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Everything posted by Zeropoint

  1. That kind of thing is why I hate those "guess the next in the sequence" kind of questions. The rule space that you're searching through is potentially infinite, and there exists a rule that will put ANYTHING next after any sequence.
  2. Hmm. "Sexy" is consistently used more for male teachers.
  3. Argh, that's enough computer puns to fill a scroll. Lock it down.
  4. Nice. I'm not sure why any of that should be unsettling.
  5. I agree. Drawing Wonder Woman to look like someone from a teenage porn fantasy is just not being faithful to the core character concept.
  6. Hmm. Interesting information, but like you said, we only have one example to study, and as Holmes said, "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts."
  7. The idea sounds a little strange to me--Life As We Know It is life evolved for Earth specifically--how could any other planet be better for Earth life than Earth? It makes me want to read the article to see what they're actually saying.
  8. Two, Unless it's the Enterprise, which has eight.
  9. It's becoming increasingly clear that one, especially one from a minority, can be killed by a cop for no more reason than the cop feels like one needs to die at the time.
  10. Software engineering was STARTED by a girl. Lady Ada Lovelace, the first programmer. Respect.
  11. Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but MY personal opinion is that only a minority of police officers are criminals and murderous monsters. The majority of police officers are the type who feel that having civilians murdered by police is a lesser evil than holding police accountable for their actions. There aren't any good cops. GOOD cops would arrest the murderous cops and see to it that they got convicted.
  12. It's no consolation at all for me, as someone who doesn't believe in any kind of afterlife. We need to create justice here and now, in the world that we actually live in, not shrug our shoulders and assume that the score will be settled later.
  13. Only one in four clerics knows this weird secret that vampires are afraid you'll find out!
  14. Wow, the Rough Beast is . . . well, "epic" is a much-overused word these days, but that's what it is. That was an excellent job of translating the poem into a character build. I'm very impressed!
  15. That . . . is actually a pretty sick burn for someone as straightlaced as Varsavius.
  16. I find myself somewhat conflicted, in that I support equality in games (and everything) and oppose sexism . . . but on the other hand, I just recently got the game Core of Innocence and I'm enjoying it. Where does deliberate fanservice fall on the ethical scale?
  17. In America, you can always find a party. In Soviet Russia, the Party can always find YOU! In America, you explore space. In mother Russia, space explores YOU! (see Tunguska and Chelyabinsk)
  18. Do I detect a fellow fan of "The Laundry Files"?
  19. You know, that WOULD be rather adorably humorous.
  20. That wasn't something that I'd thought of before, but it makes sense. Just because something is necessary doesn't mean that there's no such thing as too much. It reminds me that things like climates and ecosystems are complex, and we should pay attention to the people who study them for a living.
  21. In post-Soviet Russia, SPACE explores YOU! Wait, didn't I do this joke already?
  22. Hugely important, game-changing news, if it's true. I'm looking forward to hearing more on this.
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