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Everything posted by Jhamin

  1. Re: Villians & Vigilantes (aka Living Legends) "to HERO Adaptations & Conversions*Here is TheQuestionMan's post:MockerPlayer: NPC Val Char Cost 15/20 STR 5 18 DEX 24 25 CON 30 20 BODY 20 25 INT 15 15 EGO 10 20 PRE 10 4 COM -3 4/25 PD 1 5/26 ED 0 4 SPD 12 11 REC 6 50 END 0 50 STUN 9 14" RUN02" SWIM03"/4" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 139Cost Power END 75 Sonic Manipulation: Multipower, 75-point reserve 6u 1) Confusing Background sounds: Change Environment 32" radius, -6 to Normal Hearing PER Rolls, Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Difficult To Dispel (x2 Active Points; +1/4) (60 Active Points) 5 6u 2) Sonic Overload: Energy Blast 10d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (62 Active Points) 2 3u 3) Deaf: Hearing and Radio Groups Flash 10d6 (35 Active Points) 3 2u 4) Ventriloquism: Hearing and Radio Groups and Detect Images 1" radius, +/-4 to PER Rolls (25 Active Points) 2 13 Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 2 30 Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (3d6 / 3d6+1 w/STR) 3 7 Android Body: Density Increase (200 kg mass, +5 STR, +1 PD/ED, -1" KB), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points) 0 60 Android Body: Armor (20 PD/20 ED) 0 13 Android Body (Self Repair): Aid Stun or Body 2d6 (20 Active Points); 4 Recoverable Charges (-1/2) [4 rc] 22 Android Body: Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Longevity: 200 Years; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character does not sleep) 0 20 Endurance Reserve (100 END, 10 REC) (20 Active Points) 0 30 Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group), +5 to PER Roll, Discriminatory, Analyze, Tracking 0 5 Hearing Group Flash Defense (5 points) 0 17 Mental Defense (20 points total) 0 16 Running +8" (14" total) 2 Powers Cost: 325Cost Skill 3 Analyze: Combat 14- 3 Bugging 14- 10 Computer Programming (Computer Networks, Hacking and Computer Security, Personal Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Mainframes and Supercomputers) 14- 3 Conversation 13- 3 Cryptography 14- 3 Deduction 14- 3 Electronics 14- 3 Inventor 14- 3 Mechanics 14- 3 Mimicry 14- 3 Oratory 13- 3 Security Systems 14- 2 Systems Operation (Communications Systems) 14- 3 Tactics 14- 3 Teamwork 13- 3 Tracking 14- 3 Ventriloquism 14- 4 Language: English (completely fluent; literate) Skills Cost: 61Cost Perk 5 Computer Link Perks Cost: 5Cost Talent 3 Absolute Time Sense 5 Eidetic Memory 3 Lightning Calculator 3 Perfect Pitch 4 Speed Reading (x10) Talents Cost: 18Val Disadvantages 20 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect Magnetic and Gravity attacks (Common) 10 Distinctive Features: Android with Helmet for a head (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 10 Physical Limitation: Long term repairs require advanced equipment (Frequently, Slightly Impairing) 20 Enraged: when made fun of his appearance (Common), go 11-, recover 11- 20 Psychological Limitation: Paranoid about Appearance (Common, Total) 25 Psychological Limitation: Meglamaniac (Very Common, Total) 15 Social Limitation: Does not function in normal society (Frequently), Major 10 Reputation: Vicious and sadistic android, 11- 10 Hunted: Crusaders 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish) 10 Hunted: UNTIL 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish) 10 Unluck: 2d6 Disadvantage Points: 160Base Points: 100Experience Required: 288Total Experience Available: 288Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 548 Height: 1.76 m Hair: N/A Weight: 100.00 kg Eyes: N/A Appearance: Mocker is a android who resembles an average height and weight male. He wears a blue body suit over his android frame. His head, gloves, boots, and belt are green. He has one red eye. His cape and hood are black.Personality: Mocker is a meglamaniac on the level of Mechanon, Professor Meurte, and Neutron. He views himself as the Crusher's leader, though his teammates are seldom organized enough to accept any form of leadership. Mocker is paranoidly sensitive concerning comments about his face; he wears a hood to hide it as best as possible, but has yet to find a way to alter it himself without disrupting his normal functions. He once befriended a toymaker who built him a new head resembling a Jack O' Latern and presented to him as a gift. Mocker killed him. Quote:"Sounds like you are about to meet your end."Background: Android Mark R was constructed in secret by a band of disgruntled research technicians from various corporations (including Newtronics Labs, Program Engineering and Manning Enterprises), utilizing parts and equipment they had stolen from their employers. Their intent was to modify and adapt the stolen parts sufficiently to avoid patent violations, while creating the prototype for a line of servant and assembly line androids. Most of the technicians were certain that they would all go to jail if they ever tried to market the android with its stolen parts. And even though the Mark R was completed and functioned better than they had dreamed (though with an unforseen degree of self-awareness and a rather crude sense of humor), the decision was reached to dismantle the android and cancel the project. "Mocker" (as he immediately renamed himself) would not stand for that and destroyed the lab, killing all of his creators. He then began to break into the warehouses of the corporations from whose parts he was constructed so that he would be able to make repairs on himself; on one of these forays he encountered F.I.S.T. and they have been a team ever since.Powers/Tactics: Mocker, as his name implies, enjoys taunting his opponents in combat. He can set up an a large area where confusing sounds (buses starting, whistles blowing, someone farts, etc.) are heard constantly. This makes it more difficult for opponents to communicate or concentrate. Mocker can go toe to toe with many supers with his EB, Flash, and HtH attacks; allowing his android body to protect him from attacks. Because of his metallic frame, powers that have magnetics and gravity as effects are quite effective against him. Campaign Use:
  2. Re: 25+25 Modern day horror characters Very Cool! Just the kind of PCs a horror scenario needs. My biggest comment is that this seems to be a much more combat-oriented group than I would normally expect. 3 of the 4 have Weapon Fams. In my experience this tends to encourage characters to try to use weapons to win, which is usuall against Genre.
  3. Re: Find Weakness Well, depending on how you want to read the rules, there are actually special Find Weakness Only Skill levels that you buy to raise your roll. These levels are in their own category, which is why it makes sense that All Combat levels don't work but Overall Skill levels would.
  4. Re: Returning player needs Multipower Assistance This looks right. If you are only going to use Hero once or twice a year, and are familiar with 4th editon, I'd actually skip the $50 Fifth Revised edition. Last year they put out the $10 Hero Sidekick. It is a sort of "quickstart" version o hero that fits into 128 pages and includes about 90% of the system but leaves out alot of the more esotaric modifiers and adders. It will get you up to speed on the current rules set, but not bury you in detail. And if you have bought a RPG in the last 10 years you know a full book for $10 isn't too shabby.
  5. Re: Grabbing multiple foes I would have no problem with either scenario. And even though the book downplays the benifits of having lots of arms, I thing that if you paid points for it, the ability has to be good for something
  6. Re: Early "What do you want to see?" for Teen Champions Well, ya know *you* could just start talking that way and see if it catches on with any of your Countrymen. Think that might work?
  7. Re: System streamlining? Well, 5th Rev does have a system where you take 11 + your OCV - What you rolled = DCV you hit. You roll the dice & tell the DM what DCV you hit, that is pretty much just like D&D/D20 where you roll the die, add your modifiers, and tell the DM what AC you hit.
  8. Re: How would you build this...? If mutants have a phys lim that prevents them fom using powers near a nullifyer, then you don't need to stat these collars out fully at all. You just need to define the def, body, and how hard it is to pick the lock. If this is a power to shut down mutants, then buy it as a continuous, uncontrolled supress with "breaking/removing the collar" as the defined way to end the uncontrolled continuous aspect of the power. Of course this will cost a bazillion points.
  9. Re: Returning player needs Multipower Assistance Actually I did edit. I posted the export from Herodesigner to make sure it worked, then edited the post to add my comments. Sorry. But, the points remains: The multipower is promising, but the drain is whack. Most of the point costs are high. sjmiller really need the rules in front of him when he creates the charcter. Lots of little things have changed (like the flash) The $10 sidekick is probably all a returning 4e player needs to get up to speed.
  10. Re: Returning player needs Multipower Assistance I think we were both posting at the same time...
  11. Re: Returning player needs Multipower Assistance Pretty good. Here is what I got when I ran your powers through Herodesigner. Cost** Power END 45** Photoplasmic Powers: Multipower, 56-point reserve, all slots OIHID (-1/4)* 4u** 1) Photon Ball: EB 5d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), NND (Force Fields; +1); OIHID (-1/4)* 2 4u** 2) Plasma Beam: EB 9d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4); OIHID (-1/4)* 2 3u** 3) Flight 28"; Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), OIHID (-1/4)* 12 4u** 4) Hearing Group Flash 15d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4); OIHID (-1/4)* 2 Powers Cost: 60 Just a couple comments: 1) Flash is now cheaper but doesn't last as long under 5th edition, so that is why you have so many dice in this version compared to your old one. 2) You can't link two powers inside a power framework. If you wanted to add the drain to the flash, one of them has to be bought outside the framework. Or, if you wanted, you could buy them both inside the framework and just fire them both as a multipower attack. Of course if you want to use more than one slot at a time, you either have to buy variable slots and use them all at lowered power, or you have to buy a much bigger power reserve to power multiple slots at once. 3) I'm not sure why you bought the Drain as a NND vs. Flash defence. Drains are normally only resisted by power defence, so are pretty hard to resist by default. If FlashD helps against this power, that would actually probably be a limit. 4) The drain in general is not written up correctly. You are limited to only buying powers whose *active* cost is less than the multipower reserve. As written, your drain is a 390 active points. It will also kill most characters outright. I'd take this up again when you have the rulebook back in front of you.
  12. Re: How would you build this...?
  13. Jhamin

    D & D Diatribe

    Re: D & D Diatribe You underestimate the mind-boggling power of all other 3rd editon classes. Spellcasters can easily do that kind of hurt with their spells (and they have plenty) and a 19th level barbarian can likely take those hits and throw back an attack series that can match it. Without needing all the setup. Multiple Sneek attacks do seem broken at first glance, but trust me: They don't stick out in a party throwing around time stops, harms, +50 Dmg x3 Power attack criticals, holy smites and so on. Rogue multiple Sneak Attacks are scary, but they need them to compete with the other classes, and the monsters those classes fight. (although I do agree with the assesment that lots of attacks are king)
  14. Re: Analyze Enhancer? I personally have always disliked the KS: Stuff 24- type skills rolls. These enhancers seem to be variants on that theme. IMHO, If you are going to be able to do whatever you need to do in a certain area, why bother having stats at all? Just use a freeform story based system and be done with it. Hero is fairly crunchy. It excels in games where everyone has nicely defined abilites. It isn't so much that having a character who knows everything or knows everybody is a bad idea, its just that it only works in some campaigns. And when you character is almost entirely defined by vague concepts instead of hard stats, you are better off in a game system that specializes in that sort of play.
  15. Jhamin

    An odd question

    Re: An odd question There was a thought experiment years ago on another board where folks asked if you had 1000 points to spend on yourself, what would you buy? First I wanted to buy myslef world shaping powers to put things right. When I really, really thought about it I had to admit that it would take me about 3 days to "pull an Authority". (They didn't call it that at the time). Then I thought about just improving myself and exploring creation. When I thought about that, I realised I would quickly destroy anything I recognzied as myself or my humanity. (At least the way I would likely "improve" myself). I also suspect that if these abilites were foisted upon me I would likely quickly use them in a moment of weakness and regret it later. The world is a better place because I'm not in a position to arbitrarily "help" it. I hate to admit I would probably try.
  16. Re: (somehow) realistic Secret IDs It's only sort of related but... I've always though that just about the only hero that could reasonably expect to both be a Hero and maintain a secret ID for years on end is Spiderman. And thats mostly because in the comics his Spider Sense warns him when he is about to blow his Secret or when a Sniper is about to off him. Just about everyone else will be good until a supermerc with a sniper scope decides to end their interference.
  17. Re: Character concept: Viable? "Caffinated Man" Has someone been watching Futurama reruns?
  18. Re: Mechanics Question You can look into the Hero System Bestiary for guides to "giant birds", but you are probably better off reasoning from effect. Is the Pheonix supposed to be able to carry people? If so, make sure STR is high enough. Is is going to go down in one hit? If so, low defences and con. If not, high on both. And so on.
  19. Re: HERO 5th Revised In retrospect although "Revised" is probably the literally correct term, the word itself in the gaming context probably carries too much baggage. Perhaps "expanded" might have been a better title?
  20. Re: Angel, the worst original character concept ever? I thought it was interesting that when Champions 5th came out the DOJ apparently consciously decided that they were going to shorten combats by giving everyone larger attacks & lower defences compared to 4th edition. If you do the math most characters drop one hit sooner than they used to. I suppose that if you wanted to you could alter the scales even more and create campaign standards that give 1-2 hit characters instead of the current 2-3.
  21. Re: i feel humiliated His genetics make it alost impossible to viably clone him. If you don't mind a clone that looks good for a few days, then dissolves to goo or ages and dies in seconds, there isn't a problem.
  22. Re: I should read more... comics... For me, these are the easy ones: -The characters are more powerful than all the normals they typically encounter. A super, good or bad, can wade through police/soldiers/thugs pretty easily. They may not be untouched at the end, but the outcome was never in doubt. There may be uber-commando teams that can match them, but those folks are not typical. While Nick Fury or Batman may technically be normals, they work like supers. -Lots of folks wear costumes. For whatever reason; uniform, team colors, patriotism, power armor, etc. If you see someone in a distinctive set of clothes, they are important. -The characters have access to abilites not generally avalible to most people. Be it mutant powers, ultra-tech, psionics, extra-terrestrial origions, or whatever, the general public is not going to get access to this stuff during the course of the story. -The heroes have a fair amount of individual drive and freedom of thought. A superhero who blindly follows orders is almost a contradiction in terms. Most are independent of any real supervision. The supers that do work for someone are never able to completely rely on the wisdom of their superiors. The almost always have to make all the final decisions about their actions themselves.
  23. Re: Need a little info ... That's actually about perfect for Silverback.
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