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Everything posted by Cancer

  1. Re: Why hasn't magic changed the world? In a world with magic, there is still evolution. Germs have magic resistance. The strains with low resistance have already been wiped out. What's left is the stuff that doesn't keel over at the first spell. As for engineering and agriculture, the answers aren't quite so obvious. Who knows? Maybe crops grown with magic aid aren't as toothsome (pink bullet tomatoes, anyone?) or have other unintended side effects.
  2. Re: The Last Word When Momcat got out of her cell (we're keeping her and the kittens in our bathroom and bedroom), she made a beeline for Siegfried & Felix's dishes. Oddly, when Siegfried came out and discovered her there, he just came up and sniffed her. When she turned her head and growled, he growled back in sort of an obligatory fashion, stopping when she went back to eating. Eventually he finished sniffing and walked away. I hadn't expected that sort of reaction.
  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings So it's like the blue stuff they use in the toilets on airplanes?
  4. Re: Pulp Hero Resources Another shipping spam.
  5. Re: The Last Word Among cats, there is no sweeter food that that which you steal from someone else.
  6. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares All the President's Men in Tights.
  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "iLash. The new and discreet high-tech discipline system from WHAKKKKKKKKKK, whip makers for Dame Esmeralda the Wicked, dominatrix to the court of His Majesty the King of Elbonia." NT: More ideas for an "Achilles' Heel" for your Champions character that the GM declares inappropriate as soon as it's explained to him. Oh, and keep it clean this time.
  8. Re: The Last Word Ah, well, you may be an owl, but I not afraid of the dark either.
  9. Re: The Last Word This probably goes in the Random Attacks thread but the temptation is too great .... * Emails Alice a certain bootleg PDF *
  10. Re: One Small Step for Man... "We came in peace for all mankind." I'm among few people old enough to have been able to see it who ... didn't. I was asleep in my bunk at Boy Scout camp (Camp Freedom, Germany) when it Armstrong went down the ladder onto the Sea of Tranquility. Precisely seven years later, on 20 July 1976, the Viking 1 lander became the first really successful landing on the surface of Mars.
  11. Re: The Last Word More work than it's worth. I'll read the new HP someday, but it's unlikely to be soon. I have no plans to get one, but last time my wife went and got one on release day, and I figure that'll happen again.
  12. Re: Now that is a space suit... Needs a cleavage window.
  13. Re: The Last Word BTW, I'd have to register in order to fill out your poll.
  14. Re: Answers & Questions Q: AAaaah! What happened to Melvin, my pet slug? He's all shriveled up next to that big bowl of popcorn! A: Here, to go with that, have some notes from the UK Lottery Commission and a hatful of business propositions from Nigerians.
  15. Re: The Last Word Yes, another intriguing aspect of the internal consistency of a self-referential structure. (And you've heard of that before somewhere, I'm sure.)
  16. Re: The more corrupt you are, the more it hurts I'd expect you'd have to link in an Analyze or Detect of some sort into the compound power build, and I'm also concerned about the "Here's a power that only hurts people I don't like ... and that's a limitation!" effect. There's gotta be a counter or a serious downside for this. Perhaps you handle that by having it be Uncontrolled, and then it hits someone in power who's more credible than the PC, but who is corrupt, but hasn't done anything provable yet....
  17. Re: The Last Word Heh. I've recycled a number of lines from old chatroom transcripts from a decade ago.
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings They've never seen Crater Lake, I guess.
  19. Re: "Neat" Pictures OK, next do Barad-Dur, including the Lidless Eye.
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Release the squirrels!
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings Gah, I gave up years ago on learning students' names. Of all the social skills one ought to develop, name-learning is among my absolute worst. It is with known irony that I find "That's Doctor A*****e to you, buddy!" is so funny.
  22. Re: The Last Word "We don't need your guilty-of-incestuous-rape sails!"
  23. Re: Musings on Random Musings I don't know whether to in response to that, or back away slowly without making any moves that might be considered provocation.
  24. Re: Astrophysics question You're thinking of Cerenkov radiation, emitted when a charged particle (not a photon) passes through a medium at a speed faster than the speed of light in that material but not faster than the speed of light in vacuum.
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