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Everything posted by Superskrull

  1. Re: Get it out of my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A paraphrase from the narrator from Futurama. "You read it! You can't unread it!"
  2. Re: Aquaman: WTF? Yeah, that's about the right way to describe them. The Eye was also handy since he could take a copy of it in astral form that still functioned as usual. It's also worth noting that Agamotto's light wasn't too pleasant for evil supernaturals to be hit by. As a side note, the Orb and Eye are pretty much a badge of office for the Sorcerer Supreme since Agamotto makes up a third of the Vishanti (along with Hoggoth & Oshtur) and they are one of the primary backers of sorcerers of order like Strange. 'sides, near as I can tell owning them both gives a sort of synergistic bonus to Strange's invocation of Agamotto's power. Y'know, like having the whole set of crown rod and orb for a specific alignment did with the old D&D artifacts. Anyway, Doc wouldn't be half as fun without all his occult trappings and artifacts.
  3. Re: Do you use the Published characters as a baseline for you campaign? Hmm, makes me almost embarassed about when the last Champions character I ran had to fight Grond. I had a 450 pt brick with the concept being strongest man in the world. I was blinded by the supervillain working in conjunction with Grond ( ie point him at the target and snipe from cover) and I wound up having to grapple with him and squeezed him unconscious. 'Course, I had a Str of 75,Dex of 20, Spd 5, OCV 10 w/levels, a Con of 50 & 50 PD, 6" of KBR, and a multipower that let me ramp up to a total of 150 Str. Gross, yes, but damn Atlas could put pain on people. Sadly, after the retcon storyline, he had dwindled to a mere 120 Str max.
  4. Re: I Have In My Hand A List... Well, I'm unsure as to the purely social aspects of a lack of McCarthyism but when you want to delve into the wierdo zone of superhero stories remember that the superhero is the natural enemy of the Red Menace. Since the primary source we've got for proper speculation and wild exageration is the rather odd dynamic of the superhero yarn, we've gotta hit the books and see what those Godless Commies were up to in what passes for the real (four-color) world. DC is in luck, really, it had a much higher concentration of active heroes after WWII. Many of these stalwarts were already happily smashing the plots of the Commies whenever they found them. Look at Superman, for example. Since he'd already evolved from a superhuman vigilante and social reformer into the staunch supporter of 'Truth, Justice & the American Way', so to speak. Supes was always willing to lend a hand when the forces of Communism tried to subvert our way of life, and by subvert, I mean threaten Western civilization with weird one-of-a-kind weapons, gadgets and disposable superhumans. Batman too could and did unravel many a plot of the rascally Reds, often cleaning their clocks in the process. The later generations of Green Lanterns Flashes, Atoms, Hawkpeople and the like were almost considered agents of various American Intelligence Agencies that had nothing to do BUT foil the evil commies. Once can only presume that like the later heroes, our earlier models would continue to drop everything to work tirelessly for the government they had always supported. Over at Marvel, it's kinda tricky to say, though it's a safe bet there would always be a Captain America kicking Ivan's pinko butt and that Nick Fury would be there to bust caps in the enemies of Democracy. What's really funny is the intimate involvement of Commies and the Communist threat in the origins of many of Marvel's icons. Fantastic Four -gotta get to the moon before the Reds do, hence cosmic ray-induced wackiness and eventually we get evil Commie super-apes anyhow. Iron Man- kidnapped after being mortally wounded in Communist Asia (somewhere), Tony whips up a Commie-smashing suit of power armor (with the aid of Dr Yinsen) and walks out over the flaming bodies of his Red captors Iron Man would later be sworn enemy of the Communist threat and prompt many Russian superagents to be developed just to battle him, like Crimson Dynamo, the Titanium Man, the Unicorn Thor- he scared the piss outa the Red Chinese, they created the Radioactive Man just to counter his awesome might being in the hands of America The Hulk- dude, the Commies are responsible for him in the first place, if they hadn't been lurking around screwing with our Gamma Bombs, we'd be knee-deep in crazy green menaces today. Heck, one of the toughest Gamma-mutates is the Abomination, once Emil Blonsky, the Commie spy Spider-Man -yes, even Spidey himself boasts a Commie or so in his Rogues Gallery, namely the Rhino. OK, so he isn't exactly a Rhodes scholar but he's a big superstrong bulletproof Commie nonetheless. Ant-Man -after his wife, Maria, gets killed by the Commies for defecting to the US of A, ol' Hank finds himself beset by multiple Commie menaces like giant Red bugs, evil Commie gorillas like the Beast From Berlin, and goofy people with only code-names and guns fighting for the Evil Empire. I could ramble further but all I can say is that when it comes to fighting the Reds in the comics, step aside and let the spandex set do it. After all, with a deficit of Nazi ass to kick, they're hungry for new targets for their Fists of Justice or whatever they use. All McCarthyaccomplished in driving heroes underground or into retirement is that somebody would pick up the name a few weeks later and the guy running at super-speed, talking to birds or shooting green ray beams has a new outfit and a different Secret ID but the same motivation.
  5. Re: New games setting from sanguine.com I thought I saw that in a game shop a few years ago. It claimed to be an anthropomorphic fantasy RPG and had this picture of Lina Inverse and Naga the White Serpent as foxes or some such. Is this a new publisher or something?
  6. Re: Making Money Try taking up palmistry, tarot reading or some other fortune-telling method. If you can precog, give them a somewhat vague but useful reading. Use telepathy (and aura-reading if you have it) to tell them what they really want to hear. You won't be rich but it should pay the bills if you live cheap. I mean, I live in Oklahoma and I know of a few people who make a living that way and have been established here for years. I'd imagine the market's even better in larger areas. Besides, nobody's gonna think the flaky new age palm-reader is actually a real Psi. Makes a nice cover, hey? 'Sides, if you see any really nasty events, you can always step in and ward them off yourself and that leads to plot complications. GMs love PCs with automatic adventure generating abilities. ...well, I like having them around anyway.
  7. Re: Ramifications of "Powers NOW" More disturbing would be the problems if some of the empowered are already in office. Telepathic politicians with mind control sounds like prime nightmare fuel.
  8. Re: Who was the LAMEST? Sure, I remember him. He even rated a mention on the Appendix to the Marvel Universe site, see? http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/generic.htm
  9. Re: Official Champs Uni = Marvel Uni? He can also be seen as being like the Punisher, considering their mutual penchant for perforating punks. Batman's not so fond of the whole gunplay motif.
  10. Re: Please review Evil Witch for Champions game So, this is a replacement for Talisman, right? Looks pretty nasty. She's got the spells to cook a target's brains and body. Off-hand, I'd say she doesn't need to worry about screwing up any summoning spells, as she's already soulless. It's like calling up drinking buddies at this point. I rather like the Aid, too. Let's you pull off that "disrupt the dark ritual to sumon the giant nasties" scenario assuming the heroes get there in time. She might want a little more Def if she's gonna frontline fight a superteam but as long as she's packing some demonic cannon fodder, she should do ok.
  11. Re: Who was the LAMEST? NFL Superpro, hands down. That comic will make your eyes bleed with it's lameassitude.
  12. Re: Character: Robocop He needs ED. I mean he really really needs it. As he stands, you can kill him with a can of lighter fluid and a match. A zero for ED means even a 1d normal Ed attack would cost him a Body. I'm not advocating him having 18r ED or anything but the Spatterpunks would have roasted him like a marshmellow with the stats you gave him. I realize the third movie stunk but he did wade through a gasoline fire with no appreciable damage. Give him like 8-10r ED and he'd be fine.
  13. Re: Character for review-Kitsuen Ah, so you can kabong people with your bong, got it. I'm sure many criminals will be oddly pleased to be bludgeoned by something valuable. You may have been thinking of the kitsune as a fey creature. In that case the vulnerabilities to iron makes perfect sense as a general anathema to supernatural creatures such as your fox spirit.
  14. Superskrull

    The Destroyers

    Re: The Destroyers I'm willing to commit to maybe. If you give me a day or two I can give you the bare bones writeups based on the old V&V modules. I'm not sure just where they are right now but I have a floppy with them roughly done in 4th Ed terms in Heromaker format and I can always just reconvert them using the module notes from my V&V stuff. If you're looking for ones based more on the comics, they're still a decent place to start. Regardless, I've got to go visit the family tonight so I'm not starting before 9 PM Central time. There, that's at least reply, right? Oh, and I can throw in a a free copy of Doctor Apocalypse to go with the group. Their giant robot takes longer as V&V vehicles are all weird looking and straight conversions don't work well.
  15. Re: Character for review-Kitsuen Yeah, I'd agree with Crosshair, you'd need more movement to get him around the field in combat and adding some Combat Luck to his already luck-based Damage Reduction seems like a pretty good idea to bring his defenses up far enough to avoid being a walking bruise after any given fight as DCV 12 is great but not out of the range of most attackers. Also, just out of curiosity, what's the pipe look like? I have this weird mental image of a 4 ft length of steel tubing with holes down the length for some reason.
  16. Re: Shoubu Da! (quien es mas macho!?) I'm voting for Kenshiro. The North Star & Southern Cross schools are, according to the manga, God's own brand of Kung Fu. 'Sides, unlike a Z-fighter, Ken can break skyscrapers with his face and feel no pain.
  17. Re: Shoubu Da! (quien es mas macho!?) "I throw punch, he go crunch." Can't get more direct than that, right?
  18. Re: Character for comment: Keiko
  19. Re: Character for comment: Keiko Interesting character you have, kind of a daughter of Akuma kind of thing. Is she for a superhero or wild martial arts campaign? Well, I'd say she needs a little more movement for a superhero game, where one tends to roam father afield than the standard martial arts duel would take you, like another ultra slot granting some level of extra leaping would do nicely. Now, on to point allocation. Sure it's cheesy to some, but you'd still have 50 End and 42 Stun if you pulled some points out of your figured stats and raised your Con to 25. Besides, that one extra Con point could be the difference between retaliation and kissing the concrete. You could also pull the additional points you spent on raising your Analysis and Combat Sense to 12- and bump your Int to 13. Martial Artists should have at least a somewhat better than baseline Int and it also bumps up your Perception roll. Never a bad thing, right? Also, you might see about streamlining a stat or two to scrape up the points for a KS or two. A KS in Celestial Dragon Kung Fu or the Martial World would probably be quite useful. You might find it just as useful to lower your Aid to +18 pts rather than 20, since your Dex can't profit from the extra two points past 18 and a max Str of 36 isn't too shabby either. You could always push the max up later with some XP. Well, that's all I got. 'Sides, this way you know at least one other person didn't just skim over her.
  20. Re: ... until it becomes... a Thing of Iron!
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