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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Semi-Anime-Ish Charater Ideal... Well, seing that he is only a half god, I would not give him any VVP. Besides, Beldandy, Urd, and Sculd only have there VVPs for a reasion (Urd has trained in magic, Beldandy is a conduit to the Ultimate Force, and Sculd is extremly smart and a wizard with building things). I also don't think a high natural PD/ED would work, since where I stand, Beldandy rairly gets attacked, let alone prove to be more sturdy than a normal human. Of course, I would give him better STR, CON, PRE, COM, PD, and ED than a normal person (and prehaps a good SPD and DEX as well), but not beyond a 30. I think his only natural "power" should be Absolute Time Sence talent (he is the son of the goddes of the present, he should always know what time it is). I do think he should have three "gifts", objects his aunts and his mother gave him once he was asigned to be a superhero in another dimention. Hear is a rundown on the gifts, and I want you to tell me, acording to each charater's personality (as you know of), if the gift would be aproprate. Urd's Gift: A rune sword. Beldandy's Gift: His angel egg (the angel inside is one bound to the element of earth, but I would wait till I get enougth XPs into him befor buying the angel. By the way, he needs a name, and only has one wing). Sculd's Gift: The Sculd Mark 1 Henshin Watch (which hides his costume when he is not adventuring). Also, what should Tenchi's superhero name be? It shoulden't be Tenchi Morasoto.
  2. I was pondering on a charater who is named Tenchi Morasoto. That's right, the half-god/half-human son of Beldandy and Kenichi Morasoto from Oh! My Goddess! The problem is...what superhero name should he have? It should have a norse panthion ring to it. Also, what powers do you think a half-god should have? Especaly considering the fact that he comes from the Oh! My Goddess universe (but thanks to answering a certan phone call, no longer resides there...Thanks Ultimate Force).
  3. Re: Okay, my friends. Give me your Ch'i Attacks of unusual nature. That is a staple in some fighting video game series. Just look at Tenken. We have an evil corpration who uses a legitiment martial arts touriment as an excuse for the CEO of the company (Hirachi, I think his name is spelled as) to show off his strength, and eventualy get an army of fighting mercnaries and expermental robots (remember the JACKs?) to take over the goverments of the world. Not all fighting games are true touriments. There is no touriment surounding the events of the Samuri Showdown series. And the Street Fighter Alpha series depicts the times between the two touriments (and this is the area the Udon comics are in right now). And if there is a touriment in DarkStalkers, will someone tell me? Thay are helpful, but not exactly nesasarie. Still, thay ARE helpful (as thay gives charaters with difrent backgrounds an excuse to group together). And thay can hide many things, on both the villian and the hero side (remember Fatal Fury, and Terry's quest to avenge his father?). By the way, that is another staple...a dead father/friend/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/husban/mother who needs to be advenger, and the only way is through blood. And yet another staple is the fact that, in the end, the hero might have to die. Sometimes without even bringing the villian to justice.
  4. Re: Okay, my friends. Give me your Ch'i Attacks of unusual nature. Well, here is my try. Chi Stealing (Touch your oponent, and drain his END. Putting that END you 'stold' into yourself is an option, but not nessasary). Chi Enhanced Fart Clouds. Chi Inited Fart Clouts Of Fire. Sonic Belches. Pumping Your Chi Into Your Voice, And Shouting Out Words Which Have A Physical Apperance And A Physical Force (for example, by yelling out "HI", you can create a kanji made of fire which can burn your oponent). Using Paper Tailsmens To Frezze Your Oponent In Place.
  5. Re: WWYCD? "Once more, with Justice" D'Ho...I forgot The Red Death (a "hero" for a V&V game which became a Champions game...3rd edition I think...or was it 4th? Anyways, I made him into a murderous vigalantie in my "Heropaloza" thread). Basicly, The Red Death's song would be a furinal drige, with lots of black comidy verses within. Each time he gets to a cours, he kills another drug dealer or drug user. And the song? It would be about his secret...that he realy enjoys killing, and hopes that people would continue to sell and use drugs so that his chosen targets would never run out.
  6. Re: WWYCD? "Once more, with Justice" Lady Heart: Something defently j-pop, in the "magical girl opeing theam" style. And as long as s/he dosen't blurt out that s/he is realy a guy under all that yin/yang magic, eveything would be fine. And even if s/he did mention that fact, as long as s/he dosen't reveal his/her secret ID, that would be alright. Sunburn: Burn's song would proably be something upbeat and fun. Like, prehaps, naming all of the superbeings he knows of (not just met), via name in song (in a "We Diden't Start The Fire" kind a way). The Damsel: Dixieland Jazz, baby. With a hint of "Pricella, Queen Of The Desert" style drag glam.
  7. Re: Expanded Card Shark Rouster Ideals. Just thought of a new one... Suicide King: A former psychologist turned asasion who specalises in mainpulating the target into killing themselves via psychological manipulation. His card is a split card, an King Of Spaid and an Ace Of Spaid. His name comes from a poker term (othoe I don't know exactly what a 'suicide king' refers to exactly). Also, to you think I should acualy make Black Queen and Red Queen acualy one person sufering from a split personality? If I remember corectly, the original Red Queen (from the Adventure's Club artical) was a split personality (a normal cop going deep undercover, and her Red Queen personality).
  8. Anyways, anybody gave it any though about how and who Card Shark would add to his group? I have. And hear is my list. I also want to see your list (or, baring that, your reaction to my list). The Pocket Suit: A group of 13 people, all cops, judges, and such who are bought and paid for by Card Shark himself. All of them have a card rank, and can be contacted by mailing them a card (which is blank except for there number/letter, and placed inside an extra envelope, a "pocket" as it was). Basicly, this repersents cheating, "having a card in your pocket". Muligan: When someone within the Card Shark orginzation needs to be killed (because in order to save his own hide, he is willing to spill his guts about the orginzation), Muligan is sent to knock the squealer off. Nobody knows exactly who Muligan is (except prehaps Card Shark himself, Pokerface, and Dead Man's Hand). The card thay send him is the card of the member who needs to die, with a black 'x' on the frount. If he needs to see Card Shark, he sends a request as a Joker card with a blank back. Ace: The best driver in the group. If it has wheels, wings, or can move in the water, Ace can drive or pilot it. He is also an expert in hot wiering. His card is a Joker card, one of a joker holding the Ace Of Diamonds in his hands. Red Queen: A seductress and master thieth (or should that be mistress thieth). The Red Queen specalises in high society roberies and blackmails. Her card is a 'split' card, with one half the Queen Of Hearts, and the other half the Queen Of Diamonds. Black Queen: Twin sister of Red Queen, she is an expert on seduction, kidnaping, and assasination. Her card is, again, a 'split' card, with one half the Queen Of Spaids, and the other half the Queen Of Clubs.
  9. The big question I want to ask is, if this book gets done, exactly what dimentions do YOU want the book to cover. Hear is my wrougth outline (from out of thetop of my head). 1) Time Is A Place: Time Travel, The Time Stream, And Null Time 2) Why...This Is Earth? But Haven't We Just Left?: Alternet earths, and earth-like paraells (like Lo, as sorta described in Enimies 3). 3) Where Angels And Demons Tread: The Hevens and the Hells. 4) Where Do We Go, When We Go?: The Afterlife Dimentions. 5) Going Up Or Down?: Micro and Macro-Verses.
  10. Re: Villain Summary Charts/Tables In Books I would have to agree with eveyone. A nice masterlist on the site, with the extra pages freed up for eather more charaters, plot seeds, ect. Then again, I myself do not acualy have a campain. Mostly, I create villians and other stuff. Which has me thinking, what will it take to have my villians published by Hero in an enimies book (eather real or on line)? I have a bunch of them at home, and I would be willing to write a book if thay could fit into the Hero Universe (through a Champions filter, of course).
  11. Re: Beastly Distinctive Features Well, first Al can easly be confused with a normal alligator (especaly when mostly sumerged in the swamp water, which begs to ask, has he visited New Orliens lately...?), and, well, Dr. Silverback can pass for a normal gorilla if he must do so. As for Sapphire, her mutation is not oveous, and is only "dinstinctive" if your carring around a mutant detector. And unless your a member of the IHA, your not going to lug a mutant detector around 24/7. And also this IS a superhero campain, which means you can find almost any 'look' you can see on a person. And, if your Joe Normal, chances are, you have seen it. "Blue skin...so last year. You have a tail...that's nice. A third breast...ho hum. Ten eyes all over your body...that's odd, but nothing to run screaming from. A being which looks like he came from a H.P. Lovecraft story...now THAT is something you don't see eveyday." Again, it is all acording to taist. Some can get away with the bair mimimum DF.
  12. Re: Captain Booby-prize Reminds me of the villian The Dash (from The Great Supervillian Contest, and he also showed up in an ishu of Flair). He was a speedster who gained his powers from a mystic amulet. Unforcently, Flair stolen the amulet, then placed it on a launched rocket. This did not leave The Dash powerless, but instead caused his powers to cost lots of END. Later, Thugmaster developed a special drug for him which gave him lots of energy, but also made him adictive to the drug.
  13. Re: New Victorian Art Still waiting for a victoriean damsel in distress mini.
  14. Re: Champions Universe Plot Hole Plugging The answer to "Why Hasen't Doctor Destroyer Took Over Yet?" question. One answer is "He realy dosen't want to take over the world, he realy is board, and springs evil plots to keep his mind fresh". I mean, he is over 80, prime age for mental derangments which cause memory and intelagent loss. That is, unless he keeps him mind active. Another answer is "Subversive conflicts with others with simuler goles". VIPER, Menton, even The Warlord are playing a cold war with each other so thay THAY will be the one who would control the world. And Doctor Destroyer has to play this game.
  15. Re: Can someone explain.... Humm...not if you buy the power with the advantage "Useable As Running", meaning you can chose to 'run' (touch the ground) or 'fly' (touching the surface of objects you are crossing) at your choice. Without that, your only going to be realy running 12".
  16. Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future? Well, here is my list. The Martial World: Exactly what we need, a sourse book about the world of the martial artest in the Champions Universe. Also info on The Watchers Of The Dragon tourniment, amoung other things. Champions Of The Rising Sun: It's Japan, in a book, through a superhero filter. The focus should be on Tokyo, but there should be something on Osaka, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Mt. Fugi, ect. Focus should also be on the moder age, with a small look at World War 2 Japanies 'heros', and heros from the Meji Restration. Plus history, economics, entertaiment, school, ect. Bloody Fists And Exploding Heads: A martial arts enimies book for Champions. Nuff Said. Space Outlaws: A alien and outer space enimies book for Champions. Again, Nuff Said. Hero Multiverse In 3-D!: An oficial look (and rules) for vareous dimentions in the Hero Universe. Covers time travel and Null Time, Hevens, Hells, Afterlife Dimentions, Prison Dimentions, Microverses, Macroverses, Alternitive Earths, and other goodness. An Untitled (As Of Yet) Enimies Book Created By Someone Other Than Official Hero Games Staff, But Still Published And Considered Official: The name says it all. Great Adventures: A reprint of vareous great Champions adventures, updated to 5th edition, and published to coinsine with Hero Game's 25 Birthday. My vote is for The Island Of Doctor Destroyer and Day of The Destroyer. An Untiteled Epic Adventure Agenst Doctor Destroyer: And why not? It beats An Untiteled Epic Adventure Agenst Foxbat anyday. Enimies Recharged: I like the ideal, except it should be enimes which Hero are planing on using again. Why? Cause then, it would give Hero more of an insentive to get off there colective rear and make the book happen. You realy think thay are going to 'oficialy' publish enimies thay will never use? HA! Argent: Science Without Restriction: The Argent orginzation book. Long live Beamline. Nuff Said. Encylipedia Dramatica: An expantion upon the Digital Hero series You Got To Have Charater. A book full of the stats for real people out of history. Also, this would be a good place to put the stats for public domain fiction charaters like Count Dracula, The Monster Of Frankenstine, and the original superthieth Lupin. The Best Of Digital Hero: Again, Nuff Said.
  17. Re: Concept help! Hair Powers Reminds me of the sampel manga of the moungth from Shojin Jump, Bobo-bo Bo-bobobo (did I get the hyphins right). He has an afro, and also has 'hair powers', except it is nose hair.
  18. Re: Concept help! Hair Powers I had an ideal of an evil female martial artest who uses her hair as a weapion. She could not manipulate it with her mind, but it was long, and she could use her hands to guide it some. I would give her a Hand-To-Hand Attack (hair whip). Beyond that, well, most other uses have already been mentioned. Can she change her hair color/hair style/hair length at will? That might call for Shape Shift (hair only).
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