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Duke Bushido

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Everything posted by Duke Bushido

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Feh---- keep your menstral cramps. Women will never know the joy of catching themselves in their zippers......
  2. Re: DnD's Spiked Chain Bless you both! I didn't understand a word of it, Kieth, but thanks for the effort, and thanks to OM for fixing it! Soooooooooo much betterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....... Ahhhhhhh....
  3. Re: DnD's Spiked Chain Forgive me for being totally off-topic for a moment, but why is this thread suddenly so freakin' __wide_? It's driving me nuts!
  4. Re: I don't quite grok the Multiform rules. You lost me, P--- Are we back on the paying for stuff idea? If so, I think the big complaint is that no matter how you think about it, taking five points from a form is only taking one point from the character. I suppose you could require that the form must pay with creation (and therefore Disadvantage) points as opposed to his 'freebie' experience points. To be honest, I don't have a lot of thoughts on this, as in all these years, _none_ of my supers campaigns have ever involved buying a base. Ever. The general tendency is to exchange phone numbers and code words.
  5. Re: sweep question Good plan! When I first read those rules in 5E, I was having nightmares of 'I sweep and autofire everyone with everything I've got.' Seemed way to over the top as written. I think I read through it a dozen times before any of it seemed less GAK!-inducing....
  6. Re: Problem with creating a FH spell. Is there a smilie for beating your head against a tree? Anybody?
  7. Re: Detect Vulnerability ooooo..... my head is starting to swim, just a bit....
  8. Re: Problem with creating a FH spell. Nope. Changed my mind. I actually do have something to add, or at least ask. Suppose an Image is set up on a charge or End Res or something. It is cast, and the magician walks away. Several counties away. Possibly to another kingdom. And catches a boat. And is in fact now well out to sea. Along comes strapping young Hero, who sees the illusion, and for whatever plot reason must now bend it to his will. Doesn't using Transfer require him to target the first wizard, who is now a thousand leagues away? What's the OCV penalty for that? While we've all read Steve's post that somehow or other there is an official Advantage for T-fer that makes this the 'right way' to do the power, etc.... Is T-fer not meant to attack another character? How do you use it to attack a power?
  9. Re: Problem with creating a FH spell. nothing further to add to the discussion, but I couldn't let this go by unused:
  10. Re: Good News For Time Travelers! It can't. You have to ungenerate it. Or possibly un ground it. Then the lines should fill back up, leaving you with enough negative energy to reverse all the cieling fans in two small towns. You don't want to know what happens to the light bulbs..... Oh, and Kieth-- thanks for all the discussion and logical reasons against time travel. I hadn't even considered spontaneous creation of matter, etc, --- I'm validated again, and totally jazzed! :D:D:D:D:D:D
  11. Re: Champions Universe Plot Hole Plugging I don't remember gothic. I remember "David Sleaze, the Punk Magician," but I don't remember gothic. Or his actual name, at this point. Funny. For all the jokes that man ever told, I think that is both the only one that everyone remembers, and the one that _everyone_ has heard.... But getting back on track--- I don't like the Magic thing either. So I ignore it, with extreme prejiduce. And oddly enough, once I did that, I found that most of the additional books were incompatible, story-line wise, so I can ignore those, too. . Don't get me wrong, I would like to get them eventually, if only for the additional options, examples, etc, but the pressure is off to get them before I can afford them.
  12. Re: The cranky thread Mildly? That's awful! See if they have an option for Slowly; it's much better
  13. Re: The cranky thread My appologies; I'd have responded sooner, but I lost track of this thread. That, and having gotten it out of my system, I felt much better, and crankiness fled me completely. briefly addressed: A dice run is a charity event thrown and participated in by motorcycle riders. They are like poker runs, only less 'parade oriented,' so they are less well known to the average person, even the weekend riders. Shortly explained, it is a running crap-shoot that occurs at many locations. Anyone who makes a set of natural passes can register his score to try to win the pot. Anyone who craps out must buy another shoot. Anyone is allowed to buy additional passes with additional donations, and may buy up to as many 'cash passes' as he has made natural passes. A pack ride is a large group of motorcycles riding together. I generally avoid them. I have ridden and raced bikes since I was 7, and have never been involved in a street wreck. One of the reasons is that I refuse, for the most part, to participate in pack rides, which tend to attract 'lookit me' riders and knotheads intent on doing something far in excess of common sense or their own skills. I do not want to be killed because some throttle monkey ten spots up and two over is so busy waving at the crowd that he runs into the guy next to him. Well now you know that we were playing craps, after a fashion. The number of locations depends on the organizers and contributors. The reasons someone might want to be an organizer range from wanting to help, to wanting the publicity, to simply wanting biker traffic. (We're notoriously big eaters; restraunts love us ). The more locations, the more riders you tend to attract, as most of us will do anything to go riding, especially on a pretty day. You can register at any location, and shoot at any location, and turn your rolls in at any location, provided you have a validated score card. Crapped rolls are recorded immediately, so you can't 'cheat' by running off and shooting somewhere else. Further, you have to buy a roll at every location you shoot in, and buy at least one roll to register your score, wether you plan to shoot there or not. As for what we were riding, well I guess at this point it's obvious: we were on motorcycles. Yes! :rofl: :rofl: Well, he might as well have been! The Honda Goldwing is as close to a car as you can get and still fall over. There are Winnebagos with less luxurious appointments. This will help a bit: pictures!: http://www.gwocgb.co.uk/pages/gl1800info.htm Information, please ?
  14. Re: Feints Oh, most certainly. As with anything else-- hit location chart, house rules, whatever else, if it will enhance the feel of your campaign or the enjoyment of your players, then by all means allow it. I certainly didn't want to give the impression that I was dimissing the idea. Quite the contrary; I rather liked it. It's just not something that I think needs improvement in my own games, that's all.
  15. Re: Nanotech! Would somebody maybe suggest some places I can spend some rep so I can tap both G-A and Doc A again? I think that was the most beautiful description of science vs the arcane that I have ever read.
  16. Re: Nanotech! Actually, I was thinking solar sails......... Ahh, the dreams.......
  17. Re: Earth's core So am I gonna need new fridge magnets or something? :thinking:
  18. Re: Good News For Time Travelers! okay, I wanted to review the thread before making more comments, but I was so buzzed by the validation that I had to go out and ride a few miles----- Here's the deal, and I've been pumping it for years. You've got two ways to go here: either time travel doesn't exist, and never will (and it doesn't, and never will. More later), or it one day will. First, let's look at the 'one day we will do it' angle. Okay, assuming that time travel will/does exist, paradox is impossible. Period. period. period. The simple reason is that no matter what you go into the past to do, you have already done it, so there is no way that you can possibly screw it up by going and doing it. Poof. Paradox, if I may borrow from Adams, vanishes in a puff of logic. I know it's not glamorous, and doesn't make good fiction (like time travel itself, actually), but think about it. Let's say that you are born in 3000 and in 3050 you go into the past. Let's say that you go back to 1000, just to look around. Fine. So you were already mucking about in 1000, years before you were actually born. Woo-hoo; let's right a short story! Two thousand years later you will be born, build a time machine, and go back. It's pre-ordained by your already having been there. But no matter what you do when you get there, you cannot possibly ever affect any change to 'your' version of history, simply because no matter what you could possibly do, you've already done it. Are you going to shoot Hitler? Well, you won't, simply because you didn't. (unless you did; I don't think anyone's really sure yet). Going to drop an asteroid on the earth and wipe out the dinosaurs? Well that one seems to have gone over well; you should enjoy actually being there to see yourself doing it. Any possible thing that you do or do not do won't change a cussed thing because it is already what you did or did not and therefore absolutely nothing will be different. You'll go on continuing to believe in free will, and the world will remain unchanged. Now yes, it's quite possible that I might be construed to advocate predestination, but I'm just not that deep. Besides, I don't. I'll spare you that lengthy dissertation... Of course, that's only if time travel could actually exist. And here's why it won't. Oh, and whoever it was that quoted whoever else it was about the future tuourists, thanks! That was hillarious. People are people. We can all aspire to lofty ideals and we can pretend that each and every one of us holds inside the best, most noble traits of the race, and that we can all be counted on to do the absolute best possible thing in the interest of your fellow man. As I said, we can aspire to it, and we can pretend that we believe it. But we all know it's not true. While there are good and great people, and wonderful people, and the best of people that you can describe with whatever descriptives you might use on your idea of the best of people----- The bulk of humanity is pretty self-centered, and scatterbrained. No; I'm not being snide. Think of all the people every single day who go out of their way to steal, lie, and kill for whatever trivial reason they have. Given that we have time travel, we by default have infinite time. And given that we have infinite time, we are forced to accept that we have infinite people. And given the tendencies of people on the whole, one of them is going to one day screw up and spill the beans. And once those beans are spilled, well time goes forward. It will spread and spread and spread, onward and upward through time, until eventually everyone is well and goodly aware of time travel itself, how it's done, and how to do it. And when that day comes, there will be those (Okay, I'm still trying to give people too much credit, maybe. It's quite possible that it won't take a very big spread to find the greedy person). Anyway, there will be at least one person who decides that the temptation for wealth through time travel, or education through time travel, or whatever, is too great to resist, and starts hopping all through time. And with time travel, even all that infinite time will no longer be orderly and sequenced, so we can assume, through time travel, that all people then exist all at once. So what happens, as soon as the cat is out of the bag, is that there are millions and millions ---billions and billions? Trillions and trillions?-- of people hopping about through time. Once again, one of them is bound to screw up, and leave the secret laying about somewhere in the past. Why, with the numbers potential of infinite time, millions and millions of them will screw up and leave the secret all through time. And as a direct result, time travel will be readily accessible to all times and all people. Time travel is the only thing with which this is truly possible, but its lack of existance presently proves its lack of existance in the future. Time travel does not now exist, and therefore never will. Period. And that's why I felt so validated earlier. All my friends-- gamers, readers, writers, bikers, wrenches, racers, drinkers-- all seem to enjoy sci-fi (apparently that's my biggest qualifier for friendship.... Who knew?), and have always dismissed my ideas on the subject outright, though I suspect that is mostly because they do not want to deny their own fantasies about the subject. But this science report thingy just kind of made me feel good. Not for bashing hopes, but because it indicates that I might have had a point for all these years. I just felt good. I might go for another ride!
  19. Re: DnD's Spiked Chain gotcha. That's what I was missing. Haven't done D&D since Basic, if you discount two attempts with an AD&D group (Lord knows _I_ do! )
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