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Everything posted by Superskrull

  1. Ah. Now all you need is the first 8-10 issues of the ongoing series and you should have all the cheesy characters you need. After all, don't you want the Pre- Enemies Assembled stats to Exoskeleton Man? Or stats on seductive water elementals and the world's last vampire?
  2. Ah, multiple earths. I love that stuff. I tend to try cramming it into whatever superhero games I run. I've used the Champions in 3-D stuff, been inspired by an old article in Space Gamer detailing Aaron Allston's original campaign ( I didn't recognize it at first when I found Strike force later), had evil duplicates from mirror dimensions, based villain strongholds on empty Earths with no natives, swiped old V&V module ideas for prison planets where evolution barely crawled out of the sea, built a fused Marvel/DC Earth & timeline for campaigning that I wound up revising three times, built the corollary fused world blending the Crime syndicate, Squadron Supreme & Extremists into a nasty metahuman dictatorship, rebuilt that too, let Champsguy and friends run amok in time and space, crossing from current campaign world to old game settings to my fused earth and over to brawling with Thor from Asgard to Oerth . Only thing I haven't done yet is make my players visit a world where superhuman alien nobles protect the natives of a decimated future Earth from ancient evils & the spacefaring enemies the nobles fled from. That'd be as cruel as sending them to another world where a mysterious mystic warrior defends his homeland while feigning helplessness and/or incompetance in his secret identity.
  3. Or the other other episode where they have some post holocaust Earth and Kirk reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Star Trek seemed to have a number of duplicate Earths lying about the galaxy. Heck, Trek hits all these classic genre buttons; time-travel alterations, evil twin universes, and spare Earths the writers leave lying about. Man, I love Classic Trek. Now, if only my players hadn't all seen these dozens of times as well, I wouldn't have to invent my own stuff.
  4. Superskrull

    Kid Fist

    Yep. Suffer like I did! Ha ha ha!
  5. Superskrull

    Kid Fist

    Nah. I know that cry well. He often shouted it in my ear as he gleefully walloped something. "Dice Generator On!"
  6. Aw, man! No, I have to sacrifice my bonus check to bulk up my collection. Well, it's for a good cause, right?
  7. Re: Its all about the points What Sinister Villains spend points on... 1) Pre, Int & Ego 2) Skills, lots of 'em. Occult skills for occult/mystic ones, Science/Tech skills for the technologicals, Pre skills for all of them. Acting and Oratory for style, High Society for poise and often some artistic/musical skill where they are secretly brilliant. Tactics, Analyze and Teamwork with his minions are common. 3) Attack & Defense They almost always outmatch the heroes, requiring teamwork and intelligence to beat. Whatever level your PCs are, these guys are a notch above it. 4)Location, Manpower and the cool toys needed for evil schemes. These guys aren't just gonna rob banks, they have suspacial fortresses, 'beowolf clusters of atomic supermen' and whatever plot device they need for Evil Scheme #423alpha. 5) Flexibility, give these guys a nice tasty multipower of dirty tricks and back it up with a VPP full of "something I designed just for you, my old foe!" and other sneaky things Where they get those points... Something about them just screams Psych Lim. Try Megalomaniac, Must Always Remain In Control, Devoted to Elder Gods, Overconfident, Vengeful, Patient, Scheming or Manipulative. DF is good. Often whatever reshaped them into Sinister Villain mode left a mark like parted your hair with a blowtorch or 'souless creature' or inhuman beauty. Hunted, 'cause they don't play well with others, but not by more powerful beings, leave them to things like Watched -my dark masters. Secret ID is good, or DNPC beautiful daughter/noble son/frail human wife vulnerability/dependence/susceptibility -usually, the high-power ones have a weak spot, be it some armor flaw or a need for dark rituals or fatal allergies to Disney-flavored children Villain bonus, cheesy, but hey, dress him up with some good history and a purpose in your game and he'll look just fine, regardless of the points. and remember, he's going to interact with the rest of the campaign world and react to the actions his enemies take. He's not sitting in room 24 level 4 of module V-3 Tower of the Dark Lord, he's striding around plotting, ranting and sipping fine wines while he crushes the hope of the planet.
  8. The horror! The horror... I'm gonna have to go back to the 80's for this one. My vote is for Mind Masters from the Gamma World line. That sucker was a plot-on-rails with greased tracks and explosive collars if you run. It was an evil meatgrinder of a module, designed solely to render a character unplayable or at least broken in body and spirit. The premise is that you stumble into a computer controlled sanitarium and they 'fix' your delusions of being in a post-holocaust world. You come out of it shaved, surgically modified and with the equivalent of the Phobia mutational defect. If you're a character who previously enjoyed using his wings, prepare to have them sliced off, just like the fur, scales, feathers or other deviations from baseline. There's no real way to enjoy that module, other than locating and sending a Death Machine to play with it.
  9. Sinister villains are great fun for the GM. Like the others have said, everything is done to further THE GOAL. Sinister Villain kicks a puppy, it's for the goal. Sinister Villain harvests the souls of promiscuous teenagers with a reanimated psycho, it's for the goal. Sinister Villain is only shown to drink diet cola, it's for the goal. Sinister Villain is revealed to be the father of PC, it's to further the goal. A 'good' sinister villain should leave a wake in the history of your world. Pick an event or so he engineered in the past and make sure the players find it out. Have other villains look scared when his name is used. One great move is to give him some shred of sympathetic trait. He's a fallen good guy, has a weak spot for fine arts, whatever. Give him that, and almost every time, someone is gonna want to 'help' him. At that point smile and let the 'bonding' begin. Have him show doubts as to the rightness of his path. Have him confide in the character, saying he reminds him of the path he didn't choose. have him seem truely remorsefull and lure in the hapless player. Then crush the PC's hopes, shoot his dog and burn down the local orphanage. Make the PCs hate him and burn with righteous anger. it's all in fun, after all. Remember, a beautiful face and honeyed tongue may hide a serpent's soul and poison bite.
  10. Yeah. Your memory is dead on there. Master Pandemonium was this evil guy looking for the fragments of his stolen soul. It was all Mephisto & John Byrne's fault, too. He really could have been intriguing but he mostly came across as dull.
  11. Hey, I've been GMing since '84. I was bound to get good at it sometime.
  12. Y'know, I actually bought The Return of the Incredible Hulk on VHS a few years ago. I understand that it's coming out along with Trial of the Incredible Hulk on one pain-filled DVD in May or so.
  13. Ah, I love time travel. I've used it in several games in various ways. In my off-the-cuff game where I was trying to survive running a game containing Con-El and Phaeton, it generates a scenario they will break a sweat worrying about stopping, since temporal tampering bypasses invulnerability. It also lets me generate evil clones and mulptiple coppies of things during the story to cloud the plot. In my normal Champions game, where I actually do plan things, it makes for a fun story as they spot the evidence and launch themselves on a course that will pull together a lot of plot threads and last for several sessions of action, investigation and (my favorite) meaningless debate over time-travel physics by characters and players who seem to miss the whole point by taking the stance that time-travel is impossible. Nice thought, but that's like trying to disprove your own existance. It's also fun to work in time travel as a new thing to the PCs and then have them discover that the WWII era characters (for example) have 'been there, done that' and aren't fazed by it in the least. It's also fun to work in some time-travel where they don't know about it. I ran a throwaway game before set in the Golden Age where they PCs had to rescue Dr Temple from Nazis as in the Champions Presents time travel story only with the PCs being local heroes who saved him while the time-traveling future hero (currently an NPC) watched from the shadows as his timeline was changed trapping him in this now alternate past. The hapless former PC also narrowly avoided being roasted by the triggerhappy radioactive hero Captain Freedom as the teenage ninja from the future snuck out of the tree right before it was vaporized by the 'good' Captain who had spotted 'something' and opened fire. Later heroes in the campaign wound up in this alternate timeline temporarily as they looked for the time-lost prior PCs. It's a wierd feeling to know you've kept the actions of multiple player groups in continuity and let their actions influence each other without anyone but you knowing.
  14. Usually because of two reasons. Fighting fascism is a feel-good story. It gives heroes a clear-cut sense of 'this is wrong and I can fix it with X' and makes for a fun time as they try to succeed against black-hearted fiends and well-meaning dupes. The second reason is that it's quite disheartening to learn that if it wasn't for your own actions things would be better.
  15. Hmmm. Nah. Besides, I think he's probably responsible for Dazzler. I still remember that foul graphic novel she had.
  16. Well, I only know of one off the top of my head. That's the undeniably French character known as Superdupont. Sebastien Andrivet wrote him up in DC Heroes format on his website. http://www.writeups.org Great site, BTW.
  17. Well, every team except Bat-Mite & Mr. Mxyzptlk, that is.
  18. Wow. Those things are almost lighter than air. 'Course, Hulk is strongest one there is, even if he was Banner-Hulk at the time.
  19. Superskrull

    Heavy Metal

    Cross Crash! Ah, I see. Well, anime is fun stuff and I certainly have made a few characters with cheesy attack names they shout to activate. Just don't make any giant robots that shout "Buster Cloak!" and pull a missile deflecting cape out of nowhere and we're both happy. Gunbuster hurt my head when that happened, but the Homing Lasers were cool. As to Robot X, maybe you could squeak a point or two out for some multpower-based Str Boost with just a few charges or something. As to the rest, maybe you could tweak the whole set of bots and parcel the skills around them so they could play research team as a whole. You know... Juukinzoku: OK! The only to beat Professor Machinegal's latest scheme is to bypass the Mol Unit Shielding on his androids and destroy their teleport units! Shinobi, you map out strategy based on prior Machinegal behavior. See what's another tempting target! Sentry, correlate your sensory data with the computer logs to see if we can track that old geezer's movements. Medic, see what those scans show about the android's physical capacities and potential structural flaws. Robot X, you and I will try adjusting our weapons systems to take advantage of the research results. Fugi, go get me a Cherry Slurpee! Tetsusenshi Sanjo!"
  20. Stupid space monkey went down in one punch. Teach him to come to Earth and try to steal our women!
  21. Oh sure, but after all, oil tankers only weigh like 75 tons or so. After all, when Thor, Vision, Iron Man and Wonder Man worked together they were able to life that whole hypercompressed floating mountain thingie that Graviton accidentally made. That means mountains only weigh like 4-500 tons, tops.
  22. I guess Perry broke his secret stash of Super Cigars, then? Those things can even cure cancer, y'know. All that comes to mind now is the immortal words of Fred Flintstone... "Winston. It tastes good, like a cigarette should."
  23. Superskrull

    Heavy Metal

    Juukinzoku Hurm, she's interesting, I suppose, but why does she have what appears to be voice activated weapons? Genre convention? Anyway, you might consider swapping her Super Metal Blast 2d RKA thingie out for a Super Metal Blast 15d6EB, 12dEB AP, 5dRKA or 4dRKA AP. Y'know, something with more bang for the 75 AP she's built it in. Sides, those slow arming attacks are generally a finishing move kinda thing, right? That way after her robot sidekicks set him up, she can use the SuperMetal Blast to send EZ-BKR, Oven with a Grudge to that Appliance Repair Shop in the Sky. Then, posed dramatically against the burning fires, she renews her vows to put paid to the forces of darkness.
  24. Superskrull

    Heavy Metal

    Robot X, secretly Rex Robot Hmm. Appears to be the all-around combat bot here. has energy blasts, beamsaber, energy tentacles and a little flash and bang. Needs some combat levels, but this can be compensated for with teamwork and blinding the opponent before whackin' him in the head. If you're hurting for points, you could shave off the science skills, 'cause that's like 15 points or so. Just what is unsatisfactory about him?
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