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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. steriaca


    Re: Uspd-2 Besides the art, it woulden't hapen to have anything to do with some newer ideals which have been floating around, like the Macroverse, woulden't it? (Great, like thay would stop the presses just because I said a great ideal for a power in another post. What do I think USPD-3 is for?)
  2. Re: Steriaca's Version Of Terror Incorprated. Getting this thread back on track, what other supervillian who is not created by Dennis Mahonie, who hasen't been translated into 5th edition yet, and Hero still owns do you think would be a good put in for the Furimaker (sp?) position. I would say Sparkler, but she realy is not that violent. Then there is The Vizgoth, who would make for a good double agent inside Eurostar. But I disgress.
  3. Re: Steriaca's Version Of Terror Incorprated. Oh. Wow. A spellchecker (finaly). Now I don't have to mispell a word unless it is supose to be mispeled. Except your right...The libary will not let me do anything to the hard drive.
  4. Re: Australia in the current CU
  5. Re: Help with villain description/powers Your proably right...it is Carrion. The fault of my bad spelling.
  6. Re: Steriaca's Version Of Terror Incorprated. Nice ideal, but we can't use Poinstetta. Well, Hero Games can't use her, cause Dennes Mahonie is using her under the name "Sparkplug" as part of the "Leauge Of Champions" comic book series (and, since she is Flair's sister, may appear there also). Basicly, my take on Spider Monkey and Pantera are that thay came from the same ilegal lab (proably an ARAGANT lab operating in South America). Pantera was a 3 year old child when she was aducted and then spliced with panther DNA. While Spider Monkey...well...nobody questions exactly where you get expermental animals, just what was the experement was.
  7. Re: Steriaca's Version Of Terror Incorprated. Gomen. I forgot about Steve saying not to post pre-existing charaters (even if I did redo them, power-wise). So, basicly, in a nutshell, the writeup of the bad profesor has him locked into his powersuit, unable to remove it. Giganto can now absorbe physical and energy attacks to grow, and, well, nothing much changes with Spider Monkey, except she can now use a streight razor as a weapion. Nuff said. Forget I even started this. Sorry.
  8. Basicly, what the title says...my version of one of the most freared supervillian teams of the Hero Universe, now destroyed by the mind of Steve Long (not to mention Scorpia and Furimancer wanting to see the Europiean countryside, and kill some people doing so). But, well, "thay never found the body", as thay say. Here is some notes from my mind to keep in mind when you read the writeups. 1) The original name of San Murete was Bellaluna. Why did I name it so? Because it sounds nice. 2) Even when it was Bellaluna, San Murete was a dictatorship. The people have never acualy knowen freedome till Scorpia and Furimancer killed the bad profesor. 3) Giganto's "name" was a result of some American reporter thinking he herd "El Giganto" instead of "El Gigante". Stupid gringohs (HAHA! I am one also, so there.) 4) Giganto is the bad profesor's brother, othoe Giganto dosen't remember that fact. 5) The Assasinos existed, but now are defunked. Most of them are still alive, but only Spider Monkey joined the new Terror Incorprated. 6) I can't spell to save my life. 7) Because of limited time on public computers, I must take theas writeups in stepts. Because of this, I might not finish a writeup before I post it. Still, a partial writeup is better than nothing till I return to it. Thank you.
  9. Re: Proofers wanted for DH Article A good case. Defently not Kayli...but still a catgirl. Which brings me to the question, Kayli's name is a takeoff of the leafing green vegitable Kale, right? It's a Sanijin thing to be named after veggies. Which also reminds me...will we ever see Chiller beyond the name? Besides, what would a female of Frezza's race look like anyways? (I would say a larger body, with large hips, and no breasts, cause only mamals have them, and most women in the animal kingdome are physicaly larger than the men, but I do disgress)
  10. Re: Help with villain description/powers Charon, the "undead cloan" of Profesor Miles Warner, AKA The Jackel. Turns out that Charon was neather undead or a cloan, but a virus created by the profesor which gave victoms the superpowers asosiated with Charon by overwriting there DNA, and also gave them the 'need' to destroy Spiderman.
  11. Re: Sin City HERO You know...I sorta figured out what Mav's "condition" is...Scicoprena (I KNOW I mispelt it): The mental disorder which causes the person aflicted to see, hear, smell, and taist things which are not there. I mean, many times in the story, he mentioned how it was OK to smell things which was not there, but not OK to see things which were not there. At one time, he was questing if Goldie was even dead (thanks, Wendy, for confusing him), or if Cardnal Rorke was the real head guy behind Goldie's death ("Got to make shure."). Which, of course, makes me shure...that I am a losy speller. Anyways...here's to the home DVD release this Augest. Chears.
  12. Re: Help with villain description/powers Another power to give this guy is Streaching, Reduced Endurance (0 END), Invisable Power Effect (at least to sight). Basicly, if he can spot something, then he can manipulate it, cause the law of "range" dose not applie to him. Another power to try is Telekineses (with the same special effect), and Clinging (with the special effect of...reality does not know if he should be 'let go' or not).
  13. Re: Sin City HERO Im still waiting for The Yellow Bastard's write up.
  14. Re: Proofers wanted for DH Article Ah! The first thing I thought of when I saw the stats for Kayli in Ninja Hero was Woulden't she make a good 'playmate' for Firewing. Both of them have the loves combat disavantage, and thay are both extremly powerful. More importantly, when thay get together and but heads, it should scair any sain charater, even if thay can't tell a Dragonball from a Gundam.
  15. Re: Proofers wanted for DH Article Humm...so does this mean that Kayli and her race are part of the Champions universe, or do I still need to use the old "came here from another dimention, and must go home eventuly" in order to get her to go mano-o-mano with Firewing? Which begs to question...who would you think would win...Firewing or Kayli? (I know who loses...any city thay decied to fight in)
  16. Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!! So is the Always On Growth not a legal power. So, basicly, El Giganto should be renamed El Velveta Giganto...the realy big cheez.
  17. Re: Suggestion for a book Humm... I, for one, would love to see more enimies-type books in the future. It was always fun, in the past, to see exactly what other people's ideals on villians were. Of course, this will proably never happen again on Steve's watch (not the ideal of more enimies books, the ideal of one of us 'small timers' writing an enimies book, and having it published). The reasion I beleve is to avoid one of the problems of the ICE ages: that of the universe just being a colection of random superbeings without much impact on the world. I mean, what did Doctor Destroyer think of The Zodiac anyways? Oh, and the 'many small orginzations' book should have a small group of humans being comanded by some alien force. It could be our tribute to Galactor, from Gatchman...except the alien force dosen't want to control or destroy the Earth, but rob it of it's natural resourses, and use our own people to do so (with help from advance technology). Oh, and I thought up another problem...interchangable villians who don't hold there own place in the Champions world. Still, a return of some old faverets would be nice, if thay can hold an individual spot in the Champions Universe which nobody else has filled. Like Monopol, who was not only a high-tech bank robber, but ran an underground magazeen which catered to supervilians. If your a supervillian, and need to be hiered for some work, you can always make an add out in Crimes Of The Heartless.
  18. Re: Enter...The MACROVERSE!!! Acualy, I know that...growing is just a special effect. Humm..."Haveing your atoms so far apart that other things float pass into and through you as you grow into the Macroverse" is an intresting special effect.
  19. I was thinking, in your campain, are there dimentions which one has to GROW to visit, and SHRINK to go home to? If so, do you think a requiered "Side Effect" for minor physical damage to the enviroment is requiered? What do you think?
  20. Re: Anyone get DC: TAS yet? That would be someone of my own creation, Mr. Wicked. I would defently place him in a Dark Champions Powers campain. Basicly, I would list him as this. Mr. Wicked: Rich man with weapontry based on 18th centery gentleman wear. Is a 'white slaver', and is also obsesed with melodrama villiany. I sent him in for Digital Hero, and I got no responce on him. Then I placed him up on my own "Charapaloza" thread. Oh, and there is Red Death, another Dark Champions Powers villian. (The) Red Death: Mutant with a deadly touch and the ability to move through walls. Hates drud dealers and drug uses alike. Has a mobid sence of humor.
  21. Re: Help: Time Villains I always liked the Profesor Reed Richers Time Travel Theroy, which goes like this: You can not travel through time. Instead, you travel to an alternative dimention where the event you want is happening here and now. You can meddel with it to your heart's desier, but once you get home, nothing has changed. Of course, The Doctor both proves and disproves that theory, but only because he touches on the fringes of the Marvel universe himselfe. And it does nothing for the guy who can stop time (which, so far, nobody in the Marvel universe can do...but there is already a guy in the Hero Universe who can do just that...hint Caption Cronos...hint). Which reminds me, am I the only guy who misses Timemaster?
  22. Re: Solara's flight speed Only if you want her flight to leave no 'sonic boom'. This does not mean that her flight is quiet, thoe. To quell the sound completly, buy her flight with Invisable Special Effects (Sound).
  23. Re: Does Seeker still suck? The anime which was know as both Battle Of The Planets, G-Force, and Eagle Riders, and was know in japan as Science Ninja Team Gatchman. As for Condor Joe, he was better known as Jason on BotP (he was the guy with the throwing feathers).
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