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Everything posted by Ternaugh

  1. Westworld (1973) - Still a great movie, and one of the first depictions of a computer virus in cinema. Outland - Often called High Noon in space, Sean Connery plays a federal marshal who uncovers a conspiracy that's killing miners on a colony on Io, causing a showdown with the hired guns coming in on the next shuttle. Enjoyable movie, but I usually have to ignore the wrong idea that people explode when exposed to vacuum. Battle: Los Angeles - A moderately interesting war/alien invasion story marred by the idea that Earth is special enough to target from light-years away because we have "the only source of liquid water"*. As long as the action's with the soldiers on the screen, and not with the reporters on the strangely still-working cable news channels, it's a serviceable story. *Because, you know hydrogen and oxygen are so hard to find in the universe, and nobody with plasma weapons or interstellar rockets would have the ability to melt ice.
  2. Kind of hard not to. After all, Grodd is in the details.
  3. The Konami Code should not be used for secure communications.
  4. Just what I was thinking while watching a recent clip of George W. Bush on the Today Show.
  5. Anchovies can be good on a pizza, but I really have to be in the mood. I tend to prefer them more as a flavoring agent in other things, like cesar salad, and Worcestershire sauce.
  6. And one of my credit card numbers apparently had a very good time in California without me. Fraud alert caught it after the first transaction (for gas, apparently), and clamped down when they tried a small test purchase at a Target store. I ended up making the call to the fraud department at about the same time that they tried calling me, and I should have a replacement card in about a week. I don't have any idea where the number was grabbed, but it is a frequently-used card for me.
  7. It's one of those movies that I really wanted to like better, for the reasons you mentioned. I've just finished watching the four Indiana Jones movies on Hulu Plus, about one a night this week. Generally enjoyable (even the last one), the only gripe that I had was with the transfer. All four movies should really show up as letterboxed, but the Hulu Plus versions have been mostly cropped to fit 16x9. It was especially noticeable in parts of the last film, where Indy was just a nose and hat brim on the right hand side of the frame while carrying on a conversation with two of the other characters. Last night, we went to see The Lego Batman Movie, which had plenty of shout-outs to previous versions. Not quite as good as The Lego Movie, it was still worth the price of admission.
  8. This week on Presidential Apprentice: after stumbles from both Kellyanne and Mike, we had to say goodbye to the scrappy National Security Adviser, and narrowly avoided a double-elimination.
  9. The American President--a bit of nostalgia, for a time when presidents could have 61% approval ratings, and White House staff that actually worried about making sure that they supported the president in making the right decisions. The main crux of the movie is that the widower president falls in love with a lobbyist, and is then targeted for it during the ramp-up to a re-election campaign by an opponent who runs on fear mongering and lies. It's what ultimately led to Sorkin's show, The West Wing, and features similar "walk and talks" and dense, intelligent dialog from capable, opinionated people (what a friend of mine refers to as "liberal porn"). (On Hulu Plus) Lost in Space--Danger! Will Robinson! This is the extremely muddled, overly-long attempt to reboot the "Lost in Space" series as a movie. There are moments that harken back to the original series, but they are essentially overshadowed by a poor time travel plot, and wooden characterizations. ("Recommended for me" on Netflix) Babylon5, Season 3--The Shadow War season, and probably one of the finest examples of SF on television. (DVD)
  10. While the app is in beta, it requires that the subscriber have a cable box and the app is free. After the trial, the Roku will act as an "additional outlet", which will most likely be the same price as what folks who currently use CableCard devices pay: $9.95 per device, with a $2.50 service credit for bringing your own equipment.
  11. Sorry, just got back from watching the Flash time travel again. Yup. Makes perfect sense. No possible way they'd ever put Wonder Woman into WWII.
  12. My brain keeps on rebelling and making the title "Tony Orlando and Dawn of Justice". Obviously, Superman gets his power from yellow ribbons in that one, and Batman must knock three times on the ceiling (or is it twice on the pipes?) in order to enter the Batcave.
  13. I'd suggest that you look again, unless you mean that I've accidentally woken up in a world where Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush both had second terms, and Hubert Humphrey was elected in Nixon's stead.
  14. The Raiders managed to piss off Sheldon Adelson enough to get him to pull out of the Las Vegas stadium project. With any luck, the rest of it will implode as well, and the Raiders will extort a stadium from some other city. http://news3lv.com/news/local/adelson-family-out-of-project-for-stadium-targeted-for-raiders-relocation
  15. But is it more than she can Handel?
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