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Christopher R Taylor

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Everything posted by Christopher R Taylor

  1. Feel free to post character conversions. I did really direct literal translations from early editions to 6th, but a more conceptual update to be what a 6th edition version should be would probably be more useful. This is the pic I colored
  2. Well there are two kinds of squires, really. There's the squire that's essentially a knight in training that acts as the knight's body man. There's the squire that's a country rank, a landowner with renters who controls an area.
  3. I think using bigdamnhero's type of character sheet with text descriptions of abilities, background, and image for players to choose their characters, then give them one with stats and numbers once they have their choice.
  4. I did rebuilds of them for 6th edition with colored art. Fun team, although not my favorite.
  5. There's a generic "lord" that outranked a knight. Basically a knight is a landless lord. bottom of the scale, really, squires weren't nobility usually, just landowners. Again, though, this is English structure, French, German, etc are all different.
  6. I built the defense and body of items into their construction. They're like little characters, players keep track of their gear and I just estimate damage when items are recovered. It helps set items and armor apart as well; this sword is just tougher, this one sucks and breaks easily, etc.
  7. As I understand it, Champions and various characters may be used by Hero Games as they have co-ownership with Cryptic (but probably different spheres, such as print being Hero and computer gaming stuff Cryptic). I want to avoid danger room style scenarios just because I want the setting to establish and enforce heroism and doing good deeds at personal expense, rather than practicing against stuff without anything to gain or lose. If its a game inside a game, players do not learn to be heroic or enjoy the various themes of comic books.
  8. It varies place to place, but Steph has the English system of precedent listed pretty well.
  9. I'd just buy it as invisibility, with a few limitations. Probably a -0 to be visible only to targets you want to see you. -1/4 or -1/2 to be visible to recording equipment and robots.
  10. I think modifying viper's Nest slightly to have a few more steps, perhaps blending some of the ideas from Deathstroke (I really like that initial distraction scenario with the underpowered guy who looks really powerful is useful for GMs to teach restraint to players for example) would be a great structure to work around.
  11. I like Nothere's intro, its a nice basis to pull people into the game. So what scenario do we do?
  12. Speed is a bit of a slower until you learn how it works and players get better with the system. Every game has the equivalent, whether its initiative or drawing cards in Savage Worlds or whatever. You wait your turn. The only thing that makes this wait bad is if people don't know what their options are or what they are doing - compounded by people inevitably and inexplicably not taking the down time to plan their next move.
  13. I'd look at the focus rules for Expendable, and base it on how much money or cost
  14. If the GM does that to punish the player, then yes, its awful and campaign-killing. But only a fool of a GM doesn't take advantage of weaknesses in characters to push the players to strive harder to win.
  15. Sure, but the superhero team is just starting, maybe that happens in the future? After all, there's nothing about the Champions universe which compels us to start at a specific time frame. And like you said, dead people come back all the time in comics!
  16. Another option is to rewrite, update, and use the Viper's Nest scenario, since its been basically dropped and from what I understand, Hero Games has rights to use the characters and such. A further option is to do the same with Deathstroke which has a great intro step by step structure.
  17. If I can find some time, maybe I can color some of the images for this. They are pretty fun, I might experiment with making them look like 4 color separations.
  18. I can't think of any other contemporary RPG that has 17 separate Characteristics. Depends on how you define them. D&D has a ton: main stats, AC, hit points, saves, To hit.
  19. I think it was. Maybe he can post it again, it was a pretty good design and visually dynamic. Mine is more organized and stripped down
  20. I can't remember who it was, but they had a Convention game they ran for Champions as an intro, and their sheet is kind of what I based mine on. Theirs was more jazzy, though; the layout was more interesting. He posted the Robin character sheet as an example.
  21. Deathstroke is a good intro adventure as well, it builds from small scale encounters to a full blown fight. But yeah, I do like Viper's Nest a lot. The original bad guys were like Cheshire Cat, Brick, Bluejay, guys like that.
  22. I do like that idea a lot, a pathfinder story arc. But I don't see this product as being that all-inclusive. I see it as an introductory book to help people get started with the game. Then the campaign books can take the now-knowledgeable group into a full campaign. By keeping it simple and small, we can make it free.
  23. I think Steve Long is the only one who can really answer who has the rights over various groups and characters in Champions, and what is available for use for products. I'd prefer Viper, but Coil is a good alternate as is Terror. I'm not real fond of the recent interpretation of Demon, and konw nothing about VOICE, Argent, or WSA
  24. I agree; we have to agree on the basic concept of the book to get started. Which is why I say we have to have a publisher and guiding vision, and that has to be one person's vision. One voice to guide and shape the final results, not a continual series of meetings.
  25. 1.5" hexes would be perfect for 2m scale but the 1" hexes, just too small for 2m compared to the figures.
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