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Duke Bushido

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Everything posted by Duke Bushido

  1. Eliminate BODY as a characteristc across the board: STUN still works, but nothing is fatal or even crippling.
  2. Similar to what I was thinking: experience is held until you earn X amount, X being enough to make significant imorovements to the character. However, the "lounge around wait" aspect of level progression wont work well with this, unless (and it is your game, so there is no reason you couldn't; it is unusual in a HERO-based game, but not impossible) you periodically award additional XP (or perhaps add it to an XP "bank" of sorts) for every T time period that they are still alive: two points per week; three points per day- whatever achieves the effwcr you are looking for. If you find yourself with time,on your hands, there are a number of threads on the board floating many ideas on "levelling up," as it is a common tactic to make D and D players feel more at hime with character advancement.
  3. For what it is worth, the very last Hercule Poirot book (spoilers) was exactly this. It is also my favorite Poirot book, because you can really feel the author's joy at (spoilers) ruining the character and then killing off.
  4. I would need do know more about how characters progress through the power levels. If it is an experience thing- that is, if it is done through game play, then it xould be as simple as using the level itself as a multuplier for the experience points earned, or something to that effect.
  5. The activity on this particular thread of late jogged a memory loose. I believe I mentioned "Kevin" before-- a very shy player who really _wanted_ to play, but just couldn't let go of his inhibitions completely enough to do the acting parts. (Yes; of course we gave him a pass: he was having as much fun as he could allow himself, and it didn't really detract from our fun, so what's the harm? ). At this point in time, I genuinely do not remember the name of his Batman-clone, but it's not important: we will just call him Batman. At one point, when the team really needs access to some high tech computing power (this was the 80s; bear with me), Kevin takes it upon himself to volunteer to take the data to "a good friend who works with high-tech and computers all the time." Really? Do we know him? No; I don't think so. [OOC, looking at me] Do they know him? me: Not if you don't want them to; no. You have control of that, given who he is. Others: Who is he? What's his name? Kevin: "Bruce Wayne." Others: Where does he work? Kevin: Uhhmm... Totally Not Batman Industries......?
  6. Quick clarification: When you say "not versus conductive," are you saying that conductive material will not pass through him and he will not pass through it? If the answer is "he can go through a steel wall" and "you can throw a handful of bolts completely through him," then I think I would not chose that as a limitation. I think I would take a physical limitation that represents whatever happens when exposed to such material--- stops in place; transported up to x inches against his will along the path of the conductive material, or even just "takes a metric butt load of damage." The rest is a matter of taste.
  7. I tend to refer to my concoction as 2e jet. It hearkens back to a lot of Japanese fighting games in the late 80s and 90s.
  8. I can believe that. Frankly, I think it's easier just to import Transfer whole-cloth from any edition in which it existed as its own power.
  9. It's because it's subsidized, making it far, _far_ cheaper to use for things that it really shouldn't be-- like a sweetener consisting of half of a sugar that builds up in your liver rather than metabolizing properly.
  10. He's not high. I've been yammering hate toward bland food and he doesn't want us to remember he's british.
  11. Pasta can go. It's just another way to sneak biscuits into you. Because in spite of all the proof that we have bred it into a sugar crop, we are still clinging to the memory that once upon a time, there was protein in it and it was relatively healthy.
  12. 4e was a support sweet spot for me, just because the books were coming out at a rate I could afford. Considering the difference between what I earned then versus what I earn now, that seems to suggest a lack of support material, but honestly, given all the third-party support during 2-4 e and the genre supplements, etc, there was a _lot_ of material. The machine gun rate of publication of 5e and 6e meant from the get go that I was getting the core rukes and one or two supplments that appealed to me, and frankly, I just did manage to do that. I am willing to state that I am the only person ever to have been in this position, but I am nit willing to accept it as a fact. fortunately, ten years seems,to be the sweet spot for picking up game material on the second-hand market: most of it is still available and the prices tend to be as low as they will ever get. Today, I think I have all the 5e stuff except whatever that "you gotta have character"esque book was. For the purpose of full disclosure, I'm not actually looking for it, either. I missed the Rescue at Karadonna thing for Star HERO, and out of all the material published for 5e, that was the thing I wanted (and still want) most. I have none of the third party 5e stuff, but I browse about for it every now and again. If I find it inexpensively enough, I buy it; if I don't, I try again in eight months or so. as far as 6e, I have the blue books and Fantasy HERO and MHI. After reading FH and realizing it was pretty much 5e FH rebooted, I lost almost all interest in getting the othe supplemental books (which, given the early rapid-fire release, was probably for the best anyway: way less frustration at not being able to pick it up when you realize it is probably a 5e book, reskinned. I bought the PDF for the Ultimate Skill (or whatever it was called) for 5e and read that, which saved me the expense of hunting down a paper copy, because there wasnt anything there I found particularly helpful-- now that is _not_ to say it wasnt a good reference for someone newer to the game or not burdened with a surplus of creativity, there was just nothing there of any real value to me. I wish I had sone the same thing with the pre-built powers books, and for exactly the same reasons. As far as a favorite edition to _play_, I drag what few things I have personally felt to be improvements (most of them from 4e, if I stop to think about it) back to 2e. That was my sweetspot for the tradeoff of simulation and playability.
  13. Sitting in the parking lot at the Pop Vault of the little nowhere town of Jesup, GA (you know: jes' up de road from Brunswick. ) Stopped here with Noisy and went and plundered a few vintage games. The kid at the register starts adding things up and I ask him "hang on a minute. Do you mind if she runs out to the truck and makes sure these things boot up?" I placed my driver's liscence and a C-note on the counter. "I will stay here till she gets back." "Oh sure--" then something clicks in his forebrain. "You have a PlayStation 1 in your truck?" Noisy looks at him and says "and a 2 and a Sega Genesis." Blank look from the kid behind the counter. Finally, "you're messing with me." "In my defense, it's a really old truck. It was a cool thing to do at the time." Noisy again "Oh, and a DVD player, but mostly we just put movies on our tablets." The she grabs the stack of disks and heads to truck. "You're serious?" I just nodded. "Dude. When the kids are little, they get bored by the scenery on road trips, when they start to get cranky, I push a button and suggest they play a game with each other. Worked great when they were little." "No PS 3? Or 4? Or 5?" The only place to get a 5 in this country is from a scalper, and I am not doing that, and the others- I need to build output adapters to make them compatible with the headrests and sun visors, but at this point, the kids have kind of outgrown the need for travel video games, so I never got around to doing it." "You're serious?" Noisy came back in and handed him one game (Defender for PS2). "This one doesnt work, but the others are fine." Then she turned to me. "Can I play Spy Hunter on the way to Brunswick?" "Keep the volume down." I am currently taking a minute to post this while the sales kid is rooting around in the back seat of the of the Leviathan. He apparently has never actually played a PS1, and I think I am stuck here until another customer shows up. Noisy is cutrently spanking his butt in Tekken 2.
  14. Dude, I am terribly sorry to hear that.
  15. Then I have no idea what it's supposed to be, but it's pretty cool.
  16. Pretty sure this is supposed to be the town with the tower that had the big burning eye villain in Lord of the Rings. I think it is; there was no caption. But it's in LEGO.
  17. For what it's worth, using the ISBN does not separate the wheat from the chaff. POD is a great idea for getting affordable publishing, etc. From a collector's point of view, it's a barrel of caltrops scattered across every path. (I have also been looking for a hard cover of Champions for a few years-- the original business model of publishing new books faster than I could generate disposable cash really sucked butt-- hard-- at the time, and as a result, I have next to nothing of the 6e books. I have gone back to recollect the few that interest me, and apparently there were something on the order of fifty copies of any hardcover, and that was about it. Obviously I don't know that factually, but spend ten years trying to track them down, and that's about how it appears. Evidently there were only four copies of the 25th anniversary book ever published, too! 😠 )
  18. Tried it several times- it is a hugely popular thing in this part of the country. Let's go back to Duke's childhood growing up outside of Circle, Alaska in the 60s. There would be _weeks_ at a time if the harvest had been bad that every meal was biscuits and some kind of grease. Flour. Biscuits taste like flour. I do t care how much butter or salt or fluffiness you bake in or add on top, there is zero flavor difference between fresh-cooked biscuits and a handful of flour. I told myself if I _ever_ got off the farm I would never eat another one of those mouth-drying soul-destroying sacks of bland. I got off the farm at age 19. I will be 62 in March, and so far, I haven't had another one. As for gravy- It's raw biscuit. Made the same; tastes the same, only slightly more moist. It'a wet flour. Bake it, and it's a cake of biscuit. Nope.
  19. That"s even worse! You are ib the horribke position of knowing exactly what you're missing. Dude, I hope there's a cure one day. I can't the "that's the joke" meme I had bookmarked, but yeah- that was the joke I was making. Such sort melt-in-your-mouth goodness....
  20. Yep. I picked wings, too. Not because I dont like chicken (that's just a cooncidence. ), but because once up in a time, you bought a chicken wing, and you fot a wing. Now they break it in half and smother it in a high school chemistry set and sell you the same wing twice. I love hot sauce, but that veap they put on wings anymore- buffalo sauce and the like? The spice is good, but the flavor is about what I would expect were I to try eating off-brand deodorant: nothing but aluminum and chemicals. Yuck.
  21. The very idea of holding the tournament hostage suggests that he holds the tournament as more valuable than a human life. Now granted, there may be individual cases where this is true, but no one specifically said it was Davien's life, so I'm going to have to assume this is just a messed up individual in the first place (and let's face it: prima donnas usually _are_ messed up people). if they let him in for the tournament, then I hope the people of Australia realized that yes: those who make the decision agree that your life is far less important than something that has a sports ball in it.
  22. You haven't missed a cussed thing, either. What you are being served is baked gravy, covered in gravy. I get a lot of push-back on that until I ask them to list the ingredients of both items. Turns out it's grease, flour and water. For both. Gravy on baked gravy. It's like cooking eggs, and serving them smothered in raw egg. Oh-- and they suck. Can't forget that. Dude, that sucks! Shrimp are like... nature's butter.....
  23. I mentioned that we went out of town and ate supper last night. Well, the kids and I went out of town and met my wife in a different town, though technically, she was coming back into town on her way home from just beyond a third town. (Like I told you, Chris: not only is travel _not_ a big production for us, it's just a normal part of life. ) The wife beat us there, mostly because she wasn't riding herd on kids. we arrive, order, and wait patiently for the fishing vessel to dock, unload, sell its catch, the buyer to haul them to market, etc- it takes a but of time to get your order on a plate and on your table. This is fin3, though, because I tend to go ther3 for the half-acre salad bar-- that thing is amazing! anyway, the kids and are are picking at other, the wife is laughing, and a great tim3 is being had by all (because we havent see a bill yet). Hammerhead said something- some reply to a zinger someone else had gotten off on him; I dont remember what it was, but I know it was something that made no sense, given my age, and I said as much: "Boy, I am sixty-one years old-!" at this point, the waiter- a thin young man I estimated to be about nineteen- spoke up before he caught himself- you know how it goes: something surprises you and the mouth just forgets to stay shut for half a second. "Really?!" I glanced his way and saw the regret all over his face, so to let him know I wasnt bothered in the least by his participation, I replied directly to him "Yep. I could be your granddaddy." "I'm sorry, it's just that you don't sound or act like an old person- oh; I'm sorry-!" my life just lost it. "Jeez, Dad! I cant take you anywhere!" "Nice try. He's not blind." she stops laughing and the kids start. "No, you really just don't talk like I am used to from peoole your age." the kids are beaming: 'look at us! We've got the cool dad!' Well, we cant be havin' that, now, can we? I open my eyes big in my most genuinely appreciative expression, and my fingers splay as I press their tips against my heart in my most church-lady sincere posturing of thanks and in my best "bless his heart" warm voice I just coo "Awww.. That's so epic yeet sus, Fam..." He suddenly recoils like I had spit on the floor, my wife starts laughing, then he bursts into laughter and I glwnce at the kids and find a crime scene: they had definitely been murdered. Multiple stab wounds completely through the pride, it seemed. it's hard work, being a parent. You have to traumatize them,exactly the right way if you want them to grow up to be funny....
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