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Christopher R Taylor

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Everything posted by Christopher R Taylor

  1. Yeah the epidemic really kicked the legs out from under gaming, and never knowing from month to month what the heck the rules are going to be on how to gather doesn't help build any kind of coherent calendar or campaign.
  2. But they still show up and interfere with you trying to watch Babylon 5
  3. I mean other than some maneuvers, like the movement ones, its all pretty much just OCV, DCV (levels) and using levels for extra damage. If you reduced all the Martial Arts buids to 0 points using the system in the Ninja Hero book, you could just buy skill levels and simulate anything.
  4. No, you're right, that's exactly what it is. Its specifying them for martial arts, but really that's all it does for almost all maneuvers.
  5. Well, the moon is 385,000.6 km from earth, so at 334km/segment that's around 20 minutes of drift time, so your aim wouldn't have to be terrific. The moon does have gravity to pull in a pretty close shot and is 3,475 across, which is hard to miss.
  6. Well I guess given the choice between "women in this world are able to manipulate reality, given them an innate power men respect and view with supernatural dread" and "I want things to be like they are in the time I live, and will just make it so" the former feels more organic and culturally plausible, less forced to me.
  7. A world where women can cast spells changes the entire dynamic without needing to insert modern thought into a quasi-medieval setting.
  8. New version of GM and Player books up in the downloads section; this is rough draft 5 and probably the last rough draft I'll put up before final release.
  9. Or how much attention their godlet is paying that moment. He might be on a long journey, or in the bathroom. Yell louder.
  10. Yep, that's Oculon right from the cover of Enemies II. Finished product Thanks everyone!
  11. That sounds really familiar, I'll check when I can. Seems like he had a hood, though
  12. It took a bit, but I figured out that is 3rd edition Raccoon. No his ears aren't quite right. The link should take you to the image
  13. Yeah the mechanics need to be different. By the time I swapped over to Fantasy Hero from AD&D I had entirely different spell systems for nearly every class because they just didn't feel right. I've followed that through with Fantasy Hero, with different methods to perform their supernatural abilities.
  14. The D&D version of cleric I really do not know the origin of. Heavy armor wearing healers with blunt instruments they tell themselves don't draw blood, and every special effect described in the Bible assigned a spell (except floating hammers). It feels like a random assortment of ideas stuck together because Arneson and Gygax decided they needed a healer class.
  15. This worked really well last time, thanks everyone! So this time I'm trying to ID characters in an image I'm using in Champions Begins. I need to know who two of the characters are, they are easy to spot, because they aren't the ones I have colored. I got the rest (the guy in the middle is not in any book, I don't think so I just went with basic flame colors). One looks like a faux Vision and is super familiar to me but I cannot place him. The other I have no idea what it is, some orb thing?
  16. I agree, just add the same amount each time? The main problem with the past was a combination of super cheap longevity and doublings. Combine those and it gets ridiculous in a hurry. Remove both of those and I think we're okay. With 6th edition, going from recover per turn to recover per minute (Basically, combat to out of combat) is +1, then +¼ for each step up the time chart. So the longevity problem is pretty well handled.
  17. I have started to color most of the interior black and white art, I hope the artists forgive me or at least are understanding. I've tried to do them as simple as possible, to keep a kind of 4-color feel for the most part.
  18. The implication is "buy more dice of Aid with 'only to increase maximum' as a limitation on it"
  19. I have a few minor healing spells in my magical stuff (Nature, Shaman, Castle, War) but the real powerful heals are with the priests.
  20. Templars were monks, so were Hospitallers. That's the origin of the Paladin concept: the holy knight.
  21. In 6th edition, transform is already inherently cumulative, so you don't have to purchase that on top of it. You can buy cumulative on anything except powers which are already cumulative (most attack powers that do stun and body) or powers that specifically state they cannot be purchased with cumulative (such as Aid or any other power that increases points, or Entangle). Most adjustment powers can be bought cumulative, for instance (such as dispel). But this doesn't really address the problems with Aids that can build up to more points than the dice allow, and I think Hero does need some kind of mechanic to address that other than the clunky "just buy more dice, dude" approach.
  22. The fantasy hero games I ran in the past, there was rarely a healer involved. People relied on time, magic items, and avoiding damage as much as possible. I don't care for the pagan idolatry 97 flavors of deity system most fantasy games run, so the entire cleric thing makes me a bit uncomfortable to begin with.
  23. Lots of Motor Trend: Dirt Every Day, Roadkill, Wheeler Dealers, etc. Loads of fun
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