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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All Yamamura, I must spend some rep...yadayadayada... So, remind me to rep yopu for Sweet Mercy later. By the way, I haven't seen P.A. yet, which would make me a target of Littel Slugger (especaly if I mispell his name). Which reminds me, I should make a villian or two loosly based on Japanies Urban Legion ("Mr. White", the Supernaturaly empowered assasion which can be contacted by calling yourself on your cell phone, and whispering the name of the person you want to die into it). Which also reminds me...I should look for an image which would fit him. Anyone seen a good pic of a japanies person in a white suit?
  2. Re: Old Villians Made New I doubt that Steve can do the Destruction Company again, cause it is from the ICE-age, but I am shure Steve can recreat the group, if thay need such a group.
  3. Re: Your Character's Comic Book I agree with Black Rose on this for Sunburn. Basicly he is a 'light' charater (both in powers and attatude), and I know Ben or Fred can do light action adventure/humor with enougth good nature parody in the mix (while 'burn is not a parody of anyone, I beleve that neather Ben nor Fred can resist putting an ocasinal anime/manga parody in). Eather them, or the person doing NHS now (Kattie Barr, I beleve her name is). As for style, 'burn has always been more of a Marvel Comics Silver Age guy, basicly a mutant with some problems (like the fact that total darkness acualy can kill him). I would leave that weakness out of the comic book (but would keep the fact that he is vulnerable to "black light" and "dark mater"), have his secret ID be some colage student (which was what he was...basicly same thing with the details changed). Humm...I would also give them first stab at The Damsel (the crossdresing gagetear).
  4. Re: Favortie NINJA HERO NPC? From the first book, the entier group YooSho is my faverote. And "what were thay thinking", the guy who created the "superboxers". From your book, my faverote has to be your homage to Raditz. My next faverote has to be your take on Son Goku. As for "lame", there are none I can think of.
  5. Alright folkes, what villians would you being back from Hero Game's Golden Age? To count...the villian... 1) Has to have a writeup pre-5th edition... 2) Has not been created during the ICE age (cause Hero dosen't own any charater created during the ICE age)... 3) Not created by Dennis Mahonie, or has appeared in his Heroic Publication comic books (with the exception of Sonar and Raidar, cause the ideal is realy cool)... 4) Must fit a need in the Champions Universe which can not be filled by another villian (or can be filed by another, but not easy). Hear is my example. Name: Monopole Why (S)He Should Be Reserected For 5th Edition: Because the ideal of a villian fan boy is creepy enougth, but add some powers, and his underground newspapers, magazeens, and web sites, and he could be a major threat. Things To Change: Make him more report-ish, along with the oveous tech skills. Give him more magnetic abilities to make him 'strong', but not disgustenly so. Role To Fit In: His underground newspapers, magazeens, and web site can act as some sort of supervillian temp service.
  6. Re: Mystic Superheroes Now for Heroic Publishing. Lady Arcane. Doctor Arcane. Psychie (the mystic formaly know as Rose). The Black Enchantress (who only vagely counts, cause she is a villian, but protects the Earth dimention from other mystical villians cause it is "HER PROPERTY").
  7. Re: Mystic Superheroes Well, I am man enougth to say I am wrong...so I will say it. I am wrong. I do notice that there is not a lot of Marvel mystical superheros. Let's add a few. Doctor Druid. Sleepwalker. Does Thor count?
  8. Re: ARAGENT Super Villians Nice list. Now to do something about it. I see Neutron and Arc working with Holocost in one of Holocost's fake "take over the world to make it safe for mutants, but in reality I don't cair about mutants, only myself" sceam. Thay MIGHT quit his group and join ARGENT...but I do stress might. I don't realy know about Pulse. Corprations was my leas faveret book from 4th ed, othoe I liked that it included Marksman's corpration (but not Marksman himself). Falcone and Locust might be there canadian agents. Bolt and Vector...could be... Szybko...no. VOICE is not an oficial part of the Hero Universe, and even if it was, Szybko would be a member of VOICE, not ARGENT. Mentalax and Death Rider...proably. Monopole, proabaly not. I do like the fact that he makes fanziens about supervilians. Besides, Monopole has another use as a Supervillian/Reporter/Supervilian Fanboy.
  9. Re: Mystic Superheroes More mysticals to add from the DC Universe... Swamp Thing (An Earth Elemental). Cain and Able (Embodiments of the "first story". Interacted with Blue Devil for a bit. Works for Dream.) Alright...Cain and Able are streching things... Madam Xanadu, a mystereous woman of gyspy blood who gives people the power to fight the supernatural on there own. Doctor 13. Sometimes confused with Mr. E, Doctor 13 is an investgator of the supernatural, but dosen't beleve in it. In fact, all his cases have a scientific explnation. Of course, he dosen't use magic himself...(or does he us it subconcesly to change all supernatural to scientific to suport his beliefes).
  10. Re: Mystic Superheroes ...dosen't belong on this list, because he realy was another idenity of The Martian Manhunter, and he used the excuse of "magic" as a cover for his alien powers. The members of The Endless might, but only vagly. (Dream has been known to interact with supers, and the same for Death, but then again, Death interacts with eveyone...that is her job).
  11. Re: A-r-g-e-n-t Well, that would fit with "Gole 2: Profet, no mater who it hurts". I see the inner circle being made up half of scientist types who got tiered of someone saying "no, you can't test that lazer gun out on that cute puppy", and the other half buisness men who don't cair about scientist testing there lazer guns out on cute puppys.
  12. Re: ARAGENT Super Villians Well, Halfjack is already in Viper. And I doubt that Frizbee will be recreated (unless thay can eather make her cool, or make her a joke villian). Piledriver, thoe, would be intresting. As for the groups goles...thay should be two foled. Gole 1: Science at any cost! Gole 2: Profit, no mater who gets hurt! Gole 3: Do anything which makes Gole 1 and Gole 2 easyer.
  13. What past (pre-5th edition) supervilians do you think ARAGENT (ARGINT?) would recrut for there supervilian arm of the group? My choices are... ...Beamline (in fact, he should lead the supervilian arm, because he agrees with the 'science at all cost' aims of the group). ...Plasmoid (as a series of robot weapions designed to use force field tech). ...AVAR-8 (the latest in a series of spy androids which uses the ability to change there density...AVAR-7 was destroyed by AVAR-8). Any others you think could make good ARAGENT supervilians?
  14. Re: The Forumverse name game Bravo on Hooligan X! To bad I can't rep you.
  15. Re: Character for Review and naming If she is defently a violent man-hater (or wants to come across as such), I would proably name her Stilito (after the knife, and add that weapion to her weapion locker). If she is an explosive expert, Bombshell comes to mind (I am using that name for a deadly duo of a husban and wife superteroist named Crosshairs and Bombshell). But I guess you already have an explosives expert. Humm...Vixen might work (female fox). Just don't call her the name which rimes with Witch, and means Female Dog.
  16. Re: Alas no picture for this one... You know what Hero needs? A few true vampier charaters (heros and villians) running about. I don't like Stalker (of the Assanios), but I miss that fact about him.
  17. Re: Alas no picture for this one... Humm...A cool concept...GI Mummy. Which reminds me, I created "Profesor Mosaic", who is secretly the Creacher Of Frankenstine (he HATES to be called The Monster Of Frankenstine, or just Frankenstine). As part of his expanded orgin, he was found by the Thrid Rank, and was coned by Hitler to become a axis superagent known as Herr Adam ("Mister Adam"). Then, he learned about the death camps, flead to Anartica, where he sleapted till woken up by ARGANT agents at around 1980. He started studding mankind again, and then decided that mankind is not humain at all. So he decided to destroy mankind under the disguise of "Profesor Mosaic".
  18. Re: New Avengers? Something Wolvie should of learned about in his long years of living...you never, NEVER insult someone's sinifigent other in frount of the person who is the other's sinifigent. (Or, in beter words, you never insult someone's wife/husban in frount of there husban/wife) Serves him right.
  19. Re: The Forumverse name game Profeser Robert Steriaca was always a mad scientist. Durring the so called "golden age", he was a young, active, and inquisitive scientist who dabbled into forbiden science. So what, he thought, that the lesser minds who judged his creations thought wrong about him testing on living beings. Once a superhero destroyed his first project, he snaped completly. He then declaired that hero (who's name has since been forgoten to time) his arch nemisis, and invented diabolic devices after diabolic devices, all with the gole of destroying him. Then, he invented the ultimate death machien, a machien which not only destroyed the hero, but made the world forget he had ever existed in the first place. He retiered, regaining some sanity, durring the so called "silver age". Now he is well over 100 (but well perserved), and still poseses that diabolic mind. ARGENT has used him to develope many devices for them, and he enjoys building them. But, what he curently wants, is to find some way to regain the youth and vigger he lost so long ago, without destroying him intelagence as a price. And if he could give himself superpowers to boot (beyond his advance mind), that would be a pluss.
  20. Re: Digital Hero Materials in your Champions Campaigns Me myself, I enjoyed ALL of the Digital Hero I got for free (because it contained my New Kenjustu Styles artical in it). Since I don't have a campain, I don't use any of it. Which acualy got me to wondering, exactly how many of you people out there acualy used my new kenjustu styles for a martial artest/Samuri charater? (Just wondering)
  21. Re: God Package... Let me think...most Olympians were "imortal" only in the fact that thay could not age beyond an adult. Thay were hard to kill (because thay exist on worshup...as long as someone beleves in them, thay have power over mortals). As for being chemically immune, most of them could get drunk, and in fact did get drunk. While you never herd of an Olympian getting a cold or getting sick, thay still needed food, drink, and air. You might strech the rules and say that extreme conditions could not affect them, if you wish. As for flight...most of the Olympians were ground-locked, but could proably enter Mount Olympus no mater where thay were (Extra-Dimentinal Movement?). Beyond that, only Apollo and Mercery could "fly", and Apollo needed his charior of the sun to do so, while Mercery needed his winged sandels to do so.
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