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Everything posted by Jhamin

  1. Re: Resistant Power/Flash/Mental Defense The "does body" advantage can be added to lots of otherwise inoffensive powers if the GM approves. You also have to worry about Killing attacks bought "Based on Ego Combat Value" and as stated earlier, lots of AVLD killing attacks.
  2. Re: Unused Bird/Flying Creature Motifs Off the top of my head, how about: Kingfisher Grossbeak Grebe Merganser Harrier Wren Ospery Warbler Killdeer Starling Grackle Junco Swan Magpie Brown Thrasher Thrush Wax Wing Grossbeak Heron Sandpiper A word of warning, I picked these based more on how they sound rather than what they are. Some of these are Raptors, some are wading birds, some are waterfoul. So google them before you name your martial artist after a Duck. Of course, depending on what your character concept is, a duck may not be bad.
  3. Re: Supers without costumes This is something I always liked the cartoon version of Static Shock. What he wears is very much a costume, but it is also basically just normal clothes. A hybrid bomber jacket/trench coat worn over a pair of pants and a silkscreened tee. It struck me as the sort of costume you put together when you want to look like Batman but only have a high-school level of resources. His eventual partner Gear goes off into spandex land, but what are ya gonna do?
  4. Re: Stargate Hero Looks very good, but I would probably roll all the skills into KS: Gou'ald 11-. He isn't that much of an expert. He knows more than most humans, but only what he has pieced together from artifacts. Teal'c knows alot more I would also buy his linguistics above default. In the movie (which is part of the series continuity) he unlocked a translation in a few days that had confounded a team of experts for years. He is supposed to be among the best in the world. I'd also add a psy lim "must save his love from the Gou'ald". Dr. Jackson spent the first several seasons trying to get his wife back from them. Then he spent another 2 trying to save a former girlfriend.
  5. Re: The Incredibles -- WITH SPOILERS All the same, he whopped some one who could not take it cause he tripped a psych limit. I'm thinking that is the very definition of a disadvantage.
  6. Re: Alien Wars: Before hyperdrive, there was... Or to take a refrence directly from a Hero Book Galactic Champions by Darren Watts, P.25 "In the year 2149, Humanity developed true portable fusion energy sources, allowing ships to travel between planets at previously unthinkable speeds." Apparently the first human colony was founded on Mars on 2093. It goes on to say that hyperdrive was invented in 2203, which allowed travel at 20% faster than the speed of light. It was not until 11 years later (in 2214) that the first human colony outside the Sol system was founded on Alpha Centauri IV. So it sounds to me like the earliest colonies were probably created using very slow chemical or Ion drives. These drives were replaced by (i'm guessing) much more powerful particle drives powered by fusion reactions. Fusion power plants allowed STL travel for about 60 years before hyperdrive was invented, but that there was no permanent human presence outside of our solar system during that time.
  7. Re: The Incredibles -- WITH SPOILERS
  8. Re: Nightmares of Futures Past for Champions Lets not start the Supers vs. the Military argument again. There are lots of other threads for that jmohareb wants to know about mutant hunters...
  9. Re: Nightmares of Futures Past for Champions Depending on how nightmarish you want it to be, track down a copy of the old 4th edition book The Mutant Files. The book is set in a weird offshoot of the 4th edition champions universe where the average PC is built at around 400-500 points (Back when 250 was the standard starting value) and mutants and mutant hunters are building to all out warfare. It is set a few years before events reach a "nightmares of the future's past" level of development, but it's not hard to see things going that way. The main difference is that in The Mutant File, the humans are the real threat, not the robots. They main enemy for the PCs is Genocide, a rabid pack of mutant hunters armed with armor piercing gyrojet rifles and mutant-nullifier devices. When they need backup, they break out the Minute Man mark VIII, a 900 point monstrosity that makes the IHA Minute Men from 5th edition look positively wimpy.
  10. Re: Strike Force 2? Alot of the "running the game" GM advice was updated and included in the 5th Edition Champions book. (Written by Aaron Allston, who also wrote Strike Force) Mr. Allston still owns the rights to his Strike Force universe, so hero can't do anything without him. (Not that they would even try) According to Mr. Allston, he does have a HUGE "Strike Force Universe" manuscript that he likes to take out and poke at from time to time. If he ever gets it into a publishable condition Hero will likely try to put it out it. Problem is, Aaron Allston is a professional novelist and every hour he spends working on Strike Force is an hour he isn't working on one of he more mainstream novels. It's purely a labor of love, and Hero can't afford to pay him enough to move it up on his "to do" list. It will be done when it's done.
  11. Re: A newb with a problem OK, that *is* pretty funny
  12. Re: Favorite Television Characters Not a problem. I'll send mine to you via email. I've submitted to you in the past as "Matthew C"
  13. Re: Favorite Television Characters Herodesigner 2 comes with a "hero boards" export template that generates an HTML file that can be cut and pasted onto the boards while retaining all it's formatting. THat template generates all the **s. I don't really like the look either, but it's quick and easy.
  14. Re: Favorite Television Characters OK, I'll play. From Babylon 5, circa season 2 (before he spent all his XP on contacts, favors & wealth and developed a hatred of PsiCorp) Michael Garabauldi Val** Char*** Cost 10** STR 0 13** DEX 9 14** CON 8 10** BODY 0 13** INT 3 10** EGO 0 15** PRE 5 10** COM 0 * 4** PD 2 3** ED 0 3** SPD 7 5** REC 0 28** END 0 26** STUN 4 *6"**RUN02"**SWIM02"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 38 Cost** Skill 0** Acting 8-* 5** Bureaucratics 13-* 0** Climbing 8-* 3** Combat Piloting 12-* 6** Computer Programming (Computer Networks, Hacking and Computer Security, Military Computers) 12-* 0** Concealment 8-* 0** Conversation 8-* 5** Criminology 13-* 3** Cryptography 12-* 5** Deduction 13-* 3** Electronics 12-* 4** CK: Babylon 5 Station 13-* 0** Paramedics 8-* 0** Persuasion 8-* 2** PS: GROPO 11-* 5** PS: Security Chief 14-* 7** Security Systems 14-* 3** Shadowing 12-* 0** Stealth 8-* 5** Streetwise 13-* 5** Systems Operation (Communications Systems, Environmental Systems, Sensor Jamming Equipment) 12-* 3** Tactics 12-* 1** TF: Starfury* 2** Weaponsmith (one category) (Energy Weapons) 12-* 6** WF (6 points' worth): Beam Weapons, Heavy Energy Weapons, Handguns, Starfury Weapons* 8** +1 with All Combat* Skills Cost: 81 Cost** Perk 3** Access* 1** Fringe Benefit: Weapon Permit (B5 is supposedly weapon-free)* 3** Fringe Benefit: Head of Station Security* 2** Fringe Benefit: Local Police Powers* Perks Cost: 9 Total Character Cost: 128 Val** Disadvantages 5** Distinctive Features: Earthforce Security Uniform Easily Concealed, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses* 15** Psychological Limitation: Committed to Justice (Common, Strong)* 10** Psychological Limitation: Paranoid and Suspicious (Common, Moderate)* 5** Psychological Limitation: Recovered Alchoholic (Uncommon, Moderate)* 15** Social Limitation: Subject to Orders (Occasionally - He is high ranking, Severe)* Disadvantage Points: 50 Base Points: 50 Experience Required: 28 Total Experience Available: 28 Experience Unspent: 0 Mr. Garabauldi is a normal. He is very good at what he does, but is not considered supernaturally so. In his campaign he does not pay points for equipment, but generally carries a Link (Radio listen/Transmit) and his PPG (2d6RKA, Reduced Pen, 2 clips of 12 Charges)
  15. Re: A newb with a problem The above character is intended as a player character in a superhero game. A gadget-based character in a heroic game would not need to pay for their gear, but would likely be limited to more mundane tech. As a character, she is built to cover all the bases (attack, defense, mobility) but focus mainly on flexibility and out-of -combat superscience skills. She is also probably better used by a more experienced character as the game will come to a halt everytime an inexperienced character tries to build a new device from her gadget pool. In the hands of a new character I would simply beef up her rocket glider with some weapons, add to her common gadgets, and perhaps give her another attack or sensory gadget. She is physically above average for a normal, but pretty modest for a Superhero. She was envisioned as a world-famous child prodigy who at the ripe age of 22 has already been pushing the edges of science for almost 10 years. Got into superheroing after Utility stole several of her inventions for use in one of his schemes. She never got them back, but was intrigued by the fact that a normal person with good enough tech could actually beat supers. But rather than going after the ones trying to help, she would go after the real menaces. On her own she isn't much of a combatant, but her Nerual Interface helmet comes complete with an advanced combat simulator that can anticipate developments & advise her on strategy while boosting her already rapid thought processes. Standard superheroing gear includes a Force Field belt, stun pisol, and a 3' long button-studded silver rod that seems to have an endless variety of misc functions. She gets around on a green-goblinesque rocket glider and is never without a variety of her more "experimental" inventions.
  16. Re: A newb with a problem If it helps, here is an example gadgeteer a player of mine considered a while back. She never saw play, but is a good example of a starting gadget-based hero. (Heck, while we are at it, folks can comment on her and you can see some of the stuff you need to think about. Gadgeteer Val Char Cost 15 STR 5 20 DEX 30 18 CON 16 10 BODY 0 23 INT 13 14 EGO 8 15 PRE 5 15 COM 3 3/18 PD 0 4/19 ED 0 3/5 SPD 0 7 REC 0 36 END 0 30 STUN 3 8" RUN44" SWIM24" LEAP1Characteristics Cost: 90 Cost Power END Commonly Used Gadgets 7 1) Ear Piece: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group); IAF (Ear Piece; -1/2) 0 25 2) Force Field Belt: FF (10 PD/10 ED) (Protect Carried Items), 2 Continuing Fuel Charges lasting 1 Hour each (+1/4); OIF (Belt; -1/2) [2 cc] 6 3) PolyMesh Weave Jumpsuit: +5 PD; OIF (Jumpsuit; -1/2) plus +5 ED; OIF (Jumpsuit; -1/2) 0 27 4) Stun Pistol: Drain STUN 4d6, Ranged (+1/2); OAF (Pistol; -1), 4 clips of 6 Charges (-1/4) [6] Neural Combat Interface Headgear 8 1) Combat Analizer: +2 with All Combat; OAF (Visor; -1) 4 2) Combat Analizer: Tactics 12-; OAF (Visor; -1) 10 3) Synaptic Accelerator: +2 SPD; OAF (Visor; -1) 5 4) Optic Shielding: Sight Group Flash Defense (10 points); OAF (Visor; -1) 0 15 Utili-Rod: Multipower, 30-point reserve, all slots OAF (High-Tech Rod; -1) 1u 1) Grappling Hook: Stretching 4", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (High-Tech Rod; -1), Always Direct (-1/4), Range Modifier Applies (-1/4) 0 1u 2) Halogen Light: Sight Group Images Increased Size (16" radius; +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (High-Tech Rod; -1) 0 1u 3) Hydraulic Pry Bar: +20 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (High-Tech Rod; -1), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) 1u 4) Pneumatic Spike: Clinging (normal STR); OAF (High-Tech Rod; -1) 0 1u 5) Swing Line: Swinging 20", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (High-Tech Rod; -1) 0 62 Inventions: Variable Power Pool (Gadget Pool), 50 base + 12 control cost, VPP Powers Can Be Changed Only In Workshop (-1/2); all slots OIF (All powers bust be at least OIF; -1/2) 1 LS (Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 2 Hours per Night) 0 Powers Cost: 175 Cost Skill 0 Acting 8- 3 Analyze: Technology 14- 0 Climbing 8- 3 Computer Programming 14- 0 Concealment 8- 0 Conversation 8- 0 Deduction 8- 3 Demolitions 14- 3 Electronics 14- 3 Inventor 14- 3 Mechanics 14- 3 Paramedics 14- 0 Persuasion 8- 3 Scientist 2 1) SS: Astrophysics 14- 2 2) SS: Biology 14- 2 3) SS: Chemistry 14- 2 4) SS: Engineering 14- 2 5) SS: Physics 14- 3 Security Systems 14- 0 Shadowing 8- 0 Stealth 8- 3 Systems Operation 14- 0 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles 2 TF: Helicopters, Small Planes 2 TF: Small Motorized Boats, Small Wind-Powered Boats 2 TF: Science Fiction & Space Vehicles Skills Cost: 46 Cost Perk 2 Money: Well Off 25 Rocket Flyer (P150, Hero System Vehicle Sourcebook) Perks Cost: 27 Cost Talent 5 Eidetic Memory 3 Lightning Calculator 4 Speed Reading (x10) Talents Cost: 12 Total Character Cost: 350 Val Disadvantages 15 Dependent NPC: Lab Assistant 11- (Normal) 20 Hunted: Utility 11-, As Powerful, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish 10 Physical Limitation: Nearsighted (Needs Glasses/Visor) (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing) 20 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing Common, Total 20 Psychological Limitation: Intensly Curious (Very Common, Strong) 10 Psychological Limitation: Must always use Science to improve the world (Common, Moderate) 10 Social Limitation: Lives life at an Exhausting Pace (Frequently, Minor) 15 Social Limitation: Public Identity Frequently (11-), Major 10 Reputation: Famous Genius, 11- 5 Rivalry: Professional (Other Tech-Based Heroes; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry) 15 Vulnerability: Electricicty (Very Common) Disadvantage Points: 150 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  17. Re: Random powers (falling, barriers) Area of Effect?
  18. Re: Hero Designer 2 Praise If you want to really heap some praise, consider this: 90% of that progam is done by our very own Simon The documentation and some of the exports were done by others, but by in large this is the work of one seriously dedicated programmer.
  19. Re: Limit to Selling Strength? (or any attribute) Another thing to remember is that in a Hero game, desolid does not mean invulnerable. When a magical spirit hunter with his "ghost touch" affects Desolid gloves tries to put your player's character in a headlock that 0 str is doubly bad.
  20. Re: Who would win? Writer's choice That site can be a fun read, but I find that they tend to skew everything to the high end. The site makes alot of noise about following cannon, but then interprets and hand waves cannon in a very odd way. They jump on sources and refrenced that fit their view and ingore or declare "non Cannon" refrences that don't fit their world view. According to them there were four to six Death Stars, Star Destroyers were a low-mid sized ship that supported fleets of much larger ships (which were conveniently off doing more important things in ROTJ), and Endor is a barren Waste. I'm not saying these are illogical or incorrect assumptions. I don't agree with them, but that doesn't mean my ideas are any more meaningful. Truth be told if you want a consistant universe you pretty much need to decide what to include and what to exclude just to make sense of anything. This is just one more example of the kind of thing this tread is talking about. You can't deduce meaningful hard numbers from a work of Sci-Fi without letting personal judgements into the mix.
  21. Re: The Incredibles -- WITH SPOILERS Seeing as how Mr. "I bench locomotives" Incredible was helpless in the ZPE field, I'm wondering if this is one of those BOECV type entangles?
  22. Re: Haymaker or mere Push? There was a thread a few days back about that lamented the fact that there are a number of powers, skills, and maneuvers in Hero that started out simulated one very specific thing but have evolved into general purpose mechanics that can simulate a wide variety of effects. Haymaker is certainly one of those. Don't think of what a real haymaker is when thinking about the move.
  23. Re: Nature control If you want a character who can defy/alter the laws of physics at will, you are pretty much going to end up playing Dr. Manhatten from the Watchmen. You can do anything, whenever you want to. That is bought as a cosmic variable power pool.
  24. Re: Armour Piercing as an Adder For that matter, check out Piercing from the new Dark Champions 5th Ed. It does function as an adder, only to penetrate defences.
  25. Re: Well, I finished reading Conquerors, Killers and Crooks, and... I have to say that from this and previous threads this seems to be the #1 complaint about Galactic Champions. Lots of folk have a problem with the bleakness of the ending of the current age of Heroes. Not a hardfought last stand, not a "walk off into the sunset" end, just a pyrric victory over Tyrranon that ends up with everybody sort of peatering out. A change in campaign limits doing what the heroes couldn't. The rest of the book is pretty great, and I guess it's more important to take the end of modern heroes as a preamble to the Galactic Age and try to ignore it's implications for modern games.
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