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Ockham's Spoon

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Everything posted by Ockham's Spoon

  1. Because if the mad doctor's new pet isn't fed regularly, it is going to go hunting for food on its own...
  2. I have had mentalists with Teleport, defined as the psychic ability to visualize a tesseract and step through it to effectively teleport. This allowed characters with no psychokinetic powers (no TK or flight) to have some kind of movement ability to keep up with other heroes. But in that game, mental powers were split into three groups: psionic (telepathy, mind control, etc.), psychic (ESP, precognition, etc.), and psychokinetic (anything that affects the physical world), so anyone wanting a limitation on a VPP would have to have "Only psionic" or "Only psychic" or "Only psychokinetic" as a limitation instead of "Only mental". This was done specifically because mental powers otherwise end up being just "magic" with a different sfx and they lose coherence since they let you justify anything.
  3. An undertaker comes home one day, disheveled and with a black eye. His wife asks him what happened. "Well, I had a pretty rough day. Got a call about asking for help with a body they found in a hotel. I asked what the trouble was, and they said that the deceased has such a large erection, that they couldn't fit it in the body bag. So I headed over there, went into the room, and sure enough there's this big guy laying on the bed with an enormous erection. So I grabbed the fellow's member with both hands and tried to bend it in half." the undertaker says, grimacing at this last part. "Oh, that must have been awful." his wife says. "But how did you get a black eye?" The undertaker shakes his head ruefully. "Turns out I was in the wrong room."
  4. It took a long time to wrap all those baby carrots in Tootsie Roll wrappers, but the payoff on Halloween will be worth it.
  5. A woman is driving her young son to school when they get behind a garbage truck. As the truck rounds a corner, some trash falls out the back, including a large rubber dildo which bounces off the pavement and smacks into the woman's windshield with loud thwack. "What was that?" the boy asks. The mother hesitates. "It was a, um, it was just a bird." "Wow!" exclaims the son. "It's amazing that it can fly with a wiener that big!"
  6. A guy goes into a grocery store and asks if he can get half a head of lettuce. The young man working up front says he will have to ask the manager. So he goes into the back and calls out "Hey, some dipsh!t wants half a head of lettuce." Only then does he realize that the customer followed him into the back and is standing right there. The young man quickly follows with "And this upstanding gentleman would like to buy the other half." The manager is impressed with how quick the young man is on his feet, and so pulls him aside later. "I think you have a lot of potential. I could put you in for a promotion if you like. The only thing is that the position is for a store in Canada." The young man scoffs. "Canada? Why on earth would I want to go to Canada? The only people who live there are whores and hockey players." The manager glowers at him "My wife is from Canada." The young man exclaims "Really? What team does she play for?"
  7. The Drain/Suppress will work, but it is going to be expensive, esp. for AoE. And if that fits your conception of the spell, that is good. But if this is something that a cleric does to facilitate exorcism or something that is common in your world, you could consider putting a Limitation on the Invisibility and/or Desolid that spirits have "Doesn't work while affected by PRE attack from a cleric at the PRE +30 level" or the like. That makes it much easier to bring the effect about if you want it to be a more utilitarian ability rather than an exception power that only a few can master.
  8. Him: (climbing into bed) "Move over!" Her: "You're drunk!" Him: "Oh? How do you know?" Her: "You live next door!"
  9. There are two types of people in this world: 1. Those who can extrapolate from insufficient data
  10. Pornography gives people an unrealistic and unhealthy idea of how quickly a plumber will come to your house.
  11. To unclevlad's point, I admit that it seems odd to disallow the power directly, but then allow a limited version that is cheaper. The distinction is that someone with Immune to Poison isn't damned for buying that power because they could also by the defense. Generally in Hero there should always be a defense against any given attack, and generally speaking you should pay points to have the defense. That is distinctly different from having to avoid buying a power that would make your vulnerable.
  12. I seem to recall the official rules disallow NNDs that only work against those who have a specific ability or defense. That would mean someone paid points for a power that makes them vulnerable to something that normal people are immune to. I think the rules-legal way to build it would be to make it an NND, but with some other defense (not sure what would make sense in this case; Power Defense?), but then with a Limitation that it only affects people with LS: Immune to Poison. That is actually a cheaper power to purchase (and it should be because it affects very few people), but it is still possible to have a defense against it, even if you do have Immune to Poison.
  13. Daughter: "Mom, I'm going out on a date." Mother: "Who are you going out with?" Daughter: "Don't judge, he is a little older than me. It's Mike. Our mailman." Mother: "Our mailman?! Sweetie, he isn't a little older, he could be your father!" Daughter: "Mom, age is just a number." Mother: "Sweetheart, I don't think you understood what I just said."
  14. Because when most of the time Jesus is being salty, he is pointing out hypocrisy, which seems to have become a staple of a lot of our politics. People won't admit their views are inconsistent, they just double-down and substitute rage for reason. Salty Jesus wouldn't stand for that.
  15. Oh, we know he can be salty, we just need to pay more attention to those parts.
  16. I would completely understand Jesus being bitter or sour. But I think collective humanity really needs a kick in the pants, what we need is salty Jesus.
  17. The expression in the American south "sweet Jesus" implies the existence of umami Jesus, sour Jesus, bitter Jesus, spicy Jesus, salty Jesus.
  18. I am trying to re-home a dog. It is a small terrier, and it tends to bark a lot. If you're interested, let me know and I will jump my neighbor's fence and get it for you.
  19. The next time your wife gets angry, drape a towel over her shoulders like a cape and say "Now your SUPER ANGRY!" Maybe she'll laugh. Maybe you'll die.
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