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Everything posted by Cancer

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Having just completed my reconstruction of Otto Lilienthal's human-powered flying machine, I'm going to take it for a test flight right now."
  2. Re: WWYCD: Felononius Feline Mr. Terrific doesn't have anything in his power suite that can catch the loot before impact, and only his mentalist form (which has no TK) seems likely to be able to interdict the burglar before he escapes. If he's not already in that form, though, the burglar probably gets away; changing form is a full-turn sequence.
  3. Re: The Last Word I had a series of recurrent nightmares about being crushed by bus-sized iron snowflakes, but I've told that story before.
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Y'know, it's strange that the water comes in these odd tubes coming out of the wall at head level at odd angles."
  5. Re: Jokes It's a cryogenic shame about those guys, you know.
  6. Re: The Last Word It's been years ... over a decade, I think ... since I've had a significant dream (that is, something more than a vignette) that I remember. As a kid, my nightmares usually involved being the last one in my house/class/family/neighborhood to be killed/devoured, as I warned everyone that it was going on.
  7. Re: Complicate the Person Above The Oregon Legislature biennially debates a measure to ban pot roast, all because Enforcer84.
  8. Re: The Last Word Heh. One of the nasty little nightmares I had one night as a child was that my bedroom door opened, and a hand lobbed a little Tupperware container onto my bed. Where the lid popped off. It was full of fast-moving spiders which went everywhere. I hurtled the end of the bed (not easy from the upper bunk) and was in the kitchen before I stopped. Took about an hour to convince myself it hadn't really happened.
  9. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Would you please put that chainsaw down? I'm not a tree, and there are no logs for miles. A: That isn't what that tool was made for!!
  10. Re: The Last Word I've read very little Stephen King. I'm not a horror/suspense fan. I was stunned when I read a novella (it was in a collection) by him and found that it was a story about hope ... I don't recall the story title now, but it's the one that was made into the film The Shawshank Redemption.
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER "There seem to be some issues with table with several billion rows." Turns out they're bumping up against the 32-bit integer limit, though there's a way around the issue if you use a particular descriptor of the table dimension which is stored as a signed 64-bit integer. I am reminded of the time I was forced to move from a 60-bit machine to a 32-bit machine, and scratched my head for a while when going from 4320.0 to 4330.0 in steps of 0.01 gave 1024 steps. I was annoyed.
  12. Re: The Last Word I suspect that it depends upon which flavor of undead we're dealing with. Vampire cats may not require the loss of any lives. OTOH, I don't think I've ever seen a zombie cat, so that must take a lot.
  13. Re: The Last Word So get an undead cat.
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings Actually, I saw one of the members of my M.A. committee (and he saw me) at a strip club once, while I was writing my MA thesis. I was there with other participants of a bachelor party; it seemed like he was a regular patron. One of those moments that make you go
  15. Re: The Last Word You don't even have a cat, then?
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "The city shall fall to me, Captain Larda$$, Master of Trans-Fats!"
  17. Re: Answers & Questions Q: The victim was locked in his Orgasmatron, and then the murderer nailed down the timer so it wouldn't turn off, after cross-wiring the stimulation module from the 12 V wall-wart supply to the 440 VAC building main feed. Ever hear of that one before? A: That's what happens when you forget to pay your gravity bill.
  18. Re: The Last Word In that case, a 56k modem connection tends to make you lose patience and go back to something else very quickly.
  19. Re: The Last Word Sure it can. Just have the boss walk in.
  20. Re: How many points does a person have? 0+10, wow. Harsher than even I suggested. Still, that's the right idea, especially if 0 points corresponds to the canonical 10 in all the standard stats, but the actual population average is 8's instead of 10.
  21. Re: Looking for House rule suggestion I can see his concern: I'm not certain I've ever played a combat where available END became a problem for PCs. STUN and BODY, yes, Charges, certainly; END, no.
  22. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Sharon Stone
  23. Re: Complicate the Person Above Ever wonder what happens to all the test animals after the cosmetics industry is done with them? Used to be they got fed to crematorium, but regulatory changes mean they can't do that any more. But they can sell them. And death tribble buys them, cheap. His army of angry, mutilated, vengeful animals passed the hundred million mark recently.
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