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Everything posted by DasBroot

  1. Wow. I kept looking for Falmer huts or hives.
  2. You know, I used ME for years as my main gaming OS back in the day and didn't notice any more BSOD or hard locks than 98 or 98 SE. Guess I got lucky. (Never supported ME in the office, though - volume license was for WIndows 2000. Also only had 3 Vista machines in the entire company in the course of Vista's life: most users went from XP to 7. And a few went from 2000 to 7.)
  3. My 'endgame' non-Force user is a female Trooper and hearing Jennifer Hale say "If you stab me in the back I'll shoot you in the face." for several of the 'I don't trust you but have no choice' style dialogue options plays a factor. The expansion made my Sorcerer feel a little better about himself, I guess - he still arrogantly bumbles headfirst into obvious traps a first grader should avoid - but since it's the same story for everyone so does everyone else. Not sure that's an improvement.... I actually don't see a lot of 'xxx-Sephiroth1994-xxx' running past me on Ebon Hawk - but I do tend to avoid Fleet and the capital worlds when I play.
  4. I don't know if 'all' the story arcs are worth completing - I've earned my Legendary status but some of the stories were just brutal. Sith Sorcerer, Jedi Consular, and Smuggler I wouldn't repeat. Probably not Bounty Hunter either. Voice acting quality plays a factor - I'd know in the first hour or two if I could stand the gender I chose's voice to the end. I basically only made it through Consular because of the female voice actor - she sounds a lot like my wife. Which is funny because the male Consular is Nolan North, who I usually like as a voice actor, but couldn't stand him in TOR and deleted 3 poor Jedi trying to. The current expansion and current monthly mini-chapters are pretty well done, though (though I disliked one) - IF you're a Force User. Very clever sub retention ploy - my friend is being smart about it and coming back after this 'season' is complete to play them all in a weekend instead of paying $15 month by month if it's the only thing he's interested in doing.
  5. This line rings of the Truth. (And yes, I can definitely agree that poor writers get worked over sometimes by executive meddling as well.)
  6. 7 - 10 is probably better than 7/xp. I gave up even trying to make 7 and XP communicate on a regular basis - you have two xp cash registers and one fries? You're getting two 7s. Better that way. Haven't ever had a problem with 7 or XP connecting to our servers, though. Just each other.
  7. "Tell me again that you think turtles can't fly."
  8. Smallville had a lot of problems but, to me, acting among the leads usually wasn't one of them (their actual acting. Dialogue is the writer's fault. A lot of 'fans' seem to forget that - for all shows/movies.)
  9. I would think the only reason to fight on at this point is to keep his name fresh in the mind of the (attention deficient and fickle) youth that he has rallying for him. The longer he keeps 'feel the Bern!' running the more likely they'll be to vote for Clinton by proxy when she announces him to be her running mate.
  10. I can anecdotally confirm similar results with upgrading Dell and Lenovo laptops as well as the intel engine / sleep mode issue. Desktops have been ok, however - so far. Still, since our merchandising software company doesn't support 10 yet (and it took them 3 years to support 7 when it first came out) I have plenty of excuses to not update - though the merchandising software is running properly on the Windows 10 systems as is. Bureaucrats.
  11. I would be curious as to the reasoning a character would be different than an object (which are specifically stated to be destroyed at 0 body right in drain itself) Also Maybe he's talking about a mixed effect - like if a character with 10 body who had already taken 7 body is reduced to -10 body because of 14 points of drain pushing him below the threshold (at least it doesn't change the threshold to confuse things even more)? Even still, that would be an odd call. "Mostly dead" indeed. If they'd taken 5 body and then a 7 body drain they'd recover to 5 body when the drain ended, of course - but that's not 'dead'.
  12. I like it. Is the OAF on those drones to represent something physically present that can be interacted with (and supersede the rest of the rules for perception points for Clairsentience - like by default being invisible, impervious, and able to pass through solid objects)? Wouldn't Physical Manifestation be a more logical choice? We're specifically talking about pools so the points aren't really all that important (more important in a vpp, sure, but even then...) Followers are infinitely more useful than summons for long term combat and support. A follower in any kind of power pool without heavy supervision renders the summon power obsolete - and since summon itself has a stop sign anything that can beat it flat out needs a lot of thought. Then there's the headaches of assigning a power duration to a custom Followers power in a pool - is it instant, like summon, so you switch the slot after your followers arrive and carry on? How did the followers arrive in the first place (under their own power, like an option for summon, I would say)? Etc.
  13. Really, I'm hoping for a cameo by Morgan Freeman in a white suit as the Speed Force saying "What did we JUST talk about?" the instant he turns around.
  14. Well, I guess at the end of the day they still left a few frames free for Flash special effects in the murder house for when he has to run back in time and change what happened that night *again*. "Ok, ok! Places people! Reverse Flash, you come in from the right and try and kill her. Flash number 1 - come in and save Young Barry. Put up your hand to ward off Flash number 2 before saving us. Flash 3 - now you come in and deck Reverse Flash in the snozz. Ok, Flash 2 - your part of the plan now is instead of getting closure by holding her in her dying moments and letting her know we're safe you get erased from history. Cool? Cool. Alright since we ALL know how well stopping the murder worked out we're on to Flash 4 - attack Flash before he decks Reversie. Flash's 6 and 7 - intercept Flash 5 when he changes his mind again. Flash 8 through 10 - watch out for Jay and Wally this time." "Remember, people, half of us are time remnants now so Flash 11 and 12 - you're wraith bait. Let's move, we only have infinite more times we can do this to get it right!"
  15. As Tasha posted it specifically states that you don't know you've been affected by mind control or mental illusions until the effect ends or unless it fails to affect you. Due to the specific wording in the 6e cumulative posted b eepjr34 over-riding the specifics for mental combat, though, you apparently are alerted that somebody has attacked with mind control if it fails (just as if it had failed normally). You don't know it's cumulative, no, but since you're on your guard now you can definitely try to dispel further incoming attacks (provided you could perceive them, of course).
  16. Because as was correctly pointed out Mind Control's duration is 'instant' - which can't be dispelled (though since they're aware they're being attacked now they could start holding actions to dispel further attacks to try and stop further cumulative stacking - which is honestly probably good enough). Even in the enhanced 6e rule blurb for cumulative above it doesn't say anything about applying cumulative changing the duration type to constant or persistant - it's just stacking instants, like Aid.
  17. Is that what that page says? I use Champions Complete so dread the one line page ref number answers. It's what I was leaning towards so it's good to see it spelled out - now to decide whether to break the players heart about dispel or (more likely) add 'Able to be dispelled' to the villain's limitation list.
  18. "Damn you, Bette Middler!" *drives off cliff and explodes*
  19. I was looking forward to a contested convention as well but when no opponents stuck it out to the end there was really no way that was going to happen - even if it did people would think poorly of the 'quitters' who didn't fight to the last, like Sanders has done, and vote accordingly. (Pipe dreams of a 'real' candidate parachuting in through the convention skylight yelling 'Yo, Joe!' and rallying the entire convention behind them was never really an option). If it ended up a contested for the Democrats, somehow, I think Sanders would stand a chance because of that never say die attitude. I respect him a lot more now than I did at the start of the primaries and that's a large reason why.
  20. A 'very' mobile perception point. Probably too mobile. Much as I'm wary of Summon I'd think this is a case where the cost savings it provides makes the intended effect more viable. If it was meant to always be hanging around it would be a follower automaton with a computer. With GM permission you could apply disadvantages to the follower cost to reflect being a 'gadget' (a focus of some sort to represent a remote control, etc). Since summon is messy for things that don't wander off or have free will a GM might, with extreme thought, allow you to put Follower in the gadget pool instead. With a really, really, really big flashing stop sign. I've allowed a player to do it with Vehicle to allow them to build vehicles appropriate to what they were doing without thinking ahead and buying "x multiples' on vehicle. If the team needed a sub she could build a sub rather than having a batcave somewhere with the batplane, batmobile, and batboat parked waiting for the day she needs one.
  21. Thematically I could see a second 'tick' alerting them ... just seems a little off that you could mind control someone with a 1d6 cumulative mind control (with enough increased maximum effect) over the course of a minute without them being aware on some level... but as far as I can tell that's pure GM fiat. I've stripped the situational factors out and asked the question to Steve.
  22. Good morning, If a character uses a mental power with the cumulative advantage against a target but fails to achieve a success (a likelihood since that's why they'd be using cumulative in the first place) does it alert the target just as if the effect had 'failed' or does the target remain unaware they're under attack until the effect takes place and they make their breakout roll to end the mind control, for example (or if the effect fails outright if the maximum effect on the cumulative isn't enough to overcome their mental defenses). For example - Brain Boy uses a 10d6 Cumulative mind control against Stalwart Lass and is trying to get her to attack her friends. His first attack gets 30 points of effect which isn't enough to make our heroine betray her friends (+30 effect needed for doing something she'd never do will protect her regardless of her ego score). Is she aware she was attacked at this point before Brain Boy overcomes her defences after his next successful attack stacks on 30 more points? Thank you
  23. Is it? That's interesting. Certainly would make things cleaner ... but since we use Champions Complete (and I just did a keyword search for every instance of the word dispel in it and there is nothing about how it interacts with mental powers) I'll go with 'Yes' for discussions sake. As for the mental awareness angle - that kind of ties in to the question of 'when is a cumulative attack an effect?'. Would it be visible to mental awareness since the attack hasn't succeeded yet so they're technically not under a mental effect? Edit: After a quick reread- Yes. Yes it would. Even though there's no effect yet the target is still a Target of a mental power, which is pretty black and whitely covered under the mental awareness description. (In this case specifically, though, as an aside, it's Darkness to the mental group, not IPE - funnily enough one of the best ways to notice him is when she can no longer see her mind link effect on her team-mates.)
  24. There's a mind controlling supervillain in my game that the team has tangled with several times (since the start of the campaign, actually, but the group mentalist is finally powerful enough to finish the fight without the 'Sailor Moon' effect of a group of conveniently rescued weaker psychics aiding their effect roll). Rather than engage in the brain tug of war directly this time, though, the psychic has bought a Dispel (Mind Control) (All of her psychic power channeled into a 'Get out of their head!' instant all or nothing burst). The question is when would a character be aware that they should use it? They known the villain has a cumulative power because it's the only way he can eventually overcome the mental defense the team psychic provides the group (Mental Defense, Usable Simultaneously). With a standard mind control roll it's pretty cut and dry - the rules flat out state that if it's not great enough to overcome your targets defenses it fails and they become aware of the attack. With cumulative, though, have you truly failed to overcome the defenses? Opinion 1: Yes: The point behind the advantage isn't to remain undetected - it's to allow a failure to not be the end of your attempt. They become aware, as they would during a regular failure, and thus it's a pretty good time to drop that big fat dispel and break the effect before he overcomes your defenses. Opinion 2: No: The attack hasn't failed - it's been delayed. There's no effect total there to dispel yet. If the person using cumulative's cap is hit and that's still not enough to overcome the defenses - that's a failed attempt (of course at this point it's kind of meaningless since their best can't beat you) and you become aware. I don't like this interpretation much but I'm curious as to what others think. Is the effect truly there until it is fully applied? As far as I'm aware you can't make breakout rolls while it's being stacked up (I could be very wrong - the cumulative example in Champion's Complete doesn't mention anything one way or the other about that).
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