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Duke Bushido

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Everything posted by Duke Bushido

  1. There is a really long video on youtube of two peopke anf a GM playibg by remote, they are using 4e, and it is somrthing like Champions from the ivory coast or something like that. The video is on the order of four hours long. I have tried several times to watch it, but I just cant stay focussed on it. It is nit exactly "high energy" gameplay.
  2. I do not disagree. But That hasnt stopped them from trying a couple of thousand pages of rules in the ongoing attempt.
  3. I agree with you completely. What the article doesn't tell, for whatever reason, is that the bulk of this-- not all of it, but the bulk of it-- is done to immigrants by other immigrants: I can trust these guys; they are like me: they came here to find a better life; they speak my language; they know what I'm going through. I am so lucky to have found these guys." People just straight-up suck.
  4. Well as I said: T-port, Leaping, Tunnelling, and even the original Desolid all had allowances for interaction with certain masses. Flight never did. It just bugged me. It has always bugged me. I know that runming doesn't, either, but at that is the "gimme" that all humans have (to a point), I rolled with it and moved on.
  5. While I thoroughly enjoy Sean's tinkering and conversations about said tinkering, this one has taken a turn that has led back to an old disgruntlement of mine about Flight not having Strength / Lift components. Leaping does (did? I can't remember how it worked in 6e; it might be different): determine your mass, deduct from your STR, use remaining STR to determine leaping distance. DI sort of does: the "extra" STR doesn't increase leaping, etc-- almost as if it's to offset your additional mass (and there is the damage boost, but....) Clinging has STR ratings. Even Teleport has a sort of "strength limit" via mass carried, what you can and can't take, etc, and it is independent of the character's own STR. Not flight. 1" of flight can move a one-kilogram character no further, faster, or more easily than it can move a 10,000 kilogram character. Yeah; I get that it's "a power of flight tailored for that character." Which is probably why that poor pixie is paying the same END for his flight as is Goliath, the gigantic aeronaut. No; I have never found a solution that satisfies me. It still feels hinky, though.
  6. Got to see a lot of this going down a couple of days ago. Interesting and educational. That, and it just feels good to see the bad guys get caught. Sadly, a large chunk of them came from Bill Gate's operation down here. (No; I am pretty sure Bill Gates doesn't even know he owns the largest sweet onion growing operation in the country. Seriously; I am quite sure of it. He's at a level of wealth that he pays other people to invest it and keep up with it. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know half of what he owns. That, I think, is sad) https://www.vice.com/en/article/dypvn7/georgia-modern-day-slavery-federal-investigation
  7. It occurred to me at Job #2 last Saturday that I have completely stopped explaining things to women. Even if directly asked "and how do I do X," I fake complete ignorance, sometimes going so far as to pull the instructions from some of the products involved and read them verbatim-- again, without explanation of any likely-unfamiliar terms. I don't know when this started, exactly, but I do know why. I browse too many humor sites; too many opinion sites, perhaps. But the "somebody just tried to mansplain a thing to me" has gotten absolutely asinine: "my car is stuck in a ditch and this dude straight-up tryna mansplain how to get it out" and other such nonsense. It occurred to me that I had stopped when a woman came in looking for a way to adapt an outdoor gas burner to her home plumbing and bypass the regulator (it's that time of the year in the south: one good frost, and everyone wants to start building bombs. It kind of works: they will stay warm for the rest of their lives). As a general habit, I tell them that I will not help them do it, and then explain why I will not help them do it, furthered with the promise that I am not going to sell them any parts for hooking up gas lines of any kind, and explain that because of weird laws in this state, you can blow yourself straight to the gates of hell and sue the people who sold you the parts. Go figure. I have stopped doing even that if the customer is a woman. I just feign ignorance and wish them luck (though I do make a point to tell them that we don't have any kind of parts that would do that. No explaining; just "we ain't got none." I don't want anyone to blow themselves up. Well, maybe Travis, but he's a special case.) If the current culture is that no man should ever explain anything to a woman ever again, fine. It doesn't bother me that you don't want someone to tell you. Figure out for yourself just why you're getting electric shocks when you touch the fridge and your stainless steel countertop at the same time. Car on fire? Want to know which extinguisher to use? Don't ask me; I'd hate for you to think I was mansplaining. Make a few tweets and wait for a non-man to help you. We will both be happier.
  8. This last couple of years has taught me that I would feel much safer travelling to England, Italy, and France; thank you all the same.
  9. You should hire a dog walker.... These sorts od things seem,to occurr to you regularly when the dog is leading you about the neighborhood.
  10. Why not? It's been flourishing in the FBI and other law enforcement for decades-- In spite of _repeatedly_ being proven to be a load of crap.
  11. The trick is to slide them closer to the countertop so that your belly kind of snags on it a bit.....
  12. There was no kitchen. It was kitchen-adjacent, and cost us yhe foliage on one side of a pear tree, though.
  13. If we ever meet, just so you know it's not a crock of crap, you will have to ask my wife about the night I accidentally flash-fried an eighteen pound frozen turkey to absolute perfecti9n in about thirty seconds, completely on accident,.....
  14. I don't need another stinking television or the latest kiddie toy. When. Black Friday becomes a thing at grocery stores, _only then_ will you see me lined up in the cold and rain, looking for two-for-one gallons of milk and 39 percent off steaks. Until then, I stay home. At least until relatives start dropping by. I know LL said it as a depressing observation, but _I Drink Alone_ is a Thanksgiving staple for me. You have to be aware of things like this, though: I am the only vaccinated person in my family, and I am married to the only vaccinated person in her family. We can wax poetic all we want, but batspit crazy relatives is _exactly_ why I cant remember a holiday that wasn't an exercise in abject horror, and I totally understand (and on several levels, empathize) with the spike in suicides this time of year. The holidays are thirty days of nightmare if you weren't extremely lucky with the birth lottery. Up until we had kids, my tradition since I was 11 was to wrap up warm on Thanksgiving morning, fire up one of the motorcycles, and not be back home before bedtime, just to avoid them.
  15. We celebrate Toyotathon around here, you pagans!
  16. Believe me, The Shack of Sit is going to have a franchise in Campaign City. Probably close to the Fun King Amusement Park. (That last one was completely innocent and accidental, but once it became clear, it just _had_ to stay: "but we have to ride the Fun King Ferris Wheel before we leave! And I want a Fun King sausage dog!")
  17. Probably. It absolutely sucks to live in a nation where right and wrong are political.
  18. Race and,age nithwithstanding, there is a word that specifically means "unauthorized civilian combatant." Given that this word has, since January, become highly politicized, I wont use it, as this isnt the politics thread, but there are a lot of laws detailing why he should be in jail.
  19. I hope that one day, my daughter finds someone to lover her the way that judge shroeder loves Kyle.
  20. Thanks for bumping this, Gents! I've still got to pass out all that rep!
  21. Clairsentience; both remote viewing and prescience.
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