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Trained Chicken

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Everything posted by Trained Chicken

  1. Re: Sapphire - Heroine, Champion, ...Hater of Puppies? Hey, who can blame her? Puppies are so gnarled and smelly.
  2. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 You know, you're right- that was very preachy of me. I've got a dislike for clothing-as-a-costume, so I'm trying to justify it there, and it came out all wrong. PLet me retract it- I'll be pleased to see what ever look you come up with!
  3. Re: I need a team name People's International Strike Team A passerby, "Hey! Aren't you guys PIST?" Funnier wtill since mostly they sit around and discuss each other's costumes?
  4. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Think of something truly four-color- you know, from before the days of chromascale computer coloring, before reasonable, decent ink and paper. I don't think there are enough pink and orange Asgardians... but I betcha you could come up with one. On a more serious note, Asgardians come to Midgard in order to inspire mortals to believe in them- otherwise, it is believed, Asgardians would ceace to exist. It therefore behooves those Asgardians who do come to Earth to dress in costumes, rather than any sort of camo, uniform, or souped-up street clothes. They ought to look like superheoes.
  5. Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind. It's so funny that, if you wear a mask, nobody can ever, ever know who you are (unless it's a neat subplot).
  6. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Oooooh, the dreaded non-costume. Gotta say, Avengers pretty four-color for something like that.
  7. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Wow... with a name that cool, he's gotta be major league!!
  8. Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind. This one doesn't bother me at all. Most law enforcers, while not masked, are fairly faceless. We trust the uniforms.
  9. Re: Ben 10 I watched about three minutes of it with my kids, then my wife came in and tuurned on Jimmy Neutron. Oh well.
  10. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Nomad's crackhead baby daughter, Bucky.
  11. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 During Gruenwald's Quasar run, Moondragon was definitely jonesin for a little Wendel there. I'd think the guardian of the universe would be a fine dad.
  12. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3
  13. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Rep your comic-fu!
  14. Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind. The whole thing where a superhero is a perfectly upstanding citizen who selflessly devotes himself to others, while maintaining a pathological dark secret, even lying about his very essence to those he loves the most- without cracking under the strain. It brings to mind the whole thing where science is rubber, and morality is ironclad. Spider-Man is able to jury-rig a science fair project based on sillly string into a crime-fighting device in a few hours (in old continuity), but he makes one regrettable, but forgiveable mistake, and he dedicates his life to fighting crime and lying to the world about it. Dr. Doom goes Mr. Wizard in college, gets his face scratched, and then sheathes himself from head to toe in iron and decides to take over the world. Richards gives him a friendly warning about it, and Doom dedicates his life to killing Richards. Iron Man... well, never mind. But you get the point. Science is rubber, morality is ironclad. It's rediculous, but lovely in a way.
  15. Re: A flutter of batgirls The amazing thing is, every. single. one. of. them. is better than the current costume. You'd think just by accident, one of them would make the current costume look good.
  16. Re: Is this android "anatomically correct"? Gosh, let's hope so, I just dropped four grand on this thing.
  17. Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model Holy anime nonsense/goodness! Rudyard Kipling would approve, if he wasn't so dead.
  18. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 I have that issue, if you want it LOL! There was about a six-month period where I was trying to put together a whole collection of all Stilt-Man's appearances. It ended in abject apathy. On an unrelated note, have you ever noticed how all African-American superheroes and villains had the sobriquet prefix "Black" during the Silver Age? Power Man was the first to buck the trend, but he was still pure blaxploitation. It makes sense, though, when you consider all white superhumans have "White" on their names. Like, um... WhiteSuperMan and WhiteBatman and the White Queen.
  19. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 More of a FF tribute, but I couldn't pass up posting it
  20. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Emissary Is what I'll call him, when I write him. Give us a couple days. I'll be using the Inhuman representative idea. Because I want the GM to reveal who and what he or she is at the dramatically appropriate times, I'm not going to post the concrete, specific idea here but rather mail it to Snake.
  21. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Good luck building Sersi on 500!~
  22. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 I hate fanfic. I can never get through a few paragraphs of some amateur's writing. THIS held my attention and I love it. I'd rep you if I could.
  23. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Again, let me suggest we don'thave to build on a particular number, but rather a range. Say, 350-700? A really tight concept on a few points is just as much fun to play as a big gun type, and the Avengers don't seem to descriminate the way the JLA do. Good call, the membership ought to be known to the populace, at least a little bit, and have broad police powers and so forth. According to Mavel Spotlight #39 (December 1990), for instance, an Avenger cannot legally be forced to unmask without first being convited of a felony. While this particular provision may not be used, we might want to think of stuff along these lines for our team.
  24. Re: The COH Costume Creator (Official) w00t!
  25. Re: Is it time for people to stop making new RPG systems? I totally agree. It's stupid to make new systems, when the ones we have are so good. Also, let's stop making new comic book characters, and novel characters, and let's stop letting people put up new websites.
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