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Everything posted by pinecone

  1. How about "Dark" because light has a speed limit, but Nothing is faster than Dark!
  2. Sherlock Holmes explores economic disparity in, "The 2% solution" !
  3. Flash Gordon, and Barbarella vs Evil! A new Netflix series...
  4. I am currently using "Unlimited".
  5. Sorry to interupt, but you just said he turned towards them, why was he shot in the Back? That does not make sense.
  6. I dunno, the high score is eye popping...or is that a "low" score.
  7. Are you comparing a store policy to heavily armed people who Kill people? The level of responsibility is quite different.Once lethal force enters into the equation, excuses and whining leave the venue. I won't hear that he was "good" when he did not act. By taking part passively or otherwise, he became part of the act.
  8. He did not stop.No excuses, no hand waving. You are what you Do.
  9. I am a veteran, and worked for 18 years enforcing laws, I know that most of the great guys I worked with were scum. They all knew if they pulled crap around me They were done. I was hated and feared. Not by citizens though.
  10. And thankfully there are No trees around. Hail Thor!
  11. I could buy that Only if it is a small burg someplace. And yet those places have quite the bad rep.....? At this point I would need proof. The image of armed and armored thugs shoving a 75 year old man down, then walking past as his blood formed a pool is burned into my memory. Where was the "good" cop? Sorry, I have a huge reserve of rage right now, so I may be ranting some.
  12. This looks very familiar to me...is this located in Spain or Portugal?
  13. respect is earned. People who act like animals Should be viewed as a danger to society. The police have No requirement to protect anyone but themselves. And a short time looking at you tube can show you cowardance, unjustified violence and more. That includes blatant contempt for the constitution. That is "sedition" if anything is. If you know, or knew a "good" cop, how is he, or she still a cop? Surely they spoke up, and prevented bad cops from acting? No? Then they lack integrity and honor, and that means they are bad cops. Even if they only sin by omission.
  14. Well, they can put the broken confederate statues next to the broken Sadam H statues, etc...that shows the history does it not?
  15. I've always thought that perhaps the way we choose our leaders should be a national draft.....anybody who wants to be in power is too suspect in my eyes....
  16. Here's a throwback, "Hedwig and the angry red planet".
  17. I would have no problem with this. If you wanted buy a super disguise power into the mask, and make that part of the character. I don't think I've ever heard of a Lucha-master of disguise!
  18. They laughed when I said I was multi-classing Bard and Wizard! Who's laughing now!
  19. Well, it doesn't matter maybe, what matters is that the cases don't exceed the capacity of the hospitals. Unless we find a vaccine nothing will stop people from getting Covid-19.
  20. Canthe opening song for the next Supes film be "Toss a coin to your Super"?
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