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Duke Bushido

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Everything posted by Duke Bushido

  1. I use comic Sam's every chance I get. I find the complaints of unprofessional juvenilism to be amusingly more unproffessionally juvenile.
  2. Yeah. No pressure. Looks like my home repairs are going to get rained out this weekend. I hope to get back to work on it during my "break."
  3. I seriously haven't forgotten this, but as Chris G is aware, I have had some serious issues come up in the weeks since we trailed off that have left me with no creative time.
  4. Your nation is fascinating: "wait for the police, who have special training" What other nation on earth would have police already prepared to specialize in people glued to trains?! You guys are awesome!
  5. That makes me incredibly happy! Can I sue his lawyer for calling it "alt right opium?" I mean, she's defaming _me_ at that point. I lean pretty hard to the right, but I'm not a friggin' lunatic!
  6. For those new to the board, here is my most unpopular opinion ever: I have absolutely _no problem_ with this. Yep. I made the mistake of saying that out loud during early debates on "Independent" way back when, and it proved to be the most evil possible thing a person could utter in this particular fandom. Worse yet: We've been doing it since the 80s. And unimaginably impossible follow-up: It's never _been_ a problem. Not once. It doesn't happen a _lot_, or even particularly _often_, but it does happen. I've even let players burn an EP or two to make outrageous changes to die rolls at critical moments. Again, not often, but sometimes it's just there. And it has never been a problem. Not once. Believe it or not, this actually started under my first Champions GM with that old "Powers for Champions!" article in Dungeon Magazine-- the one with Bouncing, etc? The "Extra Life" power: buy it and permanently lose 2 EP, but here's the great thing it does....." The thing, I think, was timing. When we were first exposed to the idea, there was no internet. There was no "let me bounce this off a couple hundred complete strangers I will never actually sit down and play a game with due to geographic distances, etc. What they have to say is crucial to how we play our game." There was just our little group of six, and Hell-- the tradeoff seemed _more_ than fair: get out of Dead free card? Lose two EP? Two EP that I'll likely replace in the next session? Sign me up! Maybe it's because none of us were studying to be accountants or software gurus or what-have-you: we didn't _need_ a balance sheet that perfectly tracked where all our earnings went. And seriously, it wasn't like that four-point pea shooter was going to break us anyway. We could drop four more EP on another one, if we wanted, or we could drop two hundred Federated on one in the next port we stopped at. Either way. Maybe it's because we _never_ spent EP the minute we earned it. We were all (and still are) "terrible" about banking it until we're ready to do something with it. So it's "meta." So what? As LL said in the current "which edition" thread, it fits a sweet spot for us personally. I didn't mean to ramble on so much about it-- particularly knowing how unpopular it is. But every now and again, I just feel it needs to be said. Same book; different book; only one book: doesn't matter. None of us are playing the exact same game, and likely we never will.
  7. Thank you, LL. There have been many, _many_ discussions on "which edition is bester" for as long as I can remember (even when this board was still using 4e rules), and that one important point has, in my own unimportant opinion, _never_ been treated with the importance it truly deserves. That makes me supremely happy.
  8. Well, I'm wrecked for the next couple of weeks.....
  9. For what it's worth, I've been against the press for a quarter century. I am not against the freedom of it; I just think it should all have a manditory disclaimer.
  10. I don't wish unkind things on anyone, but is she still with us? I never met her, but I was under the impression that she was at least a decade older than me. (hopefully that was a very wrong impression)
  11. Holy Carp! Now that's a flash from way, way, _waaaayyyy_ back! Thanks for the memory jolt.
  12. Journalism died with Kronkite. Dan Rather was caught red handed _faking_ news, and is _still_ considered one of the giants.....
  13. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/abc-news-slaughter-in-syria-footage-appears-to-come-from-a-kentucky-gun-range
  14. As long as we're talking hit locations, has anyone else considered something along the lines of the Aces and Eights "shot clock" for called shots?
  15. Original Batman carried a pair of 45's from day one. But he's also invalid for any comparison to modern superheroes: the need to refer to him specifically as "Original" Batman admits that we are talking essentially talking about a different character. When we speak of "Flash," no one thinks "Gordon" unless prompted to do so.
  16. Every single performance I could find of Rudy Coby's four-legged man. I don't why. It's been like... 25 years? I had a yen.
  17. Yes; that's multiple attack. Though honestly, that naked AOE on STR would have fewer penalties and still be a reasonably clean build.
  18. If you are not doing Multiple Attacks, then you don't need to build it at all. The tail is simply a second special effect for striking someone. Unless you specifically want the tail to do something that an arm or a leg can't, then there's absolutely no reason to build it.
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