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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Re: Any interest in an origin generator? Kinda what I had in mind, but it may be a bit long form for that. It's early in the game for that to be a concern. Still have to iron out how random certain origin aspects should be and what the range is on certain archetypes. Make it too broad and all of a sudden 'alien martial artist with an artifact' becomes too prevalent (though that could itself turn into a neat little campaign). I'm considering making a wiki for it so I can get feedback as well. I think it's too info heavy to post on the boards.
  2. I've had an idea for this project for a long time and have never completed it. I've combed through a wealth of comics and Who's Whos and Handbooks, and strained out every basic archetype and the origin types connected to them in every permutation. I'm looking to cover everything, right down to motivations and supporting cast/NPCs. This is meant mainly to be a seed generator, giving the player some ideas to flavor however suits them rather than ending up with Batman's origin and having to like it, or someone who just opts for 'mutant' because it's the easy way out. My main question is, would there be any interest in this? If so, then that tells me whether I'm just fooling around with something for my Champs group alone, or making a neat addition to superhero roleplaying in general i.e.: submit it to Hero Games for possible publication.
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Solace's Khan (World of Fire).
  4. Re: To all the artists on the boards *momentarily speechless* I know what my next major electronics purchase is going to be.
  5. Re: WWYCD: Registration Payback I soooooo wanna see this happen in the Marvel Universe.
  6. Re: When Do Your Characters Know When The S**T Has Well And Truly Hit The Fan? When the aliens land and you see they're wearing a power belt that looks the same as the one around your waist. Only they're wearing it on their thumb.
  7. Re: What are you playing now? I'm getting a ready to play a stretching/rubber guy called Flex Kinetic, who is an unrepentant gloryhound/attention whore (but with do-gooder tendencies of course). I always liked playing either the stalwart well-balanced hero or the justice-not-law type, but this should actually be a character I have to roleplay more, as I'm nowhere near that personality type.
  8. Radar


    Re: Tigra I'll be okay with Bendis' portrayal if somewhere down the line when this storyline wraps up, Greer takes handful out of the Hood and his gang using her abilities. She was ganged up on, had her family threatened and beaten up pretty decently. Payback should be definitive and final as to why you don't mess with an Avenger and more importantly, the Cat People's chosen warrior woman.
  9. Re: Doctor, Doctor! A current game I'm GMing has a character who is the archetypical brilliant surgeon who discovered he had a healing touch. He armored up and became Crashcart. Unbeknownst to him, however, his healing power will have some repercussions with it's use.
  10. Re: Legion Flight Ring? Yeah, no FTL flight via the flight rings directly, however... the rings were linked together in such a way that everyone else in the party could keep pace with the fastest flyer; if Mon-El were on a mission, everyone else on the mission could fly as fast as he did, but only to keep pace with him. Wish I could cite where I know this from, but that will take some research - most likely in a Legion Who's Who or possibly the Mayfair Games Legion supplements.
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Hellcat - The Scorpions
  12. Re: The Coolest Superhero Costumes I agree on Nexus, whose togs Steve Rude based off of Space Ghost. And Green Arrow isn't on there? or Yellowjacket? feh.
  13. Re: Sonics - tired power, need new ideas Tyroc of the Legion of Super-Heroes is the only other sonic character with offbeat effects from his screams. He would scream some ridiculous sound/word and have weird things like plants growing wild and ensnaring people, teleportation, spinning a villain like a top. He'd have never made it past the write-up stage in most Champs games. My own little fanfic theory was that he was actually possessed by an ancient shaman of his tribe (slaves whose transport ship went down near an island and they started their own culture there) who feared being harmed/captured by outsiders again, so he wove a spell to make the island undetectable and unreachable. Of course it pops back into Earth's dimension periodically, so he possesses a native when that occurs to re-weave the spell when necessary. Tyroc would be the possessee in the 30th century when the Legion encounters him, and while the youth DOES have sonic abilities, the oddball noises/words he utters are actually mystical chants or mantras the shaman knows. And voila, Tyroc has magical screams.
  14. Re: Dredging Obscurity for Villain Ideas Jason Deere: Who? If his heart stops, the world blows up. No fooling. YES, this is still in canon. I rarely get the chance to go uber-geek, but seeing the opportunity, I gotta take it: His name was actually Beere, and it happened in Avengers #169. And that's from friggin' memory. Don't ask me why this kind of thing sticks with me.
  15. Re: Help me fill in the plot holes I'd have Blackstaff have some mildly humiliating incidents throughout the course of the story, kind of reinforcing his comedy-relief status. Should thoroughly throw off any suspicion that he's even involved with the cult.
  16. Re: Haiku Hero Not really about a character per se, but my favorite haiku nonetheless: Haikus are easy But sometimes they don't make sense Refrigerator
  17. Re: [Group] Mega Force Where's Barry Bostwick?
  18. Re: WWYCD: Alternate Identities Our old group did this when confronted by an evil corporation who used the law to protect themselves. Five members of our Avengers-sized superteam switched costumes and approaches and became a bit more Machiavellian in their approach to dealing with the corp, and signed all our actions as being perpetrated by the Retribution Syndicate. Unfortunately, the game ended before we could get into all the juicy aftermaths of using these methods.
  19. Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever? Marvel's Terror Inc. - A sort of zombie-type who would take body parts from dead people (some of which he'd killed, some not) that would confer upon him their powers or abilities. He debuted at the height of the Iron Age, so that explains why he had his own ongoing for a little while.
  20. Re: List of Forum Members - Super Teams & Members Currently writing these guys up for my soon-to-begin Champs campaign: Team: Dynamics - a corporate-backed superteam Roughneck - plainclothes indestructible brick, leader Sheba - Daughter of Isis and Alexander the Great, flight and mystic abilities The Smith - Iron Man gadgeteer of the group, though an anti-corporate one Mindjack - Mind Control/Telepath, former member of a military super-team and secretly spying on the team against his will. Mongoose - Animalistic speedster, cursed by a serpent cult Hexx - Mystic Green Lantern type with blue power effects, gained abilities by accidentally breathing in an ancient wizard's mummy dust. The wizard is trying to gain control over her as well. Decibelle - Teenager with a vibratory elemental control, pretty much raised in a lab due to having her abilities from birth. Broke out and joined the team, using them to hide out from the Facility. Halcyon - Extra-dimensional bird woman whose abilities allow her to calm things down - physically or emotionally.
  21. Re: Sonof Secret Origins! When did you start reading superhero comics? My first recollection of reading superhero comics was finding an old Charlton book in a house we moved into in Florida, something that had both Captain Atom and the Blue Beetle in it. My buying/reading/collecting mania began when my mom sent me to a little mom and pop store near our new house and she let me do what I wanted with the change from getting milk and bread. Action 428, 20 cents, with a beautiful Nick Cardy cover - "Whatever Happened to Superman?" The original is long-trashed from re-reading, but I did find another copy to specifically have Curt Swan autograph a few years before his death. That first purchase mad me a lifer.
  22. Re: Superpowered Worlds Just to cite a canonical comic book example from memory, I believe the Kree introduced space flight technology to the Skrulls, indicating that they'd not reached that level of tech or perhaps weren't capable of developing it themselves. The Skrulls have a lot of odd traits, though. Besides shape-shifting, they are easily hypnotized and have problems discerning between photographs and drawings (which leads me to posit they have some other sensory stuff going on as suggested before when it comes to detecting others). Just some thing to throw in the mix, since I love these kind of specualtive threads.
  23. Re: The new face of Iron Man Misinformation accompanies the pic, I'm sure. But where does this fit in with the 'Iron Man, Leader of S.H.I.E.L.D.' cover I saw elsewhere? Hey, maybe they have Iron Man become the new American super-hero, replacing Cap. One possible explanation, anyway.
  24. Re: Archetype Twists The 'Magical Batman' character sounds like a proposal I wrote up for Marvel Comics' Nighthawk character. He was basically the Batman substitute in the Squadron Supreme, and had a semi-mystical origin (drinking an alchemical potion), so figured it might be interesting to take him more that direction. I even had a sidekick in mind, sort of a grim, violent, vampire-slayer type (kinda reversing the Batman and Robin roles). Fun to think about at the time, anyway.
  25. Re: 7 heroes summoned through time: who are they? Nicola Tesla might be a good choice as he was basically a scientist/gadgeteer, and had a number of mental quirks that round him out as a character.
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