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Everything posted by bigdamnhero

  1. FWIW, we tried doing this, basically pro-rating Movement by Turn so that everyone moved by Segment instead of by Phase. For example, if you had 24m of Running per Turn, you moved 2m each Segment. But you only attacked/did other actions on your Phases. Seemed really cool on paper. ...Lasted one combat, and we couldn't drop it fast enough. YMMV, so good luck. But we thought it was a total nightmare.
  2. Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if the bits in the trailer are 90% of RDJ's screentime. Of course then they risk pissing off folks who thought they were going to see an Iron Man Team-Up movie.
  3. I love Pre Attacks by PCs, but I generally tend to avoid using Pre Attacks against PCs. IMX players rarely enjoy being told how their character reacts to a given situation, especially when there's no way for them to resist ala a Breakout Roll. YMMV.
  4. Alternately, Firestorm's player is the guy who's perpetually distracted and never remembers what's on his character sheet. GM: "Firestorm, you're up." Player: [looks up from phone] "Who, me? Oh, um...I Blast him I guess." GM: [sighs] "Whatever. Roll it." I've actually had exactly that happen in one convention game I ran. An experienced gamer I knew and had gamed with before but had never played Champions before sat down at my table and picked the Mystic Master PC, the one who was built to be the versatile Swiss Army Knife character. The dude literally used the same RKA spell every Phase for the entire game.
  5. Agreed. Tho the shot of Sppidey swinging alongside Iron Man did make me squee. A little.
  6. Yeah, WW's original powerset is kindof a weird grab-bag of whatever Marston thought might be cool, sans any particular unifying concept. A Classical Greek-esque culture that still relies on swords & bows? Sure. And yet they also have super-tech far more advanced than anything in Man's World? Okay. Mind controlling lasso? Um, I guess so. Riding kangaroo fights? Whatever, dude...
  7. Oh, I have no problem with her being able to deflect bullets, or at least being able to learn how to do so. It's the notion that the Amazons specifically train to do so, when there's no reason they should even have guns, and they certainly don't use them for anything else. Just...odd.
  8. ...Only When Dramatically Appropriate...
  9. I just want to make sure I'm interpreting this correctly: the BODY damage can be Healed with normal Healing, it just takes twice as much, right? Assuming I've read that right, I like it and the cost doesn't feel out of line to me.
  10. The four-show “Invasion!” crossover gave The CW its best week in 6 years
  11. ...even if they've all been isolated from the world since long before guns were invented.
  12. How Supergirl And A Gay Comic Book Clerk Helped Save A Girl’s Life. My eyes misted up a bit, I admit it.
  13. The overwhelming number of people on TV are attractive; it's hardly restricted to lesbians or women in general. Even more so on the CW.
  14. Given that most of your posts on this thread are complaining about bad writing on Supergirl, I figured you'd enjoy adding something else to bitch about. In general, I agree about the writing on LoT, which is why I've mostly stopped watching it. But I thought this one was okay, way less eye-rolling than the average LoT episode, and not noticeably worse than the Arrow & Flash Invasion eps. The teleplay credits for the LoT Invasion script are two of the show-runners: Marc Guggenheim, who's one of the main writers on Arrow and has also written for Daredevil, Jessica Jones and 15+ years of other TV shows; and Phil Klemmer, who wrote for Veronica Mars and Chuck, and has also been at it for 10+ years. Not exactly interns.
  15. They got ahold of some Dwarf Star Alloy an episode or two ago, which he was able to use to make a new suit. I *think* I heard a quick throwaway line expositionizing that. But yeah, for something that was a plot point for multiple episodes, you woulda thought the Reveal would've been a bigger deal.
  16. Correct on both. I'm surprised Ragman didn't get more play - he's actually been shown to be fairly powerful, tho still inexperienced.
  17. Fun Fact! The terms Faerie and Fae are actually from the later middle ages, and aren't in use in the 11th Century. Among the Norse/Germans/Anglo-Saxons, they're the Alfir or Elves. To the Irish & Scottish, they're the Aos sí or Sidhe ("people of the mounds"). To the Welsh, they're known as the Tylwyth Teg ("fair family”). In Slavic/Russian lands, they're called the Villa. Greco-Roman culture doesn't have Elves per se, but the Nymphs are probably the closest parallel. I decided to go with "Fey" as the name they call themselves.
  18. A few from Wednesday's Fantasy Hero game. Our heroes have been transported to the land of the Fey. I'm describing the village they're approaching, with all the elfin villagers gathered in the town square. Player: "Do they have these really tall hats? Are they singing the Whoville song? Is there Who Hash?" Several of us singing: "Fahoo Fores, Dahoo Dores...!" GM: "It's not Christmas here." Player: "It's always Christmas in Whoville!" They make friends. Over dinner, the village poet/Lothario is chatting up Thyri, the beautiful woman warrior. Next to them is Father Edmondo, the Priest and designated storyteller. GM: "He spends most of the meal flirting with you." Thyri: [dismissive hand wave] "Yeah, good luck with that." Edmondo: "He's a poet right? I get him going exchanging stories." GM: "Great. Now he spends the rest of the meal flirting with you." Edmondo: [shrug] "Meh. I probably don't even notice. Friendly guy." Other Player: "Should've known he goes both ways." GM: "All elves go both ways. I thought everyone knew that." Later, our heroes ask the Fey for magical advice. My (not terribly original) take on the Fey is that they're basically all magic users, and while some are obviously better at it than others they don't see it as a separate class/profession/whatever. And this is a small village, so everyone has to earn their keep somehow. Edmondo: "We're hoping you can help us understand [bad Guy's] magic so we can figure out how to fight him." Village Elder: "Ah, if you want to learn the secrets of magic, you must talk to...the Baker."
  19. Now that (Invasion) was a damn good episode. "The Life That Might Have Been" stories are a classic staple, and they can get a bit trite when handled poorly. But I have nothing to complain about. A nice choice for a 100th episode too! (OK, the random cybernetic villain of the week was kindof lame and unnecessary - but it was worth it for Barry & Kara's high five as they Teamwork her.)
  20. Unattractive people on the CW? The deuce you say! I was referring specifically to the Arrowverse. I thought DC/Warner had made comments about keeping the Trinity reserved for the big screen for the time being, but I could be wrong.
  21. OK, points to you. But given that in 2/3 of those choices the incurable disease was the starting point of the whole show, I don't think it undercuts my point much. Yeah, Huntress could work. Alex feels like a closer fit for Batwoman, but they could make it work either way. Tho I do like the image I have in my head of someone dubbing Alex as Batgirl, and her snarking back "That's Batwoman to you!" with a wink at Kara. Yeah, the fact that they went out of their way to drop that in almost made me wonder if they're setting that up? (Or maybe Berlanti was just floating the idea to see if he could generate some buzz and use that to sell DC on the idea?) I'd have to go back and watch the episode again but I *thought* Kara said her cousin used to work with a guy like that, past tense? So maybe Bats has retired, but maybe Old Man Bruce Wayne shows up in National City to pass on the mantle? OTOH, Alex already has Winn and the entire DEO to gear her up, so she doesn't really need a bunch of 10-year-old batarangs. FIFY. They haven't given any hints they want to bring Helena back, and as much as I enjoyed the character I'm not sure she'd fit in well with the current tone of the show. So nothing to stop the writers from handing the mantle off to someone new. And they've already played the "Oh, we have a _____ on our Earth too" card so many times, I don't think it'd be too radical a notion. That was my impression too. But they originally weren't too keen on having Superman appear on the show, so who knows?
  22. At the edge of the roof/cliff/whatever. But seriously, folks. Knockback is Instant, falling is Constant. So from a mechanical standpoint, KB ends at the end of the KB distance, after which you're either on the ground or you start falling on the next Segment. If you're Flying, you're in control. If I hit you for KB, I'm in control (at least initially). If you're falling, gravity is in control. Well per RAW, if you don't hit anything and just slide along the ground, you only take 1/2 damage. Yeah, the fact that it takes no time and ignores all normal movement rules is a bit artificial. I guess if you wanted to be more exacting you could treat KB like Limited Flight UAA. Although the thought of doing that for basically every attack makes my head hurt, and I'm not sure what you'd gain by it.
  23. Also: when Barry told Diggle he had a daughter named Sarah in Flashpoint, I expected Sarah Lance to say something like "You named her after me? That's so sweet!" But I guess that would've lightened the angst-fest and taken attention off the Let's Blame Barry For Being Human. (Yeah, I get it, but I'm ready for them to move past that one.)
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