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Trained Chicken

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Everything posted by Trained Chicken

  1. Re: Most Powerful Member of the FF? You are a better man than I am. Giving Byrne credit for anything positive would give me a coronary.
  2. Re: Revamping the Horsemen Unless you're going to include Lex Luger, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and Nature Boy Ric Flair, you can't really call them the Horsemen.
  3. Re: Most Powerful Member of the FF? I would hope Sue could defeat a guy named "Doctor Doo".
  4. Re: Most Powerful Member of the FF? My take is, Reed doesn't need prep time to take advantage- that's one of the perks of having a big brain. Think back to FF #350 and 352 (the ultimate Doom story IMO) where Reed is handed a time machine, and promptly goes back in time to cut himself out of the deathtrap Doom set for him in the first place! He was also able to access Doom's armory and improve some gadgets in mere moments. So while placement may matter, prep time does not. Another point for Reed.
  5. Re: Super-Villain Showdown: The Taskmaster vs Deathstroke the Terminator. Taskmaster has better toys, so I vote for him. Aren't they kind of the same guy though?
  6. Re: Most Powerful Member of the FF? Each of them have stood toe-to-toe with Doom for short eriods, so they've each got a heck of a lot of power in their own ways. My suggestion is it's Reed, since he's the most resourceful. If not Reed, then it's Sue. But I'd put my money down on Reed.
  7. Re: Help: Building the disc from Tron You could add a costs END limitation to your MD to make it fit tidily inside the MP.
  8. Re: Who Would Win: Deathstroke the Terminator vs. Captain America, Sentinel of Liberty If you took every hero and every villain in every universe and put them together, under any circumstances, Cap would be the last man standing. Period.
  9. Including technology and inventions, who is the most powerful member of the Fantastic Four? It's kind of a loaded question since teamwork is their greatest asset, but please let us know who you'd bet on in a fight. If you wish, you can talk about a member other than the four originals- God knows they've had enough incarnations over the years.
  10. Re: your campaigns "Superman". Since I haven't got a current campaign, I'll go back a few years to our last one. Red Cross is German Swiss, and he doesn't fight crime. He is an explorer and does a lot of good-will work in areas ravaged by natural catastrophes. He is invulnerable, and flies very fast, but he does not have traditional superspeed. His senses are all hightened. He has X-Ray Vision. One non-Superman power he has is Desolidification. He has a human partner named Medix who is a high-tech healer, scientist, and top-notch pilot. Finally, he has a vast underground cavern headquarters (the Batcave meets the Fortress of Solitude) from which he can monitor any radio broadcast on Earth or the Solar System, as well as work on inventions and ways to improve life for people in poor countries. His archenemy is his own father, a Nazi type named Iron Cross, who has all the same powers, but instead of desolid, he has telepathy (and as a result, combat sense and DCV levels). Both characters are built on around 1800 points in a 300-350 campaign. Red Cross serves as a headline-grabber for the most part, although if I want to drop in a new piece of technology or an alien race, I can have him call the heroes to investigate a lead he's discovered (you don't say no to Red Cross). Alternatively, if the heroes want to get a question answered about an uncharted area of the world or universe, or some secret technology, he is an option. Due to his neutralilty when it comes to super-crime, though, he won't fight on their behalf unless it's Iron Cross who is the criminal. Since I really don't want an 1800 outshining my PCs, I don't let that happen. Or... didn't. You know what I mean.
  11. Re: Help: Building the disc from Tron One thing's for sure: it's probably not a regular focus. Either a Follower, or a Multipower with SFX: Disk
  12. Re: Map of Hero System Players - Please Contribute! I'm on the map now!
  13. Re: Support characters in AP limited campaigns If a player wishes to play a dedicated support character, I'd try to steer him toward force fields, healing, telepathy, etc. If Aid Boy came to play, I'd probably send him to the Legion of Substitute Champions.
  14. Re: Experience Points I have not done a ton of GMing for champions, but hen I do, I throw out 3 XP to each player for each full adventure played. I also give out one XP to each player who was particularly entertaining or inventive. So it works out to about 12 XP per month if you play weekly, and players have the ability to earn more if they're really into it.
  15. Re: My favorite player ain't coming back What a total babe. No wonder she doesn't want to play tabletop anymore- she probly discovered boys.
  16. Re: Musings on Random Musings Time: 3:39 Temperature: 29 F Weather: Rain. Warm Rain. Me: WTF
  17. Re: Complicate the Person Above Aw, way to go, Mr. "Dangerous Danny Davis" !!
  18. Re: Where is your power level set? If these are the upper limits your characters can ever reach, well... they still seem very high. Since the system kind of breaks down a little the higher the power levels go, numbers like 50 rED hardened (or similar) and 125 STR frighten me.
  19. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. He's got a utility belt, so maybe he's not a brick. But he's built like a brick.
  20. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? And now... ESPN radio.
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings How terrifically Christian of you, Zornwil!
  22. Re: Superman's current STR: 365+? In the old Mayfair DC Heroes game (which I will always use as a reference- it was a really solid book), they have Superman as STR 25, which translates to a HERO system strength of 125. This was pre-Zero Hour, but I think it's still about right.
  23. Re: WWYCD?: Such Bad Sports... This strikes me as something Commissioner Gordon's men could handle fairly easily.
  24. Re: Quick Question The latter makes more sense to me, however, I would limit him to the former since that construction is pretty degenerate on its face.
  25. Re: A strange Detect Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner! That's exactly what I'm looking for. It is expensive, but it's OK since I'm not all that much into min/maxing my dudes out. It's even visually evocotive, imagining the character's point of view screaming along invisible lines of force to the source of the control. Cinematic, even. Thank you everyone for your help!
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