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    zslane got a reaction from Armory in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    There's a reason why high STR does not automatically result in head-splattering mass casualties in Champions. If we give Spidey a 45 STR (not quite 15 tons lifting capacity, but close enough), he's going to do 9 BODY on average with a punch. If he pulls his punch, he can get that down to 4 BODY, which against a Normal's PD of 2, only results in an ugly bruise at worst.
    Champions was designed to work according to "comic book physics", and since we all love Champions, I think we should accord the source material--and its conventions--a bit more respect. The whole notion of dragging comic book superheroics into "the real world" has always struck me as a pointless (if not meaningless) exercise.
  2. Like
    zslane reacted to Spence in DC Comics may go away as Mad Magazine Has.   
    I haven't really read comics in years.  The guy that owns what I think of as my local comic store, even though I really don't buy much, will pull me a selection every one in a while.  What I read are not superHERO comics.  They are people abusing power books.  Or slaughter fest books.  Or bizarro weird books.  Or lets just slap out some bleeding edge offensive crap and call it edgy books.
    They have grungified or grim/darked pretty much everything for so long people can't even tell.
    I see enough garbage in real life and on TV, I don't need comics to add to it.
    Perhaps if they remembered they are "entertainment" and not try to be something else they might get people to buy again.
    I don't read a lot of graphic/comic books anymore.  But when I do, I find myself reading Manga or related Light Novels.  And the Anime if it is available.  And while you do have to pay attention in order to find something you like, they still have actual Hero's and Heroine's being heroic. 
    And it isn't just B&N.   That comic shop I go to sells a lot of collectables, games and cards as well as comics.  It has a Manga section that always has people hanging out their.  I am pretty sure if comics tank, he will just expand the Manga Section and expand the display space for other merchandise. 
  3. Like
    zslane reacted to Lord Liaden in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    But Doctor Octopus is such a cool concept! What would be the fun if the first hit Spidey landed on him knocked him out cold?
    Fact is, Doc Ock mixing it up with Spider-Man hand-to-hand goes back to his earliest appearances in the 1960s. So we either find a rationale to justify it, or we declare the work of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko to have been junk.
  4. Like
    zslane reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Look there's a lot of range between "punch so hard his head explodes like a watermelon" and "punch them barely so they are not even really stunned and keep fighting."  Peter could have put them down for the count in a heartbeat with his speed and DEX, but it took forever to take these guys down.  And it wasn't the comics code, it wasn't his code vs killing, it wasn't anything logical or plausible.  It was just "if he puts them down that fast, then we don't have a story to tell and they aren't a threat to him."  It happened because that's how it was written, and like Fox said, it was annoyingly bad writing.
    One thing that really annoys me on the internet is that there is no scene, no act, no event so idiotic or insane, or without the slightest justification that people won't leap up to argue some byzantine way that AKSHUALLY it makes sense.

    No.  It doesn't.  It just is bad.  Stop defending bad.
  5. Like
    zslane got a reaction from WaywardSon in Fantasy Hero Complete and 6E differences?   
    I think he (also) wants a run-down on what rules/mechanics were changed between 6e1/6e2 and the Complete books. Isn't there a short document in the downloads section that enumerates the (minor) differences?
  6. Like
    zslane reacted to Hermit in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    The Vulture had his physiology enhanced and there were some writers that hinted the same electromagnetic aspects that allowed his wings to let him fly pretty much gave him a low grade force field that let him take hits at the big boy league. He certainly felt invigorated by it.
    And with Peter? I think his CVK is almost a subconscious thing at times... not saying that he'd let THOUSANDS DIE for the sake of it... but it would explain restraint when it was just he and Doc Ock duking it out alone together.
    I can understand this is, for some, a hanging your disbelief until it is dead rather than just suspending it; but I've always wanted a No-Prize and I'd like to think Stan will have one waiting for me in the hereafter
  7. Like
    zslane reacted to Lord Liaden in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Namor was reintroduced in Marvel Comics in the 1960s as an antagonist for the Fantastic Four. He was actually an amnesiac homeless person until the Human Torch randomly encountered and recognized him, and dunked him back into the sea, which restored his memories. Namor returned to the site of Atlantis only to find it abandoned, which he assumed was due to the actions of surface men. That led to the recurring motif of him attacking the surface world, including after he discovered the new Atlantis.
    IMO that would make an excellent model to adapt for bringing Namor and this part of the Marvel comics universe into the MCU.
  8. Like
    zslane reacted to drunkonduty in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Namor is also an arrogant  douche bag.
    Don't get me wrong, I consider this a plus. He's definitely  in my top 10 favourite supers types.
  9. Like
    zslane reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I always liked Namor better not because Aquaman was a lame character, he was actually pretty cool in the past.  But Namor was just more interesting and unique, such an unusual concept and design.  He really used to look very freaky and alien too.
  10. Like
    zslane reacted to Greywind in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Sorry. Namor came first. Fishboy came second. And he'll always be the orange dork who talks to fish.
  11. Like
    zslane got a reaction from Armory in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Nor I. Strong, ass-kicking female protagonists are a favorite of mine.
    To be clear, the diversity push isn't just a female thing. You can tell when it is a driving force when a movie's cast seems too diverse, to the point of contrivance. There's no place on Earth that I'm aware of where there is an exact even percentage of each and every race and gender combination in its society/community, and so when a movie puts "one of each" into the main cast, well, one can't escape the sense that it is purely a diversity play rather than a reach for verisimilitude.
  12. Like
    zslane got a reaction from Ranxerox in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    The diversity agenda has a tremendous amount of socio-political momentum right now. We appear to be in the early "restitution" phase in which the disenfranchised call out for the social majority (i.e., straight white males) to make up for all the years/decades/centuries of unfair cultural supremacy. I don't think that centering the pendulum is what they really want; they want to enjoy a period in which the pendulum is swung way over to their end before conceding to a balanced middle ground of equitability.
  13. Haha
    zslane reacted to Greywind in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I heard they wanted him as the next Bane.
  14. Like
    zslane reacted to Lord Liaden in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I agree about the possible stories, but have to point out that movies don't work on the same timetable as comics, with new chapters in stories coming out every month. Movies are a huge commitment in time, money, and resources, so the stories they choose to tell have to be more concentrated. Also, actors aren't ageless like the comic-book characters they portray. Particularly in an action-heavy genre like supers, there's an expiry date to how long they can convincingly continue to embody a character.
    The MCU has been developing on screen for eleven years. IMHO it was an appropriate time to go for a big conclusion, and to wrap up the earlier cast and bring in fresh Marvel supers, and the many stories that can be told about them.
  15. Like
    zslane reacted to Starlord in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Actually, I think the TV show might be about how Wanda deals with her grief and that could involve losing her grip on reality and even remaking it.
  16. Like
    zslane reacted to Starlord in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    It's also quite possible that an insane Scarlet Witch won't be a partner, she may actually be the problem,.
  17. Like
    zslane reacted to Matt the Bruins in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I think this is the first non-joking premise I've heard that would make me boycott a Marvel movie. Darcy overstayed her welcome by 1 3/4 movies as far as I'm concerned.
  18. Like
    zslane got a reaction from Enforcer84 in How Dungeons And Dragons Somehow Became More Popular Than Ever   
    The current resurgence in popularity of D&D has been helped by this weird interest in watching the game streamed online. It somehow became a spectator sport, and maybe having one or two celebrities (actors) associated with the game helped that a little bit as well. If there were regular live twitch streams of Champions being played that were of the caliber of, say, Critical Role, then maybe it would pick up some momentum. It would at least get some exposure.
  19. Like
    zslane got a reaction from RDU Neil in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Given that Jane Foster was The Mighty Thor during 4 of the 7 years that Jason Aaron was writing the book, and given that the story was one of the better Thor storylines to come along in quite some time, I find more reasons to be optimistic than pessimistic about the fourth Thor movie.

    As for why Natalie Portman would agree to do this, well, it seems pretty obvious to me. This is a great opportunity for her and she knows it. This is a role with far more dramatic potential than the romantic-interest/damsel-in-distress character she was stuck playing before. Besides, the MCU is a far more prestigious franchise today than when the first two Thor movies were made, and Oscar winners are now lining up to be a part of it.
  20. Like
    zslane reacted to Lord Liaden in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Well, Endgame ended with Thor ceding rule of "New Asgard" to Valkyrie, and heading out into space with the Guardians of the Galaxy (and having a new bionic eye). After his conversation with his mother in the past, Thor seems to have decided that he's not cut out to be a king, and is looking for his destiny in the wider galaxy. That would stream with Kevin Feige's remarks that Phase Four will take the MCU in a more cosmic direction.
    After his last three movie appearances fan interest in Thor has soared, so it makes sense for Marvel to look at another Thor-centric vehicle. Hemsworth has also found renewed  pleasure in playing this version of the God of Thunder. And let's face it, Chris's film career hasn't exactly taken off outside of Marvel, so on a practical level this is probably a smart move.
  21. Like
    zslane got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I really want to see them tackle The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill in the MCU, but I don't feel that Taika is the right director for that story. I'd rather have the Russo Brothers in charge of something with that much noble gravitas.
  22. Like
    zslane got a reaction from pinecone in Avengers Endgame with spoilers   
    A Rolls Royce Wraith only cost £1700 back in 1938. What a piece of garbage it must have been.
  23. Like
    zslane got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Avengers Endgame with spoilers   
    A Rolls Royce Wraith only cost £1700 back in 1938. What a piece of garbage it must have been.
  24. Like
    zslane got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in CITY OF HEROS   
    My main character--currently 40th level--is a Hit Girl clone: Staff Fighting/Willpower Brute. I have two other versions of her (same costume) with different power sets, all of them Brutes: Street Justice/Willpower and Dual Pistols/Willpower, neither of which is even 15th level yet. All of them are fun to play, but I definitely prefer melee dps over ranged dps in terms of style of play.
  25. Like
    zslane got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Avengers Endgame with spoilers   
    Adjusted for inflation, that Avatar figure comes to about $3.3B. Which is still quite a bit less than Gone With the Wind (when similarly adjusted). Endgame never really had a chance.
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