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Duke Bushido

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Everything posted by Duke Bushido

  1. Does 6e let you sell down PER if you have a high INT? (Asking because I really,dont remember)
  2. I didn't even have to click the link. I just had to read where it said "Trans-Siberian Orc" and I was completely content.
  3. Not a Futurama fan? The women are Amazonians from the planet Amazonia. The cast members, for reasons I can't recall, are stranded here. The women are treated as equal; the men are taken captive. The most memorable line is when one of the guards turns to the men and asks "You want die like other men visit Amazonia?" "i don't know; how'd they die?" "Crushed pelvis" while pointing to reclining skeletons with crushed pelvises. All the men, in unison, "Yes, please!" Later, the men are sentenced to "Death, by Snu-Snu." The men keep flashing between face-splitting grins and abject horror. Which I why I cackle uncontrollably every time that commercial for Southern New Hampshire University plays on the television.
  4. Thanks, but that's white pine. It's not even treated white pine. I'm pretty sure the bricks and concrete around it (or the other iron manhole cover next to it) will outlast it. In complete honestly, I'm sort of surprised it hasn't already begun to soften, given the weather this time of year.
  5. There's a story here, and I wasn't going to put it up at all, since it's "funny-infuriating" as opposed to "funny-ha ha!" While at job 2 on day, knucklehead decides he's going to use the _big_ forklift to move a decidedly "I'd feel bad even using the small forklift when a pallet truck would work fine and probably be faster and easier" load from one point on the sidewalk to another. Now when I say "big" forklift, I am talking about an old Caterpillar of the size most people go their whole lives without seeing. It's not the one at Lowe's or the one you see unloading pallets from trucks here and there. This is the size you use to load an entire truckload of lumber, four units at a time. Three passes and the truck is full. It's a big ol' rascal. Turns out that it is _so_ big, a manhole cover won't support it (and who knew?! I mean besides everyone on earth except the guy who did this). So now we have a leg-breaking hazard in front of the building, right there in the sidewalk. Not to worry; Duke has a plan! It's a stupid plan, but it's a plan. I break down a sturdy pallet, nab some fasteners, dredge up an old circular saw (That's "Skill saw" to you non-woodworkers, or "circle saw" to you locals) and ten minutes later, viola: wooden manhole cover. Yes; it's oval. Yes; I faired the curves with a circular saw (remember the part when I said it's a stupid plan?). It's sturdy, and sits nice and flush into the sidewalk. I start to think "hey; this might work!" Lucky for us, over _half_ the city maintenance guys pass through that day, and we make sure to mention it to each and every one of them. The head of the city maintenance guys come through! We mention it to him, too. The City Manager comes through! This is _amazing_! Well, not really. His wife rents the space adjacent to us and runs a bakery / cafeteria and illegally sets up patio furniture and barricades on the sidewalk, but-- I mentioned "City Manager," right? What are you gonna do? (well, occasional forklift dents to the chair legs are fun ). Best part? The building supply is the bulk of a city block. At the end of that block is the City's Maintenance Department. I mean it is almost a thirty second walk to get to where the action is! Anyway, I took this photo when I realized that thing had been there over four months. Ignore my toes.
  6. There are very, _very_ few people I jave ever truly wanted to meet. He was one of a very short list.
  7. I wont go into lots of details, as I have considerable respecr for you. You may recall me posting a few months back when my wife had it. She damned near died; that is scary enough for me. As it is, it is a medical bill that is going to keep my kids and grand kids from any hope of college. The question of "not a lot of people died compared to X" is invalid unless we traded those people for Covid victims. Even if only half as many people died of Covid as died of X, it is still dead people. It might be harder for me to turn them into simple numbers, since my wife was nearly one of them, and we have lost four coworkers so far. (Georgia, while not Florida or Texas) was hit pretty hard, to the point that everyone I know locally has lost someone. We have, as a company, been to two funerals for kids, one of them a four-year-old boy, who was "statistically immune," so there is that to consider as well. I am replacing Santa Clause locally this weekend because Covid got him, too. While I agree that there has been motivation to inflate numbers here and there, particulalry in hospitals, cmchecking the various sources of those downplaying it demonstrates there is a massive financial motivation for that, too. At the end of the day, it is real, and kills more people than an incel in a public school. Whatever you choose to accept about the numbers, please be safe. You are one of the people I would miss terribly.
  8. America made it to the moon first. That's either a Starbucks or a Home Depot.
  9. Mine is uneven nowadays. Too many gravel inspections when I was racing dirtbikes. Turns out that when you lose skin deeply enough, you lose the follicles, too. If I try to cut it too short, you can see the places where that has happened, notably one cheek and an area on the chin.
  10. You are very much welcome, Sir. I hope it helps.
  11. Are y I u asking for real or having a bit of fun? I ask bevause I have explained the name before. However, I will be happy to do so again, if the need be.
  12. Believe it or not, for most of my life, it was red. About the time the hair disappeared, it turned to the blonde and grey it is now. I have experimented with a couple of non-dying options, but as I dont have to interact with anyone up,close (covid rules: you can sit on a chair a couple of feet from Santa. Deiven hime by the fact that the sweet old man that used to so this died of non-Santa-related Covid), I think I am gping to do the stage trick of simply powdering it. There is enough grey and white for that to work, and the blonde takes a silvery color for hihglights. Going to have to chemically relax it a buy, though. Not looking forward to that smell....
  13. Reckon I'll have to get a Santa hat photo, too. I will be glad when the parade is over (next weekend); I am really tired of eating sandwiches. (everything else just gets too messy)
  14. I didn't go that fancy when I did something similar for a horror one-shot. They were all "Takes No Stun" automaton, with a custom limitation similar to "only in X ID:" must be switched on remotely. Same for any additional Characteristics (STR in particular) that weren't available while they were in "interact with tourists" mode. My reasoning was simple: these abilities are already there; the programming to use these abilities is already there. However, they have to be given access to it externally.
  15. It's a _real_ beard; it doesn't sprout from the neck.
  16. I resemble that remark! Though in all fairness, the beard is usually way less beardy than that. Our traditional Santa died in October. The Chamber of Commerce asked if I would be willing to be Santa in the parades (we have two: one in the town where I work, then a night-time all-lit-up parade in the town where I work) this year. Hell, why not? So I haven't trimmed it since Thanksgiving (yes; it grows that fast, which is why it exists at all. I'm one of those lucky "on shaving profile since I was thirteen" guys. To stay clean-shaven, I have to touch up at about two in the afternoon and again just before going to bed. It's easier to trim a beard once every couple of days. 😕 And ignore the finger. The picture was the one sent to the CoC to explain that I can't see more than three feet with glasses on (I only need them to read; it's a relatively recent curse of old age ).
  17. Sorry, N-B. To clarify: "Most common" does not equal "all."
  18. This: Is not this: Where as the most common "magic sword" in D&D is "sword: +1." there are many other kinds of magical swords. In my games, the most common kind of "magic sword" is "wow. This sword is light as a feather and beautifully balanced." It's also a lot harder to notice without picking it up and using it. I am reasonably sure that a glow is noticeable to those who aren't using the sword.
  19. to avoid confusion amd going into unnecessary explanations, I politely ask dor clarification as to who you are explaining that. If you were explaining it to me, remember that I have been doing this- removing STR Min as part of xertain enchantments- for twenty-odd years. I am familiar with both the results of doing that and the differences it makes in-game when you decide that one-in-ten-thousand swords does not have an STR Min. It has been considerably less problematic that the one-in-ten-thousand swords that sets fire to things it strikes or the one that does +2 DCs for every user, and is miles and miles behind any sort of scrying device. what I have noticed is that Players, being intelligent beings, tend not to pick weapons that they can't max out with from the get-go. I have yet to have an STR:8 PC decide the Claymore should be his weapon of choice. I have yet to have even an STR:15 PC decide that, simply because he can't consistently maximize his damage output. His _potential_ is higher, but given that he can choose another weapon and consistently beat the averages with his STR bonus, he will tend to do that. Perhaps not early on, when he is learning the system (it's been way too long since I have had a "fresh" fantasy player; I can't speak to that subject with any recent experience), but once they have a solid grip on the bell curve and the averages and the output they can expect versus the output potential, they have a consistent habit of picking that which is more reliable. 2: Magic be like that sometimes: doing cool stuff for the underdog heroes. We do have a few items, magic and otherwise, that require a higher-than-normal STR Min returns less everything (except penalties. for everyone at any level experience or STR ). Typically, such magical weapons are referred to as "cursed." Those that aren't magic are often just poorly made and unbalanced. EDITED: I received a PM suggesting this came off as sarcastic. Since I dont do sarcastic, I took a moment to edit it and hopefully prevent any misunderstandings.
  20. "You've seen elf on a shelf! Now, set it on fire!" Oh, wait. That was me. I was saying that..... Ooops
  21. Most magic weapons I have run across offer an extra DC- soemtimes 2, or a PSL- sometimes 2- regarding their use. I find "it is magic and therfore perfectly made" or "magically attunes itself" - two of infinite magical explanations for no STR Min- to provide something no more unbalancing than "Great Cleavage" or "Ancient Blade of Ginsu +2." Math and matching and anticipating possible problems are all fun exercises, but this particular idea has over twenty years of playtesting behind it, and I can say without any doubt that there are zero problems associated with it.
  22. It could be That because it is Friday I am buried under a mountain of receiving and projections, but I think I have missed what you mean here, N-B. A little help? Thanks!
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