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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. I did some brainstorming on Xarriel's Elete in Create A Villain thread. I love the idea that he can destroy and recreate any of the life forms he creates at will. (I don't know if that is canon or my own headcanon, but Darkside has been known to zap his own henchmen with his Omega Beams and disintegrate them, only to recreate them later when he needs them.)
  2. Any edition could work if boiled down to the bair bones. Nobody says they have to know how much things cost, till they get tired of playing someone's idea of a superhero and want to play there own idea If I remember correctly, they suggested that new Players/GM ignore END. Doable. Well, that is what Oregon characters are there for... If you can describe the campaign in two statements (sentences), the more power to you.
  3. I believe Viper's Nest was used already for Champions Begins. With modern modifications of course. I never read What Rouge Beast, nor played in it, but the title and premise of the adventure is stuck in my mind. The perfect villain behind it would be The Great Beast. But he of course wasn't the original mad scientist behind the adventure. Honestly I don't remember any other adventure from the Occasional, err, Adventurer's Club.
  4. The big questions are: why are superheroes/super soldiers not on the front lines of the war effort? In Marvel the answer is, they were but the adventures were top secret ("The Invaders"). DC's reason is The Spear Of Destiny, which kept superheroes away from Germany. Champions history is that darn spell which kept allied superheroes from axis occupied areas. My reason is that the superheroes are great propaganda pieces and are much too valuable to risk their lives in the front lines. That doesn't mean they didn't risk their lives in important activities during WW2. It is just they were deliberately kept from the front lines unless an operation absolutely needed their skills. (Note: properganda agents won't work in a campaign where superheroes are supposed to be a hidden thing.) Besides, it's easier to vary adventures when they have a home base and not moving with an infantry or such.
  5. Golden Age mental powers tends, on the heroes part, more gimmicky than modern mentalist. Sure Mento The Master of the Mind can "mind control" someone, but it is set up as "Super Hypnosis" (stair deeply into victim's eyes, must talk to give one command, doesn't work on people with a high EGO stat [let's say 25 or more], can't hide control from victim). Mostly it is just moving things with his mind, setting minor fire with his mind, ect. Like mystics, a mentalist hero is basically a four color brawler with a mind based power or two. Special note: many heroes possess the Power skill, to simulate a friendly script writer who gives the hero a single use power which they use once (of course), then forget that they even did that (continuity wasn't that important during the Golden Age).
  6. Prehaps the infamous "What Rogue Beast" should work. The adventure should have a nice laboratory and maze work location, and a monster hunt with a terrifying bear/spider hybrid monster.
  7. My GM sprung Mystic Mountain on us. It is a gateway to various other dimensions guarded by superhuman hillbillies in the Apslation Mountains. (I assume I mispelled Apalation). It is the home of a PC by the name of Deliverance, a hillbilly mystical brick.
  8. If a character has a Mind Control power with Based On Presence [PRE], can the modifiers under PRE Attack affect the power? If not, how would you price an advantage which would do that?
  9. Note that "alien" can also be thought as "stranger". They don't actually have to be from outer space to be a stranger, only someone from a place isolated from the rest of the world, or merely a place which at that time was relatively unknown to our area (hench various aisan or asian trained heroes...ok more aisan trained guys who blink when someone mentions something which we consider common and say 'what is it?'.)
  10. A character must declare to recover, and can do nothing else. Which is hard to do in a combat situation. So...it is still worth the points I believe. Again, I could be wrong, but I believe I am at least partly right.
  11. He should grow. Also, current rules say you don't buy Growth to make a character big all the time. Just buy what you like and a Physical Complication for being big.
  12. He needs more Growth. Teleportation is intresting. A teleporting, growing brick. Mastermind potential.
  13. So he did the 5 points for x2 focus thing? How many points did he spend then?
  14. Pretty much true. Find out there is a problem preventing your character from acting, spend points on the solution.
  15. Let's see what I can find. Seems my screenshot capably isn't up to stuff.
  16. Having a new skill for that seems odd. WF: Improvised Weapons sounds more doable for a smaller price. And for Champions, a Multipower to simulate it (OIF: Improvised Weapon Of Opportunity).
  17. Looks like a good starting brick.
  18. There is nothing wrong with having his codename as Private Perfection. Comic book writers love alliteration after all. As for using such a low ranking, it is to show that even the common soldier has a role to play to win the war. Note: his actual rank is obviously higher than private once his powers become known, but I can see him be billed as Private Perfection because it suits the generals and the propaganda.
  19. Thar is entirely up to you. I didn't expect you to actually pick all the skills I list. Many would be picked up later, others wouldn't be picked up at all depending on the time period. You know your character more than us after all.
  20. I can see it. He is going to get them eventually.
  21. Prehaps "fast healing" is more appropriate, combined with Combat Luck. He won't be able to bounce bullets, but they will usually be flesh wounds and heal faster than normal but nothing which screams 'superhuman". A powerful Recovery will work well. Also Regeneration faster than one body per week with rest and medical care.
  22. Who needs skills when you can do that! Then again, he might simply be a glorified forklift unless he has a way to protect himself from damage.
  23. Skills? Let's look at my copy of Champions Complete and...HERO System Martial Arts. Acrobatics Analyze (Military Combat) Autofire Skills Breakfall Climbing Combat Driving (if he can drive) Defense Maneuver Demolition Fast Draw Navigation PS: Solder Rapid Attack Survival Tactics Teamwork Tracking Two-Weapon Fighting It's along list, but I don't see him actually starting with ALL of them. Or all of them with a decent roll anyways. And no real help from the DI, cause he only trains soldiers after he breaks them. As for the martial arts, I say either the bair bones of Commando Training (page 26 HSMA), or the basics of Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (page 54 HSMA), or if you don't want all that detail Cinematic Brawling (pages 27-28 HSMA), or even Generic Martial Arts (page 32 HSMA). Keep in mind he is learning in SPITE of the DI.
  24. "Fast Healing" (Regeneration, Invisible Power Effects) might be a logical power for him to posses. He just heals really well. And more on the Life Support side, has he ever been sick in his life? Has he ever had food poisoning?
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