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Christopher R Taylor

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Everything posted by Christopher R Taylor

  1. Here is the Winston picture, I remember seeing it in one of the books but cannot remember which
  2. Marvel almost certainly will win but the creators families do have an interesting argument with the "marvel method" production. Much stronger than their case against DC.
  3. I am working on doing a Field Guide build on Drive Thru RPG, which would include like 20 pages free, but you can check out this thread for a ton of drops of ideas and things I came up with as I was writing it
  4. OK so, I'm adding two pages of paper minis to the end of the GM Book. Not that I think that many people will print out, cut, and use them (most people do online stuff using map programs these days) but there's a trick to publishing. The page count has to be divisible by 4. That way, when its printed, you get no added blank pages (yes, that happened to Western Hero because a new page was added for modern audiences about terminology and history). And the only content I can think of to add that might be remotely useful is minis. Ordinarily I'd stick in some charts and such for GMs, a character sheet, the Hero Combat helper pages I came up with, etc, but they don't really apply here.
  5. One illustration I didn't link is a couple kids playing an RPG at a table and the signature is Winston but I don't know what his first name is. Or hers?
  6. Bastard kid of a supervillain is a terrific origin for a teen school. Daddy might come looking for their kid one day. Plus, is mom telling stories about that one night that BludSlash picked her up in the bar? Kids will tease you about that kind of thing. Another thought: one of the good scenes from Spider-Man Homecoming was when Peter dated the daughter of the Vulture and that scene in the car where daddy warns him. Great drama there, for kids: nobody wants to date Holly because her daddy is The Dean of Death and she's miserable.
  7. Ultimately I guess it doesn't matter, I just need names of every artist involved, as long as Loubet did at least one piece he's in the credits
  8. Bloodthirsty might be Loubet? BUt I think you're right
  9. Zircher almost always signs his art, though. And yeah I didn't mean to include Blam, that's definitely Mark Williams.
  10. There are several pieces of art from the various Hero books that Hero has made available for use in their Hall of Champions program. However, I want to give the artists credit and cannot figure out who they are. I made a gallery of smaller versions, if people could help me find out who they are, that would be a big help.
  11. Yeah a supervillain-less agent group or even just criminal gang can be a decent set of enemies for a school of low-end superheroes. Getting them involved is as easy as drugs being sold at schools, people being harassed, etc.
  12. Aside from the usual school days and teenage angst stuff, there's always backgrounds from the students (complications, parents, hunted, etc) people trying to hunt their kind (Genocide), local crime involving favored hangouts or family, and then just read any of the 919210239 kabillion manga stories about high schools for ideas.
  13. It was a Golden Age champions adventure, about 10 years ago now? Something like that. It sounds more lurid than it payed, because this is a golden age comic book setting. The next adventure was going to be the PCs involved in the Battle of Britain (they'd already been involved in the previously mentioned Dunkirk, sinking the Bismark, and the SS St Louis, among other historical events.
  14. I've placed some in the rough already From both you and Rory! Anyone else who wants to donate a few pieces, please let me know I want to get this done very soon if possible. The cover will takes me about a month finish do based on Dr Destroyer but other than that its 99% finished.
  15. Right. Player characters generally have a very different set of goals and interests than a setting designer. The purpose of lore and history in a role playing game setting is to create plausible sources for adventure and lore behind objects and places. Its not there because of huge player demand. When people go visit Egypt to see the pyramids, they want to see the amazing structures, not hear a 5000 year history of Egypt.
  16. Update again, I've uploaded a new version of the books to the downloads section. New art, maps included, some editing and a few formatting changes. Its getting very close to complete! All I need to do is work up a cover. I'm thinking of three different images. The first is a view of Tanghal Towers, the heroes out side the safety barrier looking up at the top of the tower being demolished visible over the fence and the two supervillains of the chapter flying over head (one leaping). The second is a take on the classic Days of Future Past X-Men cover with Lionheart and Spellbinder instead of Wolverine and Kitty, with the Wanted Posters being the other superheroes. That might seem a bit dark and bleak, though. The third is a montage of past Champions covers, laid out on a table like the Mission Impossible TV show beginning. A manila folder open, character sheets in it, etc. Anyone have any other ideas?
  17. Area of Effect, Selective Target In the first Advanced Player Guide there's an optional advantage for AE that replaces selective: Accurate Selective. Its +¾ (a rare number for an advantage) that makes you automatically miss or hit the targets you choose. For example you could buy an area effect heal, Accurate Selective, and heal only your allies in the area. Or a blast that only hurts your enemies.
  18. A concept I'd like to see brought back, because not all advantages necessarily should increase END Cost or active cost.
  19. You can buy OCV with limitations on it to help offset the penalties to multiple power attacks. There are also Combined attacks, letting you use each of your different attack powers in a single phase, with no penalties.
  20. From experience as a GM I can tell you that its an awful, crashing feeling in your soul to begin to set up what you think people will like and excites you... then have someone make a snide comment because they figure that stuff all sucks. Like going into a beautiful description of landscapes or architecture to try to paint the setting and someone interrupts "whatever, dood when do I roll to hit?" or a smart phone pings with a text that the phone zombie instantly grabs to attend to.
  21. OK So I might have over done a bit on the Talents. There are 99, including most of the standard ones. Some are rewrites or reinterpretations of a few of the talents in the Fantasy Hero Complete book. I actually dropped many talents as well. But there are combat talents to give straight fighters an edge, magic talents to tweak how spells work, leadership talents that act to enhance the team or dismay opponents, sneaky talents for rogue types, stance talents for different combat situations, and a bunch of new overall talents like this one: SPRINGBACK: Allows the character to instantly and without any time leap back to their feet, on their phase. Cost: 2 points The concept is that I want everyone who builds a character to have lots of options to enhance and craft their concept even if they don't have spells.
  22. Unfortunately there are only a few limited operations doing Print on Demand, and most of them aren't... as good as they used to be.
  23. An example of this in the Marvel movies is Hydra goon Brock Rumlow coming back as Crossbones (briefly) in Captain America 3.
  24. Extra Time is a bit misleading as a concept in Hero. It doesn't actually represent how long it takes you to start the power up, but how long of a lag before the power starts to work. You get an extra ¼ limitation if you can do nothing except activate the power. I call this "deliberate" for short hand.
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