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Duke Bushido

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Everything posted by Duke Bushido

  1. Dude cant help being bald. He has total control over owning a hairbrush, though. PIH-LAH-deeyum?!
  2. Right. I got that, and that is what I did. But rather than screw around with all the various possibilities and lumitaions and advantages and limited limitations and so on and so forth, I figured "all, in this world, this is just how magic works" and declared exactly that. It is how this ("these," actually; I reuse this idea with some frequency) universe operates, and there is no other way to so it. Sure: it's great to be able to figure out all the tiny bits and details to come up with your unique option. But if it is the only option, it really isn't worth the fuss unless really crowded power builds are your specific jam.
  3. Regarding the firearms list: Consider making it perhaps a 4-page (_at most_) appendix. Rather than brea I ing them up by type or size, consider breaking them into 20 or 25-year blocks. Thus, if I wanted to play a western, I have the appropriate items in one block. Same with cold-war era espionage or modern guerilla warfare. Meant to quote it, but forgot: Rgarding secret agents without guns: Guns are for your James Bond types. Sure; they're agents. However, it is absolutely no secret. I suspect the emphasis on "sont use your gun" was to prevent a covert up from becoming a raid wherein the players cover everyone, steal the diling cabinet and leave in under two minutes. Though there is also the notion that a gunshot or forty might bring unwanted attention, and just how good is your cover when the French version of CSI starts poking about and asking questions? Like "why do you have a gun?"
  4. Fair enough. As an implement of reaping, they are remarkably well-balanced. They can be find-tuned by shortening the end or assing a small amount of weight. I would not so much like to attempt to use it like a bat, a sword, or a polearm (though someone did mention that as a polearm, the blade is mounted differently. Still, if it is on a properly cruiked staff, it'd be- well, it would still be awful. If it is on a straight shaft, then it's a scythe on a stick.
  5. Although I _am_ going do this: Pih-LAH-deeyum?! Pih-LAH-deeyum?! Holy crap! You speak English incredibly well for it to be a second language.....
  6. In all fairness (And this will be the last such comment I ever make, as I am in no position to critique someone's relative appeal), I expect he is using the mascara technique, where a little bit of oil and dust makes the hair look a bit thicker. Kind of like that spray-glue-and-cat-fur stuff they spray on the newsroom guys.
  7. You guys are _right_! Really Big Gun / long gun: 3d6+(1d6-1d6) RKA Tiny Gun: 1d6-1d6 RKA (negative results means gun exploded in user's hand, doing damage results per the roll) Reduced velocity projectile: Reduced Penetration and +2 STUN Multiplier. Automatic weapons may jam from reduced gas pressure failing to complete cocking cycle) In all seriousness, though, Scott is right. The rub is that real-world weapons _do_ deliver a wide range of "damage points;" we tend to sort of forget that "lethal and above" is precisely that. It doesn't really matter how much _more than dead_ the target actually is (except in Fantasy). Dead and so-dead-he-doesn't-know-it-yet are modeled exactly the same. The problem only really exist if you let armor get stupidly unrealistic: my Kevlar vest has DEF 30! I have extra armor on my skin but if I call it "Luck" I can keep it, right? That sort of thing. Screw it; we're going with the suitcase nukes! Break out those "throw grenade" rules again....? (How far do you have to throw one to give yourself time to kiss yourself goodbye?)
  8. Gun: 1d6 RKA + (1d6-1d6) Big gun: 2d6 RKA + (1d6-1d6) Shot gun: pick one of the above, add reduce Pen ans Reduced range. Sawed off shotgun: as above, but remove range and add AOE Cone. Machine gun: Pick Gun or Big gun. Add Autofire to taste. There. Every possible HERO System gun should be in there somewhere.
  9. And that about sums up EABA, really. it was by - forgive the spelling- Duaghtry / Dockerty-- the Guns Guns Guns guy. supposedly he keeps it current, updating the PDF version along and along. haven't seen it in print since I dont know when.
  10. Also: Consider keeping the old outdated list and just adding the new stuff to the list. Also consider coming through the Armory or even 4e Western HERO for older or more exotic weapons. If your goal is a 2e HERO System, then genre emulation ahould be easy, and a formatted weapons chart could hold what? Sixty or more weapons on a single page, right?
  11. I get it, Chat. I also go out of my way not to let people know what I am not allowed to do. Keep 'em guessing.
  12. Never having any experience with either of these, I would have preferred pounds or tons. The fact that the author did not use pounds or tons and instead used something that I am reasonably certain _most_ of his readers have on intimate familiarity suggests the xhoice was intentional (and likely playing into gag). Taken as a group, these thoughts suggest quite strongly that even if we adopted the metric system a century ago, this still would have been measured in elephant babies per corgi.
  13. Eh. Given that most robotics money has (predictably) come from military funding for autonomous weapons platforms and the first human killed by a robot was working for the Ford Motor company and killed by a robot intended to replace several people, the "three laws" we're a joke when Asimov first conceived of them, and an absolute embarrassment now. Robotics takes money. There isnt a single source of money that _honestly_ givws a rat's rolly red rump about any human being beyond rhe depth of his wallet Duke's law of robotics: a robot in action is doing a job someone needs to do so he does not starve to death. Coincidentally, it is identical to Duke's Law of capitalism.
  14. You know, this weapon has never been on my radar before-- I mean, I was aware of it (who didn't have a period when they were fascinated with the Zulu warriors, honestly?) After this discussion of the unique qualities if it, I think I am,going to add it weapons options in both my Fantasy HERO Games and Traveller. The focus on thrust and the bludgeoning aspects seem like it would actually be a better shipboard weapon than is a cutlass.
  15. A nice light spear might best be handled as a meter or two of Stretching and a naked "Killing" (yeah, I am not making that a conversation; just mentioning it), possibly a naked armor piercing for STR of X plus.
  16. If you are foinf into Sanctuary, you mighr consider a "heroic" version od it for maybe spy or vigilante campaigns, and of course a country club version for Pulp. They are talking about a John Wick 4. Might as well lean into that popularity a bit.
  17. Pretty much lines up with my experience. It _looks_ like some savage kind of polearm (yes, autocorrect. I was secretly trying to type "pineal" a half-dozen times. Ugh.), there isn't any efficent or effecrive way to use it anything more than exaggerating the same motions you would use to cut hay- swing higher, maybe; lean out a bit more, perhaps, but ultimately, it isn't a polearm. Using it in a way that won't exhaust you in five minutes or leave you open for counterstrikes means using it pretty close in, where a longsword in your ipponent's hands would give him a distinct reach advantage, assuming he was strong and nimble enough to thrust it. I can see it being a nightmare against men armed with daggers (unless they can throw them well), and with a skilled wielder, a roughly even match for a shortsword, but the onky people using this as a go-to weapon are doing it because they don't have baseball bat. Another place where a scythe would suck as your only weapon: you'd either be unabke to generate a powerful swing or you would be reaping the men on either side of you as you attacked the one in front. You know, it is a bit off topic, but thinking about it at all, and an STR minimum is _not_ the biggest problem facing the idea of a weaponized scythe. It's like the medieval Bat'leth: looks interesting, but everyone kind of has to agree to step into it and get hit during the pre-filming choreography.
  18. I am reminded of the first written comments by europeans about indigenous Americans: -"looking more resplendent in Adam's finery than we in all our clothes." These people largely used only the simplest of tools. They were well-muscled and lean. Even though we paint them as underfed and sickly, it's still a fair bet that the typical midevial peasant was quite strong, and tougher than a Huddle House steak. Ditto. 1sr-4th, Sir. And I will strike a gentlemen's agreement with you here over a slight disagreement: Feel free to bring me such a character. Just play him in such a way that he doesn't grab a two-handed hammer and charge into battle.
  19. Yo! And yes; it's heavier. However, it's also balanced, and isn't swung at all like a sword or a staff. The reach- if you are using it as a weapon and not a harvesrinf implement- really isn't much; you would have more range thrusting a sword. It needs a sweeping / twisting motion to work, but as a person who has only ever goofed around with a sword, I can say comfortably that I could (and have) use a scythe for a couple of hours between water breaks. I feel pretty sure i's be done swinging a sword in ten or fifteen minutes. As always, YMMV. I suspect this is a problem,in most games, really. As a general rule, people who swung scythe and swords and hoisted halberds and pikes didnt know enough math to begin writing a game. I suspect ir is similar to the conversation GM Joe and I had in his HRRI 2e thread: kmthe more you know about something, the more you realize there isn't a way to reduce it to a simple chart and a die roll with anything remotely resembling real world accuracy. STR Min is as good a system as any other given that any gameable version will always be laughably inavcurate against reality. Ditto on all counts, but particularly the 10s. Someone has extrapolated 8 from the STR chart; fair enough. My own extrapolation is "this is a points-based system. If the designers hd wanted 8s, tou'd have to pay points to get 10s." 6e _kind of_ resolves this by starting with straight zeroes and requiring you to pay for everything, but accirding to the chart, even a zero STR has utility, so maybe it just penalizes all the other characterisitics, seeing as how a zero Stun means you aren't conscious and a zero SPD means you can't move. I suspect the STR chart and its geometric progression was built usinf "nice round numbers" where "round" meant easily multiplies in the head." Certainly that hinky break to tons and the later break from odd-ish tons to thousand tons supports the idea. And to a lesser extent, I agree on ignoring 6e. It "solves" problems I never actually had, so I don't use it, either. Honestly, it'a hyper-specificity on modifier-by-modifier interaction with other modifiers blatantly creates problems if I try to integrate it into what we have been doing since Day One, but that is not a 6e-exclusive problem. My turn to have a question! what he wrote here was clean and simple, but is that not how STR Min works? Have I been doing it wrong all this while? (Either way, I am going to continue to do it this way, but I would like to know what I missed in the actual rules)
  20. For somw reason- and for the last twenty years- the period from about '78 to '86 or so. Colorful, a million kinds of music, way less people, way more personal interaction, and the news was the news.. I cant give you any reason that makes sense. I have just spent a lot of time really wanting it all over again.
  21. I have figured it out. I am timesick. I am not homesick; I wax nostalgic every now and again, but have had no misgivings about my travels, and am reasonably happy where I am. I am not yearning for my long-dead youth; I was one of the few fortunate enough to have squandered it exactly like I wanted to. I am timesick. I yearn to return to a very specific fleeting era. I do not care where physically I would be in that era; I do not care who would or would not be with me. I do not care if I would still be sixty-three or even penalized another thirty years for the trip. Those are not related to what my soul cries our to revisit. I am timesick, and there is no sort of travel or friendship or hobby or tawdry one-night stand that can treat it. It has taken over a decade, but I finally figured out what is wrong with me. This sucks.
  22. Ah yes.... Tourist tossing season has opened again.... They always look so surprised when they ignore the warnings about what will happen to them and it happens to them. Wierd....
  23. Yes. Sorry i wasn't clear. I have come to a point where I need glasses to read this screen, and I had keft them at work, which made all that touch screening that much leass pleasant than normal, so.... But yes: whatever END you paid is tied up until it is spent (by the spell) and cannot be recovered. Ditto. Originally, I came go with thr "cannot reciver until spent" thing as a way to prevent machine gunning fireballs- mandatory limitations like all spells cost END and Extra Time (but allow one to 'precast' or 'ready' a spell to be released in the future) so as to five non-magic characters a chance to do more than be spectators. Most of my magicbsyatems have retained one or more aspects of the first, as I have been happy with the power level that creates, and happy that it doesn't result in a DnD-like set of 'magic only' characters. Yep. I have done similar things with magic Multipowers, but to be honest, I don't use Multipower all that often with Magic systems. I have nothing against a Multipower in other genres, but for some reason (seriously: I can't explain it) I just don't very often like them for magic. Just one of those things, I guess.
  24. Agreed! In a confined space, a horse is a terrible melee weapon.
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