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Everything posted by Erkenfresh

  1. Re: Invisibility limitations Now it's an advantage?!? You're the GM, do whatever you feel is right.
  2. Re: Invisibility limitations They seem about the same in level of limitation to me. Besides, when you do attack, even without the "when not attacking" limitation, the weapon used to perform the attack is visible. I'm not sure how that works with a mental attack, perhaps your brain becomes visible?
  3. Re: Cybernetics and Bionics - Focus or Restrainable It really depends on the effect you want from your cyberware. You might prefer to use OAF for it. It's obviously there and while difficult to remove, easy to destroy. Shoot the cyberarm once and it goes haywire or offline. You might prefer OIF to make it seem more sturdy than OAF, it would take a highly concentrated blow like a Haymaker to deactivate the cyberware. Finally, Restrainable (by EMP) to make it impossible to destroy in combat but vulnerable to an EMP pulse or some such weapon. You're the GM, you decide.
  4. Re: Some thoughts on River Tam (Firefly) Is Full Metal Jacket the one with the drill sergant that the guy murders then sits on the toilet and shoots himself? That was a pretty gory scene.
  5. Re: Some thoughts on River Tam (Firefly) My friends and I weren't in the fanboy community. But yeah, it didn't do that well in the box office IIRC. Still, was it a high budget show to run? The most famous actor was Adam Baldwin and I don't even remember what else I've seen him in. So certainly the actors aren't demanding overwhelming salaries to do the show. Are the special effects too costly then?
  6. Re: First serious character I'd remove OIHID from the +2 to science skills and the contact. I'm assuming he's a scientist for his day job so does it make sense that he would be better OIHID? The contact already has "Contact limited by identity" so OIHID is redundant. Also, a Force Wall and a Force Field might be redundant. You might consider just using Armor or Damage Resistance instead of Force Field. And remember, if you have the Force Wall on then you can't use your energy blast because they are in the same MPP. Is the Bright Glowy Change how he goes into heroic identity? I'm assuming since all his powers are OIHID that he's just a normal person until he "turns on"?
  7. Re: Your "2006" Pet Gaming Projects I almost forgot: 4. Write CyberHERO 5th edition. (Yeah right)
  8. Re: Your "2006" Pet Gaming Projects Too many projects and I'm not sure which will get off the ground. 1. "Space Pirates!" A humorous sci-fi campaign set in Terran Empires focusing on the starbase called Drago's Retreat and the deeds (and misdeeds) of a crew of pirates. (In progress, going well) 2. "Saoghal" A fantasy campaign built from scratch. I've planned out races and package deals and a world map (and thanks to the online Gaelic dictionary the names sound rather nice). 3. Some type of Giant Robot RPG using Robot Warriors. I haven't even read the rulebook yet so this seems unlikely.
  9. Re: Tetra Vaal -- realistic robot animation It's kind of scary. It would be much easier to shoot someone through a camera and joystick than actually being there, and thus more likely to kill than apprehend. Anyway, I don't think it's a guy in a suit. It looks like CG to me.
  10. Re: A question of genetics... Unfortunately, I have no idea what you're talking about. However, I'll take it as an invitation to post anyway. Let's assume there's no way to avert or prevent the ice age because that would be boring to this discussion. So, yeah, imagine there was a new ice age and everyone had to find shelter for a few hundred years. I can think of two scenarios. One is a slow onset with plenty of warning. The second would happen overnight. With the advanced warning, we may see it coming a few decades in advance. This would be plenty of time to engineer and build massive self-sufficient shelters. It seems likely in this time that the shelters would be large enough to support thousands of people. If the onset is very fast, it's likely that people are going to form much smaller shelters. I think the idea of seeing races become highly mixed would be due to smaller groups of people being trapped together at the beginning of the ice age. With a limited selection of mates, it's less likely to be picky about their race when selecting one. But, this also assumes that there's a mix within the small community. I don't have any demographic data at my disposal but let's take Lexington, KY as an example since I live here. It's probably 80% White, 10% African-American, 5% Latino, 5% Asian or so. I suppose the question here is, would the small shelters be mainly of the same race or not? That's a tough one to answer but let's assume if we all ran to the nearest shelter of 100 or so people there would be a mix. I think this would give a very good chance that a few thousand years later, the inhabitants would also be mixed. Given the mixture above, the law of averages would state the inhabitants would be roughly the same mixture. Not as distinct races but each person would be partially all of them to the same ratio. I think the answer relies on two unknowns. How far in advance would we know of the impending ice age? Second, would the smaller shelters have a mix of races or would we tend to have more "all-white" and "all-latino" shelters, etc.?
  11. Re: Some thoughts on River Tam (Firefly) I recently saw the movie and a few episodes. I very much enjoyed all of it. I'm very surprised it hasn't made a comeback with the success of the movie. Anyhow, this thread is like a year old. I saw a lot of post ressurrection in the DI forums recently. Same guy? Ressurrect Post: Healing BODY 10d6, Resurrection (120 Active Points); Only forum threads (-2)
  12. Re: How to Create Spell: Freedom of Movement Possibilities: 1. Power Defense, only works before a Drain happens (e.g. shield to protect a necromancer's stun ray from working) 2. Healing only to return drained points, only works on drains in progress (e.g. reverse the effects of the necromancer's ray instantly) 3. Dispel "Entangle", works on entangles in progress but only once (e.g. dissolve a spider's web) 4. Suppress "Entangle", only works against targets before they perform the entangle (e.g. preventing a spider from spinning it's web) 5. Life Support Environmental Movement (Underwater), lets you move freely underwater It really depends on what you want. You could make a compound power all of these or a multipower. In the long run, there's no clear direct correlation to Freedom of Movement. But, maybe there shouldn't be.
  13. Re: Works Well in the Champions Forum, not so Well in Hero System Discussion I fail to see your point. The discussion thus far has not been genre specific.
  14. Re: Need help with a item build Just make it a Hand Attack then add on "Stun Only". Err, I think Stun Only shows up only in Energy Blast but it seems applicable here.
  15. Re: Skill bonuses as Powers How about instead buy BODY with a custom limitation? Something like "Only to make it easier to stabilize (-2)".
  16. Re: Your PC's might be underpowered if... If 94 cents in change puts you into the "overloaded" encumberance category... If the first Segment where the team gets to go is 6...
  17. Re: Summon a friend I think this would be the writeup then: Summon Ally: Teleportation 5", x2 Increased Mass, Usable By Other (+1/4), MegaScale (1" = 100 m; +1/4), Ranged (+1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (52 Active Points); One-Way Gate (Only TO Spellcaster) (-1), Restrainable (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) One target for Summon Ally: Teleportation: Floating Fixed Location (1 Locations)
  18. Re: Summon a friend Thanks guys, I'll probably use the Gate suggestion(s). With FPL's, the spellcaster could assign them in advance to all his party members or reassign them later to other people as he feels necessary. This perfectly reflects what I want the spell to do. Again, I'm thinking no Megascale on this. I'm not gonna glaze over the ability to instantly travel about the world like Forgotten Realms does. Easier just to not allow it at all.
  19. Re: Giant Robot RPG (carry over post to SH from DC) I've only briefly skimmed Robot Warriors but the idea of it all is very intriguing. I was hoping a more straightforward correlation to 5th edition HERO to get me into it faster but alas, that seems impossible. I wish one of my friends would read up on it and be the GM instead of me.
  20. Re: Star Trek: Legacy - New game by Bethesda Softworks Morrowind had some problems (of course). One example was the Alchemy skill was based on INT. You brew a few INT buff potions and drink those. Now, you're potions are better so the next few are even better. Drink those. Repeat, etc. You could easily get into millions of INT lasting in-game weeks in 10 minutes or so. Once you've got that, you can brew +STR, +AGI, etc. It makes the game incredibly easy. With a million STR, when you hit someone with a sword one time, it breaks. Better learn how to use those fists.
  21. Re: Summon a friend I actually do have a giant race planned out that's twice as big as humans, so that's a good point on the mass. "Only on humanoids" stops you from teleporting objects, I think that might be a bit too good.
  22. Re: Alternate Attack Rolls One main problem with the attack roll as written is that you factor in the DCV of the opponent into the equation. This is not a value the players should know. I go with an alternative (I think this is in the book): Attack roll: 11 + OCV - 3d6 If (attack roll >= DCV) it hits. It's a bit clunky though, my players don't like the "roll low" thing for some reason. I had a similar thought as Bud. I would give everybody a +10 on their DCV and the attack roll becomes OCV + 3d6. If it's >= the DCV it hits. I haven't done this yet. Things like dropping to 1/2 DCV become ugly and I feel that messing with the attack roll too much can end up being more confusing in the long run.
  23. Re: Summon a friend Also, I don't want to allow people to summon across the entire continent. I'm looking for a limited range deal. Long range summoning would have a major impact on any fantasy world, one I feel would be damaging to the world I'm trying to create.
  24. Yo. How would you create a power that could summon a willing subject to you? I wrote this up and it seems OK. Summon Ally: Teleportation 16", Usable By Other (+1/4), Ranged (+1/2) (56 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Can only be used on humanoids(-1/4) (25 Real Cost) Usable by Other makes it consentual so you can't use it against unwilling targets. Ranged lets you use it across the room, otherwise you could only teleport someone away from you since you'd have to touch them. I think the main use for this would be to bring friends through a wall you would fly over but I think this requires LOS. It's also nice to bring someone over a chasm that's up to 32 meters wide. I think I also should add "Can only bring someone to be adjacent to you" as a custom limitation. I tried using Summon but if you want it to summon a specific target, then the power only works for that one target. You couldn't use it on any member of the party, but that may be reasonable anyway. Any other suggestions?
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