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Everything posted by tikiman

  1. Depends on the power level expected in the game, doesn't it? I don't bother with points: was 250 4th edition and 350 5th?
  2. Didn't know there even was a Western Hero! Is it better than GURPS Old West? I found that one to be a lesser effort among GURPS sourcebooks.
  3. I'm more interested in Penny. How would you write her up?
  4. Flash Gordon actually took place in the present, not the future! But still a great setting. I would love to play in something like the Sam Jones/Timothy Dalton/Melody Anderson/Ornella/Max von Sydow/Chaim Topol/Brian Blessed movie version. That would be so much fun.
  5. Did you come up with that yourself? That's very handy.
  6. Nice photo. Would love to play a game set in Hawaii. My username is Tiki Man after all.
  7. I'll say they're great literature. So there you go. Compared to what?
  8. What was that Aaron Allston campaign/sourcebook called, Lands of Mystery? That was a great book.
  9. Justice Inc. was a complete game. I understand Pulp Hero is merely a sourcebook for Hero System. Justice Inc. had lots of genre stuff in it, although "pulp" was never a genre. JI is pretty darn good. Can't comment on Pulp Hero as I never saw a copy.
  10. Isn't Sin City an attempt at noir, not pulp?
  11. Only movies? How about TV shows like Tales of the Gold Monkey? For movies, did anyone mention all those Buster Crabbe Flash Gordon serials? And the original Star Wars?
  12. "Distinctive Features for being a mutant is generally only worth points in superhero games where "mutant detectors" and "anti-mutant hysteria" are factors." And even then only if it's detectable, i.e., Jean Grey would not get any points based on appearance as she passes for a normal human if I am not misreading the rules.
  13. If Mazes & Monsters wasn't enough for TSR to take legal action against the author/publisher and later the TV network, I doubt anyone would bat an eye at what you describe.
  14. I don't know any Australian super heroes/villains aside from those lame ones Marvel and D.C. have done, for instance Captain Boomerang and the Kanagaroo. Because everyone from a foreign country adopts the identity of a cliché. Can't wait to read about your Australian characters.
  15. Hey, don't blame the aliens! They gave Ralph the instructions. It's not their fault he lost them not once but TWICE (when he got a replacement copy)!
  16. Those are all male and corona is female as in Santa Barbara, Santa Fe, Santa Ana, etc. Spanish 101.
  17. Hi Bubba, Your Spanish is incorrect. There would never be a city called San Corona; it would be Santa Corona. Unless there's an in-game explanation for the mismatched genders. And it means holy crown, not "saint crown" as someone wrote earlier.
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