would act as forensic investigators (SLED-CSI), combat able supers would be part of MARS (SLED-MARS, meaning no real difference except they have powers), supersmart supers would be detectives (SLED-vestgators). In case you need to know, SLED was a homebrew campaign for a homebrew universal RPG called Omnibus which never got off the ground. I was around some people developing Omnibus, but I never play tested it myself. The idea is that if you use the idea of SLED in an official Champions Universe game, you do need to make sure they serve a different role than MARS cops.
  5. Note that SAT doesn't officially exist in 5ed/6ed Champions Universe. That doesn't mean you can't add them, either as an overt or covert agency. But, strictly speaking, what others have written is more likely. New York, Texas, California and a few other states would probably have a SLED branch of there police department (SLED is of course Super Law Enforcement Division, a SWAT team trained and equipped for rough supers). Smaller cities can get away with a friendly superhero or three. Others have so little super activity that it doesn't make sense to have a SLED branch.
  6. It teaches the rules, piecemeal by piecemeal. But after going through it and running it, your going to want a copy of Champions Complete. So Champions Begins may or may not exactly be what your talking about.
  7. Basically I don't think it is wrong IF it is a book everyone has assess to (the Champions character and villain writeups in HERO System 6ed for example, if there was any writeups in book 2, else Champions Complete). Beyond that, since not everyone who even plays Champions has, say, a Champions Universe book or the three core Champions Villains Volume books, then absolutely no to that. It is basically no fare doing that to reference a character in a book not everyone has assess to. Which is a good excuse to make rulebooks as slim as possible, so they can actually be affordable while still being complete rules wise. (It is possible that is one of the reasons Champions: The Next Generation failed. It didn't give you the complete rules in one book.)
  8. Maybe. Maybe not. Anyways, policing superheroes and dealing with supervillains becomes the beck and call of SAT, and this superheroes and supervillains become defacto military draftees subject to military law. Either that, or UNTIL becomes THE global law enforcement authority.
  9. Yes, we did go off topic. Instant Change at a 10 point level makes for a cool magical item (ring or amulet of costumes, for example).
  10. GM's are encouraged to make players pay for OIHID/OIAID. Everyone else starts on segment 12 and gets a post 12 recovery. A person with OIHID/OIAID has to arrive on segment 1 of the next phase (even if they have a Public Identity), mostly because they are assuming that they have to run off and find a nice quiet place to change, with or without being in site of other people (and may even take longer if the GM chooses). Multiform doesn't have this limitation, except when noted. (It's odd for Billy Batson to actually slink away to say his magic word, mostly because he is an orphan and has nobody to protect, and everyone knows he is Captain Marvel/Shazam anyways [at least the Falsite Comics version]).
  11. Thanks. I'm thinking a simple 5 point spread, as it was the standard for such things. But of course my memory might be faulty. Transfer I believe was 15 points per 1d6. Again, don't quote me because faulty memory. (I bet someone will anyways).
  12. @Duke Bushido, I wish they didn't get rid of the Instant Change power. It does, along with Only In Alternate Idenity, make a good alternative to Multiform. I don't exactly have a 4ed BBB, so how much did it cost? I would love to see it as an Alternative Optional Power in an Advanced Player's Guide 3. Same with Transfer (I'm ok with buying ranged advantages twice because it is actually two two two powers in one, same with extending duration advantages.). Will probably never see it. On the other hand, I am fine with Force Field be folded into Resistant Protection. There is no real difference except that one cost Endurance to use and the other doesn't cost Endurance to use.
  13. True. But close to air would make you a pervert. Like Ataru or Happosai. And air to close makes you anti-Shinimeta. But...you can technically go from nude to clothed with one "Instant Change", and cycle clothing with another. It only cost 3 Total Points to do one, and another 3 for the other. And remove the no range limitation to become Mr. Moth, eater of clothing. (Expects to be beaten up to death by white knight types.)
  14. Not with the 4ed power Instant Change. That only changes clothing or turn a nude self into a clothed self. Same with the 5th and 6ed version, which is Cosmetic Transformation (and is only buyable with Cosmetic Transformation). What your looking for is Multiform (Champions Complete pages 80-81). What I am talking about is the Instant Change on page 210 of Champions Complete. It is also in a sidebar around the Transformation power in Hero System 6ed.
  15. You just know the new pet won't be satisfied with an entire truck full of meat. Add a mad scientist and a few guards to the meal as an appetizer, and everyone in the city as a main course. Yes, the original ending of the Little Shop of Horror musical, the RPG.
  16. Technically "Instant Change" Transformation is NOT on yourself. It's on your clothing. You have to be wearing SOMETHING to activate it (even if that something is just a ribbon around your neck or a nipple piercing, or...I'll stop right here thank you). Note: when it was it's own power, you could use it when you were naked. And it still takes a girl on a date an hour to decide what to wear.
  17. Humm...Big Eyes Small Mouth...GURPS...TWURPS...Fusion..and some sort of system of some kind. And maybe more.
  18. A necromancer with a hate for a certain fast food franchise decided to "Frankenstein" a few zombie bulls to show how evil a certain burger clown is.
  19. I wouldn't actually call Powerhouse a "Bulldozer replacement". Both characters fill similar roles in the campaign, as the villain brick and "muscle for hire". Bulldozer was ment to be more comedic in personality. Powerhouse in comparison is more stable and serious. Also, Powerhouse is a bit of a jock, and can view PC bricks as competition. "How much can you bench shorty?" might as well be his quote.
  20. I might be art ludit (the best I can do is beefy stick figure people), but I do prefer artwork over photos. Especially when talking about cartoon/comic book/anime/manga inspired characters or settings. If I'm playing a spy or a gun fighter or film noir detective, then it is ok to find a character photo.
  21. Yep. ULTIMADEM (forgive any misspellings) was even created by a rather low level super (Flag Smasher). And then there is also an all female organization whose name I don't remember. Just because Hydra and AIM get more facetime means nothing. And don't get me going about the Bowling loving organization Sticks And Ball...opps...that's Exele Saga. By definition Justin Hammer's group and the Power Broker are not officially "organizations" if the leader is destroyed, the "illegal company" is so crippled that it cannot go on. Hydra can survive without the Red Skull or Baron VonStrucker. Heck, even COBRA survives without Cobra Comander...
  22. Also remember, VIPER leadership can and does lie to their agents, Dragon Branch or not. Again, it helps with their opportunity style of agent aquierment. Lie 1: your going to die from that Kelvarite piece reaching your brain. Lie 2: wear this helmet and it keeps that piece in place. Lie 3: the helmet is not cheap. We'll take some cost out of your loot to pay for it.
  23. Yes, Powerhouse is basically a thug. But even a thug has a mother ( he wouldn't be here otherwise). Yes, VIPER being responsible for 75% of all supervillains in the campaign is rather stupid. If they could create supervillains at will, why have normal agents? Instead, I would like to think of VIPER as opportunist minded guys. They didn't create Powerhouse. The accident did. They were there to simply persuade him to work for VIPER. They are always on the lookout for young mutants with power problems (Power Crusher for example), bad seed types who just want an easy pay day, mercenary types who feel the need to have a permanent backing group, etc.
  24. "You know that shard of Kelvarite which is slowly creeping into your brain, killing you? We at VIPER can make sure that piece doesn't creep further and kill you. Just sign on the bottom line big guy and you'll live a long life. Everyone deserves a long life, right?"
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