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Everything posted by Erkenfresh

  1. Re: Final Fantasy potions and items and Monsters I just thought of something, in most FF games you can use potions on undead to damage them, or phoenix down to kill them. So you might want to work in a EB or RKA (only against undead).
  2. Re: Ok, We have a Star Hero Game, now what do you need Beer and snacks are also good. Last night, my players were investigating a strange star. They learned about it from the discoverer who felt the information was important enough to warrant her desertion from the TES, lest the information be misused. But, they went anyway. They crashed a few probes into the star thinking they could get inside (it's density is much less than normal so probably empty inside). It's basically a huge machine that could have fried them if they flew too close, but they didn't so I didn't get to kill them off. Oh well, maybe next week.
  3. Re: Worlds of Empire - Waddya think? I just bought this one at the store today. I'm looking forward to the Fex write-up since two of my players picked Fex as their race.
  4. Has anybody used resource pools from Dark Champions in a Fantasy Hero campaign? It might be a good way to balance magic and equipment based people. You could essentially have a "magic resource pool" too with newly researched spells replacing old spells as the caster desires.
  5. Re: Final Fantasy potions and items and Monsters That looks pretty good Scion. I happen to be playing FF5 on my PS2 right now actually. Of course you also need: Soft: Major Transform Stone to Flesh Cornucopia: Growth (only to counteract shrinking) Maiden's Kiss: Major Tranform Frog to Human Elixir: combination of potion and ether with LOTS of dice to make sure it fills them all the way up Antidote: Dispel poison Holy Water: Major Transform Zombie to Human Esuna (spell): All of the above! Quite pricy hehe Good luck.
  6. Re: Build Me a Fighter, Advanced Class. I must have been thinking of a different thread or something. I can't find what I was thinking of earlier. Here's some axe abilities I just thought of along the same ridiculouso lines. Cost Powers END 40 Big Axe Tricks: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots OIF (Any giant axe; -1/2) 4u 1) Can Opener: Drain Armor 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Month; +2) (60 Active Points) Note: The wielder cleaves a giant hole in their opponent's armor. (The mechanics would state the armor would heal itself over time but let's just handwave that away). 6 2u 2) Bicep Cut: Drain STR 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Week; +1 3/4) (55 Active Points); PD Applies (-1), Only affects arm strength (-1/4) Note: The wielder aims for the opponent's bicep, slicing a big hunk of it off and causing the opponent to lose STR for quite a while. 5 1u 3) Axe Glare: Sight Group Flash 8d6 (40 Active Points); Only in broad daylight (-1 1/2), No Range (-1/2) Note: A well polished axe is nearly as big as a mirror. The wielder can reflect sunlight into his opponent's eyes and blind him for a short time. 4 2u 4) Hurl it!: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6 (60 Active Points); 1 Recoverable Charge (The axe!; -1 1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/2), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) Note: The wielder throws his axe at a single target with all his/her might. Better hope they die cause you gotta go pick it up. 6 1u 5) Axe Wall: Knockback Resistance -10" (20 Active Points) Note: The wielder holds their axe upright to form a shield and reduce knockback attacks. 0 2u 6) Whirling Axe: Force Wall (7 PD/7 ED; 12" long and 1" tall) (57 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Lockout (Can't attack while in use; -1/2) Note: The wielder tosses their axe in a circular pattern around them which reduces the effectiveness of attacks made against him. 6
  7. Re: Build Me a Fighter, Advanced Class. I thought someone mentioned a high-powered 200-point anime style fantasy hero kinda character. So, yeah what I made up was high-powered and unrealistic.
  8. Re: Ok, We have a Star Hero Game, now what do you need Howdy, fellow Kentuckian. As a GM, I like surprises. My players regularly comment on my flexibility because I like to come up with realisitic responses to things they do on the fly. For example, the party just recently sold some stolen weapon plans to the Thorgon Empire. I had no idea they were going to do this, but I just went along with it anyway even though it had nothing to do with what I had planned. (Which reminds me, I need to plan at least a little something before the game tomorrow). They seem a bit pre-occupied with trying to start an inter-stellar war so they can get in the business of gun-running, but it's certainly an intersting twist on the story. For the players, I think they expect the same. Uncertainty makes the game have spice. Who can you trust and will they stiff you out of your wages? Will there be an ambush in an ancient jungle tonight or maybe just a bar fight where the winner takes home the prettiest lady in the bar? Are the Thorgons gonna be gutsy enough to try out their new weaponry against the Terran Empire or will the plans even work? What if they don't? They might be looking to get their up front money back.
  9. Re: Build Me a Fighter, Advanced Class. Here's a two sword fighting style I just came up with. I'm thinking of someone who's really quick wielding the blades: Cost Powers 41 Dual Sword Tricks: Multipower, 61-point reserve, (61 Active Points); all slots OIF (Two Swords; -1/2) 1u 1) Blade Shield: Force Field (20 PD/20 ED) (40 Active Points); Wielder can't attack while this is on (-1), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2) Note: The wielder spins their blades in a circular motion rapidly, helping to deflect incoming attacks and even spells. 3u 2) Whirling Blades: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (2d6+1 w/STR), Area Of Effect (3" Radius; +1) (60 Active Points); Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) Note: The wielder spins about wildly with their blades out, hitting everyone nearby. 4u 3) Head Clap: (Total: 56 Active Cost, 37 Real Cost) Hearing Group Flash 6d6, No Normal Defense (Helmet or ear protection; +1) (36 Active Points) (Real Cost: 24) plus Energy Blast 2d6, No Normal Defense (Helmet or ear protection; +1) (20 Active Points) (Real Cost: 13) Note: The wielder hits their opponent in the ears using the flats of both blades, causing deafness and/or stunning for a short time. This is negated with a rigid helmet. 1u 4) Helicopter Blades: Gliding 5" (5 Active Points); Only to slow falling (-1/2) Note: The wielder spins their blades above their head to act like the blades of a helicopter and slow their descent. 3u 5) Blade Grab: Suppress HKA or HA 12d6 (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) Note: Using both blades, the wielder can effectively disable an opponent's weapon by grabbing it safely with their swords. 2u 6) Turbo Shovelling: Tunneling 12" through 12 DEF material (60 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1) Note: The wielder of the blades can strike at a material so fast that they can cut through nearly anything and make an escape route, but it's very tiring. 3u 7) Whirling Blades: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6+1, Area Of Effect (8" Cone; +1), Two-Dimensional (-1/4) (61 Active Points); Requires A Dual Sword Mastery Roll (-1/2), Side Effects (A failed skill roll means the wielder takes half the damage of the attack; -1/4) Note: The wielder throws their blades, spinning rapidly, in two arcs that return like boomerangs back to the wielder. A failed skill roll means the wielder takes half the damage.
  10. Re: What is a conceptionalist wonder I have no idea what you're talking about.
  11. Re: Things I learned playing a Thief Do whatever it takes to become the party treasurer. After that point, feel free to "miscalculate" the amount of gold the party really has. (Ironically, the thief was the treasurer in all our D&D campaigns).
  12. Re: Things I learned playing a Thief Sneaking off during a big fight to loot the nearby corpses and then punching yourself in the face to help backup the story that you were actually helping doesn't work.
  13. Re: Whirlwind Attack! Whew, I take a night off to actually run a game and I see tons of responses! I did not mean to say anything like "MINE IS CHEAPER SO I OWNZ JOO NOOB!!111!". I'm just saying that if you compare a 33-point whirlwind attack to a 12-point "4 attack Sweep with no OCV penalty", it's a clear choice to take the Sweep maneuver, regardless of the DCV penalty and requiring a Full Phase (things you can negate with Rapid Attack and CSLs with DCV). I want my players to look at the two Talents and really consider both options. I'm quite certain that my 150 point characters will glaze over any Talent costing 33 points without a second thought. The power build on your site DOES have some advantages over mine, namely that they strike against a DCV 3 and there's no "Can't be any obstacles in the way" disadvantage or x3 END cost. I've purposely used Nonselective to simulate a full force swing in a complete circle that people can dodge or twist around. Practically speaking, the whirlwind attack isn't really all that great. To be very useful, the fighter would have to get close to a large group of mooks, hold his action, and hope they swarm him and perfectly surround him for full effect. But, in these rare cases, he will definitely shine over "Sweep Guy" and add some flavor to the game.
  14. Re: Barghest v.0.1 It sounds like he could make some nasty Move-Throughs.
  15. Re: Whirlwind Attack! Yours costs 33 points though. Mine is only 7 points.
  16. Re: Whirlwind Attack! Actually, I'm starting to think this is overpowered. You could walk up to any single target and whack 'em against a DCV 3. I might throw in non-selective. So, it's like this: Whirlwind Attack: Hole In The Middle (+1/4), Area Of Effect Nonselective (up to 2" radius; +1/2) for up to 30 Active Points of HKA (22 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), OIF (Weapon of opportunity; -1/2), All adjacent hexes must contain no obstacles (-1/2), Only with two-handed weapons (-1/4) (Real Cost: 7, END Cost: 6) Not bad at all. Thanks guys.
  17. Re: Whirlwind Attack! OK, I think I've got it: Whirlwind Attack: Hole In The Middle (+1/4), Area Of Effect (up to 2" radius or reach of weapon whichever is less; +3/4) for up to 30 Active Points of HKA (30 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), OIF (Weapon of opportunity; -1/2), All adjacent hexes must contain no obstacles (-1/2), Only with two-handed weapons (-1/4) (Real Cost: 9, END Cost: 9) That's actually comparable to the +6 OCV to Sweep for 12 points talent I also created (thanks to Killer Shrike). With Sweep, you drop to 1/2 DCV but you can hit the same guy many times. With whirlwind, you can attack against a DCV of 3 but only once for each person next to you (including allies!). Also, it would be especially nasty with a weapon with reach. I suppose an alternative is to add Selective too. But then you'd attack against their full DCV.
  18. Re: Armor Spell Question One thing I've never been clear on is this. So, you buy "Uncontrolled" and "Cost END Only To Activate". In this case, the power should last forever right? So, as a GM, you put a reasonable time limit on it so your players aren't all running around with awesome force fields. How do you go about determining the length of time though? I've messed around with lingering from the FH book but I don't quite like it. Uncontrolled sounds like the way to go but the duration seems arbitrary.
  19. Re: What I learned playing a fighter...
  20. Re: Whirlwind Attack! Yep, I'd like it as a seperate ability for the reasons mentioned. I think it gives a little extra flavor for a fighter. But, my questions above still remained unanswered. Good suggestions on ways to make it cheaper though.
  21. Re: Barghest v.0.1 Here's what I'm thinking Thia (note for Desolid you are supposed to pick a special effect that works against it, see 5ER 148): Blink: Desolidification (affected by Force attacks) (40 Active Points); Activation Roll 11- (-1), Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2), Can be attacked by ethereal creatures (-0) (16 Real Cost) Blinking Claw: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6, Affects Physical World (+2) (90 Active Points); Activation Roll 11- (-1) (45 Real Cost) Non-blinking Claw: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (2 1/2d6 w/STR) (30 Real Cost) Sure, you're duplicating a lot of the claw cost but since this isn't a PC, who really cares? You can do a similar thing for the bite attack too.
  22. Hi! I was thinking about how to model a "whirlwind attack" in HERO. Basically, you strike everyone within sword length of you simultaneously in a spectacular spinning arc! One obvious way is to buy +OCV with Sweep and just sweep em. That's kind of boring though. I decided to think about a naked advantage, but then I find it's way overpriced and it brings up some questions. Whirlwind Attack: Naked Modifier: Area Of Effect (up to 6" Any Area; +1 1/4) for up to 30 Active Points (37 Active Points) This would suffice for up to 2d6 HKA or 6d6 HA. But, can anyone help me with this? 1. Does the naked modifier need to account for STR? So, would a 2d6 sword with an extra 1/2d6 from STR work with this NPA? 2. Can I apply limitations to the NPA such as OIF (weapon of choice), increased endurance cost and so on? Cause, 37 points makes it really stupid for anyone to buy. Like this maybe: Whirlwind Attack: Naked Modifier: Area Of Effect (up to 6" Any Area; +1 1/4) for up to 30 Active Points (37 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), OIF (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (Real cost: 13) Other suggestions?
  23. Re: Barghest v.0.1 Thia, I'd suggest an activation roll of 11-. This would be closer to simulating a half-material/half-etheral since 11- is about 50%. You might also want to consider then in this case, that his attacks would also gain a 11- activation roll. If he strikes at you at the precise moment he blinks out, he'd miss. You could add this is as a side effect perhaps? This doesn't model D&D's version of blink but it MAKES SENSE. As for "can be hit by etheral creatures", I'd save this for handwaving. Chances are, if something etheral is trying to kill him, he'd just stop blinking, assuming he can control it. It would only be a problem if he's got a group of people in the material plane AND a group of people in the etheral plane both trying to kill him. This will probably not happen in your game.
  24. Re: Barghest v.0.1 I think it looks pretty good. I can't recall if I've ever used a Barghest in a D&D campaign so I don't know what it's like. The only thing I was wondering about is, why are you paying for Continuous on the Blink power? I thought CSLs were already Continuous? I'm guessing you want something temporary, but I've always been fuzzy on messing with power durations.
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