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Everything posted by Erkenfresh

  1. Re: "Hey! Look at me!" Alright in this case, does it make sense for the flare gun to be used as a weapon? If it doesn't flare up until a second later then that's probably after it's already hit the target. Does it come out so fast that it would physically hurt without any burning going on? Then again, you could complicate things further. Targets far away might get flared so perhaps you need some sort of "minimum range" limitation on it.
  2. Re: Force Bubble You might also consider some Telekenesis. I'm not too familiar with force wall but it's not really made for physically pushing things is it? Another upside to using TK is she only uses the END when repelling stuff which seems to simulate what you want.
  3. Re: "Hey! Look at me!" Nahh, let's load it up with Autofire. Certainly you could link Flash into my writeup which would probably make it even more realistic. Here's the thing, has anybody here ever used a flare gun? I imagine you're supposed to not look at the gun as you fire it lest you blind yourself, but real world experience would be helpful. The bright flash would make it very difficult to use as a weapon as you are invariably going to be looking in it's direction as you fire, unless you take a huge penalty for firing blind. If that's NOT the case then perhaps Flash isn't appropriate and firing it should incur no penalties to OCV.
  4. Re: "Hey! Look at me!" Doesn't the rulebook say something about if a power has a side effect that's useful and abused often then you should pay points for it? I think this is how it should be built: Flare Gun: (Total: 90 Active Cost, 26 Real Cost) Energy Blast 4d6 (20 Active Points); OAF (-1), 8 Charges (-1/2), Linked (Images; -1/2), Beam (-1/4) (Real Cost: 6) plus Sight Group Images 1" radius, +/-20 to PER Rolls (70 Active Points); Only To Create Light (-1), OAF (-1), 8 Charges (-1/2) (Real Cost: 20) I figure at 4 km = 2000" that should be a -20 to PER roll for range to see the flare. You could alternately use MegaScale but then the range might be bigger than you really want.
  5. Re: "Hey! Look at me!" OK, use Images and forget anything I said.
  6. Re: "Hey! Look at me!" Err, OK. The telepathy thing was bothering me. This seems better: Flare Gun: Mind Link , Any Willing Target, Area Of Effect (64" Radius; +2 1/4) (49 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), OAF (-1), Only to alert others to your presence (-1), No Range (-1/2), Requires a Sight PER roll to notice (-1/2), Instant (-1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4) (Real Cost: 8 points)
  7. Re: "Hey! Look at me!" The wierd thing with that is if you don't roll high on the telepathy roll, you might be under their EGO which is an automatic miss. You might consider that as the flare failing or the gun jamming. Or perhaps there's a build with Mind Link that's better suited.
  8. Re: "Hey! Look at me!" How does this look? Flare Gun: Telepathy 6d6 (30 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), OAF (-1), Only to alert people to your presence (-1), Broadcast Only (-1/2), Requires a Sight PER roll to notice (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4), Communication Only (-1/4) (Real Cost: 5 points)
  9. Re: Focus on visibility You should ask instead "what would be the point of using an obvious focus limitation on invisibility?" For a munchkin, there would be no point, but I think it can provide interesting role-playing situations. You'd simply see this ring floating by instead of the whole person. It also forces the wearer to be more cautious, keeping the focus out of plain sight until everyone's not looking, THEN cross the corridor.
  10. Re: Newbie Question: adding DCs Your first equation is added up wrong. It should be 22d6. As for the HKA, it's all right except that the "MA DC" should really be 1/2d6 which is equal to 2 DC's for a killing attack. What you end up with then is 9d6 since 1/2d6 + 1 is taken as 1d6.
  11. Re: Fantasy Hero Chronicles Any campaign where a character dies the first night is likely to set a grim mood. I hope that's what you're shooting for.
  12. Re: Focus on visibility Yeah, but invisibility specifically states that if an obvious focus is it's source, the focus remains visible. This is stated on page 193 of FRED. If invis did cover the obvious focus, you're getting a limitation that isn't much of a limitation. Yes, the focus could still be taken away but if that's what you want use a IAF or IIF.
  13. Re: Leaping Limitations! Just sell off Running to 0, there's +12 points. Now purchase Leaping 25" (-1, no vertical movement) for those 12 points, you can leap 25" for 1 END. Good deal! Maybe that's too fast, let's do this instead: Leaping +17" (20" forward, 1 1/2" upward), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (25 Active Points); Forward Movement Only (-1) Now we can leap around all day without rest.
  14. Re: Follower's Perks Don't forget to sell down his stats too. -10 DEX, -10 STR, etc. I mean, he's old right?
  15. Re: Some thoughts on River Tam (Firefly) Did anyone else laugh when the light flashed saying it was out of batteries?
  16. Re: How to Create Spell: Freedom of Movement That sort of sounds like "globe of minor/major invulnerability". Cool.
  17. Re: How to Create Spell: Freedom of Movement As long as the players believe it, it worked. I guess if a God wills it and that's not good enough for the players, you can just let them drown in that vat of honey.
  18. Re: Transfer Electricity? I think it's a really cool idea. The Dependence disadvantage and a regular endurance reserve is really all you need to model this. As for "how many volts in 1 END", this question doesn't truly make sense. The question is really "how much power in 1 END". Well, it takes 10 STR (1 END) to lift 100 kg for a few seconds. Can anyone take it from there?
  19. Re: Some thoughts on River Tam (Firefly) What about the bar scene where she beats up an entire room filled with thugs who probably get in lots of fights. Also in that scene she takes down Jayne with ease, a man trained and well-experienced and easily twice her mass. (Of course IIRC she hit him in a very vulnerable spot, so maybe it could happen)
  20. Re: Medieval Farming Villages Thanks for the links guys. I'll be needing this info!
  21. Re: How to Create Spell: Freedom of Movement Ugula boogula... *waves hands about*
  22. Re: Absorbtion Well, in the case you give, that would cap out at 24*9 points of boost which is 216 points for the price of 60. Unless your "you must be hit first" limitation is worth -2.5, you're getting a better deal.
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