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Everything posted by Checkmate

  1. Re: Character out of balance I'm not so sure I'd use the word "woefully".
  2. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I was thinking something a for a body part a little lower...and from the look on her face, she's never used it.
  3. Re: Character out of balance
  4. Re: Idea Feedback: Manipulation Everything is based on humans, or human-like characters. You need to have a base to start from, and in most campaigns human-like characters are the most prevelant. Everything is judged from that. Anything that is more useful than a human has is costs points, and anything less useful than a human has give back points. If a campaign is one where more things are radically different than human base, come up with a new base (might be easier to come up with a new game system ). It doesn't matter how you price out extra limbs things can still be based off that cost. Let's say you have a humanoid creature with 20 flangies. You want to buy Increased Minipulation for 2 of their limbs. Let's say that you have Extra Limbs cost 5 points per limb. Take a naked +1/4 add based on 10 points.
  5. Re: Help with a new campaign. I'm hoping for more of a, I'd rather play Batman than Spiderman, type of thing. The non-enhanced get a stead flow of XP that keeps coming in, and none of the disads.
  6. Re: Monster Slayers Archtypes So, Susano how do you feel about anime?
  7. Re: Character out of balance For me? It's like -5 at least...Yes I'm that stupid, backoff!
  8. Re: Idea Feedback: Manipulation A lot of times, people like to add stats for things that are already in the game (Blood Pool when we already have END things like that), so I shy away from this until there is NO other way to do it. I think I like my first way best. If you have limted minipulation it's a -1/4 or physical limitation, and -3 (just made that number up) per level. If you have Imporved Minipulation +1/4 (either on Extra limbs, or naked based on Extra limbs) and it's +3 per level. That's how I'd handle it. The real reason I'd stay away, is: How often is this actually going to come up? I don't see it being an issue very often, so why compicate something or add something to the game which will only really have an effect once in a great while.
  9. Re: Character out of balance DUDE, I so have a new limitation for all my characters.
  10. Re: Help with a new campaign. Hmm that's not a bad idea. I'll have to see how that balances out. I did like the no XP to the gradual gain though. I'll have to look at this. Sometimes you just can't see the forest for the trees.
  11. Re: Help with a new campaign. And here in lines my delima. I want a system where some gamers might actually refuse this.
  12. Re: Help m Brainstorm: when Halloween goes bad ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? That is the greatest show EVER. You have Kung-Fu, Hot Chicks, and Lipstick Lesbians. Every guy's DREAM show...Hmm perhaps I've said too much
  13. Re: Low-Point Heroic PC's See I told you they were the most underused SL's
  14. Re: Low-Point Heroic PC's So if I had 3 Science Skills, SS:A, SS:B, and SS:C all 11 or less, and then took four 3pt Skill Leves with SS:A, SS:B, and SS:C effectively giving me a 15- roll, I still wouldn't be an Expert in any of those sciences by your house rule? So what do the Skill Levels represent? Just general Scientific Knowledge?
  15. Re: Idea Feedback: Manipulation Zorwil, If you had a character that took Limited Minipulation with a limb, and then tried to pick a lock with that limb, would you allow them to use a regular unmodified DEX roll? Most would apply a minus to the DEX roll to pick a lock with a limb that had the limited minipulation disad. However if you had a limb that had Limited Minipulation and they wanted to swat someone, no modification to the DEX roll. Swatting does not require the finesse that picking a lock does. Now, if there is a way to limit minipulation, shouldn't there be a way to increase the amount of minipulation, which would in essense give a slight bonus to things like Lockpicking that required more finesse. Chistopher, After typing that out to Zornwil, I thought of this: What about Skill Levels? Do what they did with the new talents and call it Increased Minipulation, but base it off skill levels +1 w/DEX Based skills; Only skills that require Manual Dexterity -1(?). Then you would determine what the minuses would be on a case by case basis. What would the minuses be if a human were to try to pick up a single cell? Determine that and the characters that took Increased Minip would have a bonus to that roll.
  16. Re: What pre-5th Edition Hero books do you still use? Actually, this should be worded "Your inability to make a decent character sheet with Hero Designer. If you can make it with HTML you can pretty much make it with HD. There are tons of character sheets on the HD website, and a few that look EXACTLY like the 4th Ed. Sheet. The BBB was a pretty thick book too. If your players are already playing HERO, the intimidation is gone once you say, "This is what we're using, pretty much the same as before, with a few clarifications and a couple of new things". If they haven't played HERO, then sidekick is a very timid booklet to get players started. While it means shelling out more money, I do belive you can get 5th Ed. in PDF format also. If you like 4th great, it just seems to me your reasoning is a little shakey. I don't understand the "points not balancing" at ALL. Most of my characters converted over from 4th to 5th with absolutely no change in points, and not using 5th because the electronic version doesn't give you an output you like doesn't sound right either, but JMHO. Check "Wonder why everyone wants to be like Keith" Mate
  17. Re: Help m Brainstorm: when Halloween goes bad Just watch that episdoe of Buffy again and see how they did it.
  18. Re: Low-Point Heroic PC's Come on fellas I understood what I wrote, and I'm an idiot Yeah sometimes the brain works faster than the fingers.
  19. Re: Creation Myth A little side note here. I'm in the US Navy, and have always been a bit of WWII buff. My ship pulled into northen Italy (can't spell Treste to save my life). We have a program in the Navy called MWR (Morale Welfare and Recreation) that provides trips and things at discounted prices. One of the trips was a Ski trip to Salzberg Austria. This is probably one of the greatest times in my life. On top of Salzberg being one of my all time favorite places in the world, I found out on the 6 hour trip back to the ship that our tour guide was in the Italian Army in WWII. The conversation we had was unforgettable, and very eye opening. It's easy to de-humanize the enemy (and especially for people that have to kill said enemy encouraged to de-humanize them) until you actually talk to them. Learn how things were from their perspective. I don't think I could ever convey the pure eye opening feeling that will stay with me forever.
  20. Re: Idea Feedback: Manipulation Well looking at the Extra Limbs power, Limited Minipulation is a 1/4 Disad. You might make players take Extra Limbs with a +1/4 per level of Increased Minipulation. I'm not sure if there is somewhere it says what the minuses are to skills for limbs that have limited minipulation, but you could use the same number and increase it by that for each incriment.
  21. Re: Low-Point Heroic PC's There isn't a lot I can add to what has already been said, but I do play in a lot of 75/75 type games and there are a few things I've learned.
  22. Re: Simplifying Power Construction? Just get Hero Designer and be done with it (I swear Simon needs to start paying me royalties for all the advertising I do for that thing).
  23. Re: Idea Feedback: Manipulation I think I see what he's getting at here. Think of a fertility Doctor. In order to... do his job he needs to have microscopes, needles and microscopic tools (and for some guys that's just to get the sample ). Image if there was an alien who had apendages so tiny, and fine motor skills so well developed he could just pick up the egg and the sperm and stick them both together with his appendages. Now let's go back to Hero's system of None, Rough, Fine. If someone with Rought minipulation tires to pick a lock, he would obviously get minuses. If we use Christopher's new system, should an alien that has better than "Fine" minipulation get a bonus to things like lockpicking?
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