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Duke Bushido

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Everything posted by Duke Bushido

  1. Re: TravellerHERO PDF in the works Just snagged myself a copy, and have been thoroughly enjoying it. Truly inspired work; it is fantastically done, and retains as much of the feel as is possible. Wonderful. Simply wonderful. Well done!
  2. Re: Book suggestions? Seconded! A very good read, and another angle from wich to look at your 'frontier' type society.
  3. Re: WWYCD: Attraction Loop Of my characters, only these would be worth noting: Venus: as this is essentially the basis of her powers anyway, she really wouldn't notice. If it became an issue, her mind control would certainly put a stop to it. It's how she deals with it now anyway. Martin Power: Since it requires the character to be interested first, there would be no affect on anyone around him. The only person in the world he has any emotional interest in is his little sister (another player's character), toward whom he is extremely protective. If that translated into any 'romantic' reaction on her part, he'd spring for her counselling, and probably start to whale on her former foster parents. Mark 2: Have a psychotic breakdown. This would be the ultimate reminder of his lost humanity, and his sense of touch is the thing he misses the most. Without it, he feels any relationship, even friendship, loses a great deal of meaning. The others react in more or less 'predictable' ways based on their personalities; these three would stand out as most unique.
  4. Re: I'm selling my miniatures collection! WOW! You've certainly got some time invested in that collection, particularly the modded ones. How are you selling, by group or by individual piece?
  5. Re: Problem with creating a FH spell. ho-- let me quickly add this: NuSword did indeed suggest it first; I was completmenting him on the idea. If it's not too much trouble, I'd like a little (not much, maybe a snippet of rule quoting or someting) to explain this. As I've said several times, I am currently deprived access to my 5E book, so all I have is 2E and BBB and a less-than-stellar memory to go on. Ah! A very real over-look on my part. You are completely correct, and I failed to consider that. Though I am, now that I see it, or two minds here as well. Adding the Simul would indeed more closely model the original source for the power. But I also, now that you have brought it to my attention, like the idea of the original spell caster now having a 'tip off' that his work is being meddled with: 'a great disturbance in the Force,' as it were....... I'll have to think on this one some more. Poorly chose words; it is simply a descriptive that has fallen into use a handy abbreviation for 'size of the power' in these parts. Forgive the suggested error, please.
  6. Re: Bye all Oh, and Sean--- when you're done leaving, there's a spill on aisle 5.....
  7. Re: I don't quite grok the Multiform rules. The Hell you say! You would believe that on a board dedicated soley to the intelligent emulation of all fiction, all science, and all wisdom arcane that there would be some who do not grok the fullest meanings and origins of this word?! We are, as a unit, insulted, good Sir! :D:D:D Kidding of course.
  8. Re: Detect Vulnerability Ah, well that makes a bit more sense, now doesn't it? Don't know how I missed that :o....
  9. Re: Bye all Good bye, Sean, and good luck! I've enjoyed your participation in group discussions, and the help you provided me in learning the ins and outs of this board. I have rarely failed to be intrigued by your ideas, and have always enjoyed the rationalisation behind them. You're humor was neither derivitatve nor repitive, and never out of place. I'm sorry Sean; you just weren't the same caliber putz as -- well, we all know.
  10. Re: Problem with creating a FH spell. Workable for me. In Champs, it's probably the way I'd go-- points bases are higher, etc. But this was for FH which, as was noted earlier, is already full of bent rules. And it takes up less lines.
  11. Re: Problem with creating a FH spell. Yes; I found that to be a reasonable idea as well. I thought I had commented on it. If not: Excellent idea, NuSword!
  12. Re: Problem with creating a FH spell. The UAA was a modifier not for the currently-existing spell; it was being used to make the other advantages useable as attacks; in short, the other advantages were being used as attacks agains that power. And in the end, I think the IND was dropped from his final construct.
  13. Re: THE ULTIMATE METAMORPH -- What Do *You* Want To See? Never mind.... I'll have to rep you later, it seems. You've gotten too much respect from me lately!
  14. Re: THE ULTIMATE METAMORPH -- What Do *You* Want To See? Ditto, as soon as I get this post up! Gives me a neat idea though--- how about a cover --maybe a limited run or convention-only thing---- you know that stuff; that corrogated clear plastic stuff; you tilt it one way and you see one picture; tilt it another way and you see another... That stuff. The cover should be done in that stuff!
  15. Re: Disadvantage I don't know, and I don't wanna know!!!
  16. Re: I don't quite grok the Multiform rules. Ah. I'll have to check that when I get unpacked. Thanks. Agreed. And as I stated, I have no issue with the 1-5 ratio for character creation. Fair enough. For what it's worth, my own "Why" is meta-gaming (which, by the way, is why it is dissatisfying): it allows for the fullest convention of the concept. While the bulk of MF characters I've seen over the years (I play as much as I run) have taken it as a cheap-and-dirty way to build the Hulk, or Superman, or some other too-powerful-for-the-starting-points character, this type of character represents, I believe, only a part of the MF convention of characters. A one-to-five ratio allows a beginning character to build three or four lower-powered but specific-utility forms, such as someone who can shift shapes into various animals. As such characters are known to have a wide repetoire, the continued 1-5 ratio for advancement allows the player to work meta-game at building and improving his reptoire sometime before the end of the campaign. That's my 'Why." Anybody else have an opinion?
  17. Re: Bye all [Giant, collosal, it-came-from-space type edit]
  18. Re: I don't quite grok the Multiform rules. This is (points adjusted, of course) how we currently handle MF, yes. I was under the impression earlier that it was the way that radioKAOS did it as well; I had mis-read his post. But in the same vien that you say "neither of which is as powerful than the rest of the team," keep in mind that no player is ever obligated to spend to his 'limit;' if he can enjoy the game with a 100 point character, then by all means he is welcome to do so. The default setting of MF allows you to switch between forms pretty much at your convenience. Assuming that the two forms in your example are polar opposites, or even more craftily: adjusted for each other's shortcommings, you have at your command an effective six-hundred and forty character points to design a character. Yes, you'll have a lot of duplicate spending-- defenses, movement, what-have-you. Let's not go into it because character generation is not the question I am trying to address; I have no issues with the character generation rules for MF, and besides, there are many, many other debates for that point. This is how it is currently handled, and this is how the rules have always suggested handling it. But it is not an explanation. It is a replacement for an explanation. "Why do we stop for redlights?" is being answered with "make sure it's green." Ah! We're getting to the crux of the question! _All_ XP are spent for exaclty this same reason. The T-porter? Because it's what he wants to do with his character. The Martial Artist? Because it's the path the character has chosen. The Brick? Because it's the direction that he sees the character moving. XP can only be spent for development (buying off disads is development, just not glamorous); every bit of XP ever spent has been spent on development. And the 'how' and 'where' of the spending has always been 'because it's right for the character.' I am not now, nor am I ever going to be, arguing that. What I am asking is why is the progression so much higher for an MF? What secret trait is inherent in that second form that allows it to gain so much more from the same experience the other characters are gaining?
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