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Posts posted by pinecone

  1. 22 hours ago, Scott Ruggels said:


    That would work well.  Captain Nemo was a very specific sort of Pirate, preying mostly on shipping, and countries involved in the slave trade. If the game was set in a non-aligned sector, you could pick your targets, and have a place to retreat to, as long as you maintained a "good neighbor" policy. Nemo was a Charismatic leader. Yes the Zhodani have a thing about psychics, but if you are using most of your power on the plasma cutter held to the edge of your blade, then you would have to rely on good ol' Human factors, such as courtesy and respect, to engender that level of loyalty Nemo had with his crew.  Also picking the crew, one would have to find ideological  compatible crew, to maintain that edge of training and competence, when you may have few targets, or withdraw to a prudent level of distance or hiding when your ship kicks over the proverbial hornet's nest.  Sounds like a game to me. Now conversely, this all works, in Traveller, if he's a Scion of the Consulate, moving forward to free appressed psychics within the Empire, leading his band of Black armored Space Marines in a war of liberation.  Sounds like a game, there in both cases.

    Sounds like you have a NPC for your Traveller game.

  2. 15 hours ago, Scott Ruggels said:

    Okay, more seriously, it would work.  Just don’t blosr concentration when you are in a vacuum or a zero G environment.  At least you can wear proper clothes and a stylish turban, and not be upstaged by a screenwriter’s self insert who is more competent than you as a blow against the patriarchy.  

    Capt Nemo from league of extra ordinary gentlemen, but with some sci fi swagger...

  3. 5 hours ago, Scott Ruggels said:

    I am tired of, and done with Star Wars, at least the way Disney does it.  Much as watching people make D&D conversions for Fantasy hero, just annoys the hell out of me, I am also annoyed by putting a Star Wars skin on what ever rule system is currently popular. It’s like Star Wars has become the 5eD&D of Science Fiction. I would like to play or run a more scientifically respectful SF game, or even Classic Traveller. ( Or Traveller Hero), but I am sick of Space Wizards, and Mary Sue self inserts.  

    So I want to play a Zhodanni PK expert who uses his powers to focus a plasma cutter into a blade...hey! what did I say?

  4. On 6/30/2022 at 7:36 PM, Bazza said:

    Rumours are by nature, illegitimate, ie gossip. 

    I want to suggest it will be a gold man-kinni!

    On 7/2/2022 at 11:28 AM, Old Man said:

    Finally got around to seeing Doctor Strange at the Mountains of Madness.*  Liked it.  Wife hated it.  Felt bad for Wanda.  It was a lot more inconsequential for the multiverse than I was expecting, but I did like seeing the membership in the Illuminati.



    * I may be misremembering the title.

    Yeah I just saw it on cable. Was very "meh" for me. The acting and cgi are top notch, but the story just did not work for me somehow.

  5. 13 hours ago, Steve said:


    Traveller Hero didn’t have Enraged as part of the Aslan racial package, so I don’t think they’re quite that hair trigger violent normally.

    My idea was to set it up as a Talent that would act as a modifier to their EGO rolls if someone offended them significantly, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going straight for violence if they fail the roll. In most cases a roll would not be necessary, and it could be used as a sign of how easy-going they are.

    Fair enough...so something like Psych lim:" Hackles up" easily offended by aliens, then buy it off, if you want to be more easy going.

  6. On 7/3/2022 at 3:05 PM, Steve said:

    Aslan have an ability called Tolerance, which is described as them being accustomed to dealing with non-Aslan, and they have learned to ignore lapses in propriety on the part of such persons. It is also used to help determine the degree to which an Aslan is capable of getting along with others outside of the family, pride, clan, and race. An Aslan without Tolerance is unlikely to be found in the company of non-Aslan.


    In Traveller, it offset the negative DM called for under the reaction rules, which can get up to non-Aslan (+1), discourteous (-2), SOC superior by 3- (-1), discourteous male (-3), or a total of -5 to the roll.


    I'm wondering, would this simply be a type of Talent like Resistance that gives a bonus to EGO rolls in such situations? Something that could be bought by Aslan characters in a range of 1-5 points?

    I'd just use Enraged, if you want to reduce it, you buy it down till it is gone, then you are "Fully tolerant"...

  7. 17 minutes ago, death tribble said:

    For the non-baseball fans around here, who is that with the Muppets ?

    Bo Jackson, one of the greatest atheletes in USA history (almost) He played pro baseball, and pro (american) football at the same time. Sadly he suffered a severe injury before he could achieve much on the pro stage.

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